the order of the day

[ði ˈɔrdɚ ʌv ði de][ðə ˈɔ:də ɔv ðə dei]


  • These are strange times in which we live and strange arrangements appear to be the order of the day .

    我们生活在这个光怪陆离的时代,各种奇怪的生活安排如今都 司空见惯

  • Mathematical knowledge is transmitted from teacher to pupil ; telling showing and explaining are the order of the day .

    数学知识由老师传授给学生, 讲解、演示和分析是通常 做法。

  • Good behaviour must be the order of the day when the school inspector comes .


  • Justice and not revenge need to be the order of the day if Libya is not to come to resemble the civil war of post-Saddam Iraq in the first instance or the chaos and terrorism of Somalia and Yemen .

    如果利比亚不希望立刻陷入萨达姆倒台后伊拉克发生的那种内战,或者索马里与也门的混乱与恐怖主义,那么法律而非复仇必须成为 日常治理 法则

  • Did you feel you needed to make an acquisition - for instance Amex - early in your tenure to show that expansion was still the order of the day ?

    你是否觉得有必要在任期之初通过一项收购例如,收购美国交易所(Amex)来表明扩张仍是 当下 风尚呢?

  • Dinner jackets are the order of the day for the annual ball .

    穿上晚礼服 参加一年一度的舞会已 时尚。

  • Economic stimulus is the order of the day .

    经济刺激已 蔚然成风

  • Permissiveness became the order of the day .

    性放纵成了一时 风尚

  • Cuts will also be the order of the day in Britain .

    在英国,缩减开支也将是 当务之急

  • Geographic expansion is now the order of the day .

    向国外市场扩张如今已是 每天 例行 工作

  • Individual companies have drawn lessons from the crisis but common efforts to reform the financial system are the order of the day .

    每家公司都从此次危机中得到了教训,但共同努力 进行金融体系的改革是 目前 使命之所在。

  • Methods were the order of the day .

    方法是 排序

  • Spontaneous vacations will be the order of the day and the traveller in you will love this .

    给自己放个假将是你生活 要求,你内在 那个旅行者会喜欢的。

  • Expect that assumption to be the order of the day when the markets open tomorrow .

    预计 明天股票 交易市场打开时。

  • It would surely be much more rational if conversation instead of dancing made the order of the day .

    你如果能 日程改 改,用谈话来代替跳舞 那一定有意思得多。

  • Excessive worrying about an elusive public image was the order of the day .

    过分为一个朝生暮死的公众形象担心就是 今天 风尚

  • Volatility is the order of the day in the stock market . Dynamic Compensation Controller Based on the Floating-Point DSP

    上下浮动是股票市场 整天的特点基于浮点DSP的抽油机动态补偿控制器

  • Patience is the order of the day for parents .

    耐心 父母来说,是 头等 大事

  • Trousers are the order of the day for women when traveling now .

    妇女出门旅行时,目前 时兴穿裤子。

  • Whatever is done about the financial system deleveraging is the order of the day ( see chart ) .

    无论已经对金融体系采取了何种措施,“去杠杆化”仍是 当务之急(见图表)。

  • Happy is the order of the day for yourself but never put your happy on others suffering .

    永远以自己 幸福为 前提,但是永远不要把自己的幸福建立在别人的痛苦上。

  • Interesting projects with high-profile clients are the order of the day .

    有趣的课程计划加上出色的客户 重要的。

  • Football is the order of the day too with German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder who missed the first half of germany 's match against Cameroon to meet with the visiting Sultan of brunei .

    对于德国总理施罗德来说 足球也成了 世界杯期间他 生活中不可或缺的一部分。但是因为要会见到访的文莱苏丹,他错过了德国对喀麦隆的上半场比赛。

  • Now caution might be the order of the day for you .


  • Co-ordination and mutual help between factories has become the order of the day .

    厂际协作和互相帮助已 蔚然成风

  • Widespread deleveraging is thus still the order of the day .

    因此,去杠杆 操作 目前仍十分普遍。

  • Compromise will be the order of the day .

    折衷将是 头等 大事

  • Hand-outs were issued to the delegates giving the order of the day for each session of the conference .

    新闻通报已印发给各位代表,上面有大会每次会议 议事日程

  • White grecian gowns appeared to be the order of the day as Sienna Miller proved in this elegant dress .

    西耶娜·米勒的这条雅致长裙证明了白色希腊款礼服是当下 流行 款式。