the pure in heart

[ði pjʊr ɪn hɑrt][ðə pjuə in hɑ:t]


  • No need to look back and explore hurriedly because the most pure smile exists in your heart .

    不必回眸,不必寻望,不必急急地探究,缘来,最 清澈的笑,从来都只存在

  • Both tone is harmonious this moment Che Mu and the vehicle unified whole outlines the resolute part pure in heart condition .

    两者色调和谐,此刻车模与车浑然一体,将 锐志部分 清心寡欲的状态勾勒出来。

  • Iceland : We never no what will happen in the next . well show out our pure love for anyone in our heart .

    我们永远不会知道未来将会发生什么。好吧,表达出我们最 真挚的爱意给我们 是人吧。

  • The clear pure light of the morning made me long for the truth in my heart which alone could make me pure and clear as the morning tune me up to the concert-pitch of the nature around me .

    早晨 纯洁之光,使我的 渴慕真理,惟有这种仰望真理之 ,能使我纯洁如早晨,使我和周围的自然交响乐和谐合拍起来。

  • Gu'cheng once wrote in the poem Found one key with the pure silver in our heart to open the door towards the heaven and face the mankind .

    顾城有句诗写道,“用 心中 纯银,铸一把钥匙,去开启天国的门,向着人类。”

  • The pure in heart see God today in three different ways .

    今天,有三种方式, 清心 可以看到神。

  • Dedicated handmade appliqu é which is manifested on the high-quality and pure cashmere embodies the personality and elegant pattern you imagined in your heart .

    精致的手工嵌花,被演绎在优质 纯正的羊绒上,您 心中想象的个性、优雅图案得以体现。

  • Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God .

    清心 人有福了!因为他们必得见神。

  • How do the pure in heart see God ?

    清心 怎样可以见到神?

  • Blessed are the pure in heart .

    心地 纯洁 人是有福的。

  • The simple grace is pure feeling of life growing in the deep heart .

    质朴 优雅,是根植 内心底处的生活 味。

  • What is dogma to the ordinary man is experience to the pure in heart .

    信条对于常人就如同经验对于 纯洁 心灵

  • Women is the pure water their tears in their heart which I have to raise my small village a beautiful smile as a duty-bound to flower lightly join the river .

    女人 似水,水的眼泪 心里,我给这曾经养育我的小村庄一个最美的微笑,义无反顾地如一片落花,轻轻投身河中。

  • Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God .

    被祝福的是 那些 心里 人,因为他们会看见神。