wrist joints

[医] 腕关节

  • Objective In order to confirm the value of high resolution ultrasound and Doppler techniques in rheumatoid arthritis the ultrasonography characteristics and blood flow situations in the joints including knee elbow wrist joints were checked by ultrasonography and Doppler ultrasound .

    目的本研究应用高分辨力超声及多普勒超声技术,观察类风湿关节炎(RA)膝关节、肘、 关节超声声像特点及血流动力学特点,探讨超声检查在RA诊断中的价值。

  • The wrist joints of tossing arm have great activity which can cause spinning in tossing and influence the ball control .

    研究对象抛球臂在抛球过程 关节变化较大, 关节活动过大会使抛球产生旋转,影响对抛球的控制。

  • Simultaneous swelling in knee wrist and ankle were observed in 18 cases out of 25 . Swelling of 2nd and 3rd metacarpophalangeal joints and interphalangeal joints were found in 13 patients whose wrist were involved .

    25例中18例同时出现膝、 、踝关节肿胀,在腕关节的病例中13例合并2、3掌指 关节及指间关节肿胀;

  • The sports injuries of the knee waist shoulder and wrist joints have refernce to technician characteristics of the badminton .

    膝、腰、肩、 腕部损伤与本项目运动特点有关。

  • The result showed that tennis injuries were mainly joint twist distributing mainly in wrist elbow shoulder and ankle joints .

    结果发现,大学生网球运动损伤多以关节扭伤为主,集中在 人体 、肘、肩及踝 关节

  • Joints were observed including wrist knee and ankle joints for both sides .

    被观察关节包括 关节、膝关节和踝 关节,均进行双侧观察。

  • It causes high fevers and severe pain in ankle and wrist joints .

    它会导致高烧和严重的踝关节和 关节剧痛。

  • The specific symptoms of RA is the polyarthritis of the hands wrist and foot joint symmetry and it can also happened in knee hip and other large joints .

    具体症状表现为双手、 和足关节的对称性多关节炎,亦可累及膝、髋等大 关节

  • Using spiral computed tomograph to scan both wrist joints and obtain geometric data which importing data by means of DICOM to personal computer and reconstructing three-dimensional stereo-models of scaphoid by MIMICS software .

    采用螺旋CT机扫描双侧 关节,获取的几何数据以DICOM格式导入个人电脑,用三维重建软件MIMICS重建腕舟骨实体模型。

  • A Study Comparing Radiography and MRI on Wrist Joints in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

    类风湿 关节的X线与磁共振影像对比研究

  • In present for the knee hip and wrist joints such as the research of the denervation see more but for the carpometacarpal joint less .

    目前国内外对膝、髋、 关节的去神经支配疗法研究多见,但对第一腕掌关节炎的去神经支配术研究较少。

  • The main injured parts were ankles legs lower back knee joints fingers and wrist joints in which the ankle was129 ( 57.3 % ) .

    运动损伤的部位主要集中在踝关节、腿部、腰部、膝关节、手指和 关节等部位,其中踝关节损伤129例,占57.3%。

  • The positive rate of two imaging methods in wrist and MCP and all the hand joints the difference was not statistically significant ; in PIP was statistical significances . 1 .

    5.25例RA早期患者, 关节、MCP和全部手 关节的两种影像学检查阳性率,差异无统计学意义;PIP阳性率差异有统计学意义。

  • Then the general scheme is ascertained through the comparison between the robot arm and wrist structures and then connection rod sizes and scope of joints are defined .

    结合装校作业的实际情况,通过对机器人手臂和 手腕结构的比较确定出了机器人的总体方案并确定了机器人的连杆尺寸和 关节 运动范围。

  • Objective To explore the curative effect of reconstructing shoulder or wrist joints with vascularized proximal fibula graft .

    目的探讨带血管蒂的近段腓骨移植重建肩、 关节的疗效。

  • MethodsAnatomy observation was performed at10 adult cadaver samples ( 20 wrist joints ) to study the correct points for injection .

    方法对10具成人防腐固定标本(20例 关节)进行解剖学结构观察,确定准确性的封闭点;

  • Good design makes users get the best degree of tightening which can be effective in preventing wrist joints from injuries in sports .

    能有效预防 关节 韧带损伤,可以缓解已损伤 疼, 加速 康复。适用于各种运动。

  • Conclusion Transplanting vessel anastomosing proximal fibula is an ideal method for the treatment of bone defect caused by giant cell tumor of bone of proximal humerus or distal radius and the reconstruction of shoulder or wrist joints .

    结论带血管蒂近段腓骨移植是治疗肱骨近端和桡骨远端肿瘤切除后骨缺损和重建肩、 关节的理想方法。

  • The structure consists of one wrist one palm and three fingers with three joints respectively .

    设计出包含1个 手腕、1个手掌、3个手指、每指3个 关节 机械结构。

  • Methods The biceps brachii and flexors of forearm were stimulated by FNS to obtain the predictive joint angles . The number of angle sensors in elbow and wrist joints was acted as the criterion of feedback .

    方法FNS刺激肱二头肌和前臂屈肌,以预期关节角度为目标,以肘关节和 关节的角度传感器数值为反馈标准。

  • High-resolution ultrasonography for synovitis of knee elbow wrist joints in rheumatoid arthritis

    高分辨力超声检查在类风湿关节炎膝肘 关节滑膜炎的应用

  • The serum level of IP-10 was negatively correlated with X-ray image grade of hand and wrist joints .

    血清 IP-10水平与手 关节X线影像学分期呈负相关。

  • Approach to the X-ray Measurement of the Wrist Joints of the Students of the Physical Education Department

    体育系学生 关节的X线测量研究

  • Touch : temporal regions : cervical spine : ear hind wrist joints .

    触诊:颞区:颈椎:耳后、 关节

  • Methods : The intact dry radius specimens ( or wrist joints of cadaver samples ) of Chinese adults were collected from the skeletons preserved in the hermetic boxes by the Department of Anatomy School of Basic Medical Sciences Southern Medical University China .

    方法:由南方医科大学基础医学院解剖学教研室提供的完整中国成人干燥 桡骨标本(或经福尔马林固定的前臂标本)被集中收集保存在一个密闭的盒子中。

  • Methods Completely removing tumor segment and surrounding reactive tissue in patients with giant cell tumor of bone of proximal humerus or distal radius reconstructing shoulder or wrist joints with vessel anastomosing proximal fibula .

    方法对近端肱骨和桡骨远端骨巨细胞瘤病例彻底切除瘤段骨及周围反应组织,采用带血管蒂的游离近段腓骨移植重建肩关节和 关节