the other life

[ði ˈʌðər laɪf][ðə ˈʌðə(r laif]


  • In addition to the film other life is colorful if there is a holiday ?

    留言吧?除了电影 其它 生活也是丰富多彩的,如果有一个假期?

  • All the other phases of his life were neglected ; no one even bothered to teach him table manners .

    生活 其他方面全被忽视了;甚至没有人想到要教给他吃饭时应有的规矩。

  • Besides my goal in music I also want to become more well-rounded and more sensitive to the other pleasures of life .

    除了我的音乐目标外,我也想成更全面和更敏锐地体察 生活 其他乐趣。

  • On the other hand life on Earth is hardly dull but it is hard work to make progress and you have little time for personal pursuits .

    一方面,在地球上的 生活几乎是沉闷无趣的,需要努力工作去获得进步,你们几乎没有时间给个人的追求。

  • When you don 't feel loved enough by the significant other in your life your self-esteem suffers .

    当你无法在 生活中从你至关重要的 身上觉到被爱时,你的自信开始消失了。

  • Many people believe that liberty is the core political value of modern civilization itself the one that gives substance and form to all the other values of social life .

    有些人相信自由是现代文明本身的核心政治价值,它给予所有 其他社会 生活 价值以内容与形式。

  • The other lost his life to win the whole world 's faith .

    舍掉 生命却赢得世人的信靠。

  • This we must remember or we shall add to all the other burdens of life the gall of misinterpretation .

    这一点我们必须记得,否则我们 生活中会有 许多误解。

  • This enabled them to earn cash to pay for health care education and the other essentials of life which had been out of reach for so long .

    他们这才赚到钱,能够应付医疗、教育和 其他日常 生活的开支,以往这些都是遥不可及的。

  • The affair which move me most is those anti-earthquake relief volunteer of the Wen Chuan earth epicenters they be not afraid dangerous donate to pay a wealth save the other people 's life .

    最打动我的事情是汶川大地震中的那些抗震救灾志愿者,他们不怕危险、捐出钱财,挽救 别人 生命

  • There were two contents in it one was that the Tao was the ontology of universe the other was a life ideal realm the experience and comprehension on Tao .

    庄子之道有两个方面的含义:一、道是本根意义的宇宙本体,即老子的本体论之道。 、是一种 理想的人格境界,是对道的体悟。

  • The two other life forces for a reserve currency are sovereign credibility and power .

    储备货币 生命力 两项基本因素是主权信誉和实力。

  • And she saw the other 's life and it was sorrow and distress horror and wretchedness .

    她又看 一个 生命:它是忧愁和平困、苦难和悲哀的化身。

  • So keep putting one foot in front of the other and taking your life day by day .

    因此,不断推出在 其他战线一只脚,并采取白天你的 生活一天。

  • For us to protect nature respect nature respect the rights of other life on Earth is a wake-up call .

    对我们保护自然,尊重自然,尊重地球上 其他 生命 权利都是一个警醒。

  • When all of these good things enhance the other person 's life that person radiates those feelings giving birth to a new joy which can be shared by them both .

    当所有这些美好 情感感染人们的 生活,他们也会同样传播着这些情感,并带来新的快乐,被所有人共同分享。

  • Just what is going to become of each of us as we are beseeched to meet the omniscient presence on the Other Side of Life .

    刚才怎么回事,成为我们每个人,因为我们都是有点以满足无所不知 存在对 对方 生活方式。

  • They loved each other like brothers and each had saved the other 's life in the wars .

    他们相亲相爱有如兄弟,在战争中互相救过 彼此 性命

  • He tries to fall back on the other pleasure of life .

    他试图回到 生活 其他享乐之中。

  • Once more for those who willing to do Anything to earn MONEY ; even IF to hurt the others too ; that the act of appreciating the other 's life is also the act of appreciating yourself .

    再次,想和那些为了金钱而不择手段,甚至谋财害命的人说,珍惜 他人也是珍惜你自己, 生命只有一次,来之不易。

  • Road barrier life together let us in every possible way with the helpless they arrived with a heavy heart on the other side of life again .

    一道道生命的阻隔,让我们百般的无奈着,抵达 生命 彼岸便黯然起来了。

  • The farmer has always produced the foodstuffs to exchange with the city dweller for the other necessities of life .

    农民生产粮食,往往是为了同城市里的居民交换 别的 生活必需品。

  • You do little things for each other to make the other 's life easier .

    夫妻 人各自为对方做了一些力所能及的事可以让 彼此 生活更加舒适,更加从容。

  • All the other phases of his life were neglected ;

    生活 其他方面全被忽视了;

  • The other life is lived in computers .

    一个 活在电脑中。

  • During the other attempts onis life .

    生命受到威胁积极行动 人。

  • The other life is lived in computers where you go by hacker alias Neo .

    一个你活在电脑中, 使用的黑客代号是尼奥。

  • If there were the other life let us not to drink the Lethe Water will you ?

    如果有 来生,我们都不要喝孟婆汤,好吗?