the whole shoot

[ði hol ʃut][ðə həul ʃu:t]


  • The ~ ( 15 ) N in the perennial branch was rapidly transferred to the new growth in spring During shoot rapid-growing period 53 . 3 % of the total ~ ( 15 ) N in the whole tree was recovered in the long shoot .

    春季多年生枝中的~(15)N向新生器官迁移最快,至新 速长期树体内53.3%的~(15)N分布于 长枝中;

  • The mean values of P efficiency P utilization efficiency and P uptake efficiency of the above 9 maize inbred lines were 53.95 ( whole plant ) and 42.61 ( shoot ); 131.84 ( whole plant ) and 124.45 ( shoot ); 0.41 respectively .

    结果表明,9种玉米基因型的磷效率,磷利用效率和磷吸收效率的平均值分别为53.95( 全株)和42.61( 上部)、131.84(全株)和124.45(地上部)、0.41。

  • For the whole roots system the roots color got dark and the new roots reduced even died or rotted . And this could affect the growth of shoot .

    整个根系来说:新根少,颜色变深,甚至于死根烂根,从而影响 上部的生长。

  • The IED is the important spare part and is applied very extensively in carrier rocket and guided missiles . The quality problem of any IED may cause the whole failure for shoot and results in huge economy lose and important political influence .

    火工品(IED)作为重要零件在运载火箭及导弹中的应用十分广泛,任一火工品的质量问题都可能导致 整个 发射 失败,造成巨大的经济损失和重大的政治影响。

  • The significance of human surmount that is the whole shoot of human self .

    人类的意义就是超越 一切人类自身。

  • Assessment of the whole shoot leaf area on basis of single leaf area estimates of Salix viminalis during the first growing season

    按单叶叶面积估测法评估蒿柳(Salix viminalisL.)第一生长季 叶面积

  • Effects of crown gal I on the contents and distributions of whole nitrogen and phosphorus in late growth and dormant period of rootstocks Consistently higher concentrations of N and P occurred in shoot tumors on pot cherry rootstocks compared to nontumorous shoot tissue .

    根癌病对树体生长后期和休眠期氮磷含量及分配 影响盆栽樱桃砧木新 瘿瘤中,氮、磷含量明显高于 冠瘿瘤所着生的枝条;

  • The symptom can be classified into the yellows of shoot and whole plant died shoot and whole plant .

    症状主要表现为嫩 黄化、 株黄化、梢头枯死和全株枯死。

  • The results were as follows : ( 1 ) Leaf length × leaf width was the best parameter to estimate single leaf area while shoot length × number of leaves on the shoot could predict leaf area of the whole shoot .

    结果表明:(1)叶长×叶宽(L×W)与单叶叶面积相关性最大;茎长×茎上叶片数(LS×NL)测定 叶面积较为 适宜