


  • Beautiful is thy wristlet decked with stars and cunningly wrought in myriad-coloured jewels .

    你的 手镯 是美丽,镶着星辰,精巧地嵌着五光十色的珠宝。

  • Thirty - five children in Group B 3 were treated by internal fixation in the fracture of ulna and external fixation by wristlet after manual reduction in the dislocation of head of radius .

    B组35例尺骨骨折采用 开放复位内固定,桡骨头手法复位后 肘部护腕固定;

  • There is also a silver calfskin wristlet strap adorned with Silver Shade Crystal Mesh and a palladium Swarovski medallion .

    银色小牛皮 绳上配上银色魅影水晶网布和一枚镀钯色施华洛世奇徽章。

  • Jacky Cheung has been seen in many occasions dressed in black and wearing a black wristlet in memory of the quake victims .

    张学友已经在许多场 合身穿黑色 、套黑色 护腕,以此 纪念地震灾民。

  • This red wristlet of silk has been sacralized by Buddhist Trinity .

    这条红色的 腕饰是由三世佛所加持过的。