wireless set

[ˈwaɪrlɪs sɛt][ˈwaɪəlɪs set]


  • Design and Realization of Wireless Data Set Simulation Unit

    一种 无线仿真单体的设计与实现

  • An old army wireless set

    一台旧的军用 无线电 收音机

  • The scheme uses mobility predication and passive reservation to make advanced reservation of wireless resource in a set of cells where mobile node will soon enter and uses control scheme for wireless access network handoff to increase the probability of successful handoff .

    该方案采用移动预测和被动预留技术在移动节点可能进入的 蜂窝内提前 预留资源,并通过无线接入网部分的切换控制,提高切换成功的概率。

  • The storage unit is related to the code of the wireless set and its comfort degree .

    而存储单元和 无线电 收音机编码以及舒适度- 无线电收音机编码均有着联系!

  • Bhutan has a manually operated system in the eastern Luana lake area with two staff members equipped with a wireless set and a satellite telephone to relay messages .

    不丹在东Luana湖地区拥有一套人工操作系统,由两名配备 无线电 设备和卫星电话的职员来传递消息。

  • Wireless sensors set up a bridge between real world and virtual world after analyzing and processing related information which is gathered from monitored targets user policies are issued to the corresponding sensor nodes .

    无线传感器在现实世界与虚拟世界中 搭建起一座桥梁,它收集监测目标的相关信息后进行分析处理,并将用户策略下发到相应的传感器节点。

  • The Smiths had bought themselves a wireless set .

    史密斯家里买了一台 收音机

  • I turned on my small wireless set shortly after the nine o'clock news had started .

    我在九点钟的新闻节目开始后不久,就拧开我的 无线电收音机

  • With the development of Internet especially the development of wireless technology the set model of IHN ( Intelligent Home Networks ) has become various .

    随着Internet技术的发展,尤其是 无线网络技术的发展,智能家庭网络( IHN,IntelligentHomeNetworks)的组网模式呈现出多样性。

  • Verizon Wireless is allegedly set to change its pricing structure for mobile data plans as the company transitions to the4G LTE standard according to a Washington Post report .

    据《华盛顿邮报》报道, Verizon公司网络升级为4GLTE网络之后,有可能会采用新的 无线互联网收费标准进行收费。

  • This design uses a wireless data transmission set precise temperature measurement RS-232 bus temperature limit alarm into one accurate and timely on-line monitoring the temperature of High Voltage Switchgear connectors to ensure the safe of power systems operation .

    本设计采用 无线数据传输, 精确测温、RS-232总线、温度越限报警于一体,能准确、及时的在线监测高压开关柜接头的温度,保证了电力系统的安全运行。

  • This transistor wireless set is the last word in technical skill .

    这个半导体 收音机是技术方面的最新成就。

  • Attention : any operation on the storage unit of the wireless set is forbidden by means of the diagnostic communication .

    在此需引起注意的是,不允许通过诊断功能对 无线电 收音机的存储单元 执行任何操作。

  • However more multi-antenna RF link are required in the wireless MIMO communication system set which not only potentially increases the hardware costs but also increases the complexity of the system .

    然而, 无线MIMO通信系统的多天线 设置要求更多的射频链路,无形中增加了系统的硬件成本,也加大了系统的复杂度。

  • Around the above content this paper mainly completed the work : 1 . Use Web Service wireless network technology and set up the mechanism of communication interface between the server discuss communication protocol and resolve data package . 2 .

    围绕上述内容,本文主要完成了以下工作:1、使用 无线网络WEBService技术,构建 Android 终端和服务器之间 建立通信接口机制,约定通信协议格式,完成对数据的打包与解析。

  • Disconnect the unit from the wall outlet . You should disconnect the wireless set before you make adjustments inside it .

    请把机器电源线插头从墙上拔下来。你应先拔掉 无线电 插头,再做内部调整。

  • In wireless networks Connected Dominating Set is usually used to construct the virtue backbone so as to provide effective communication infrastructure for broadcast and routing .

    连通支配 被用于构建 无线网络中的虚拟骨干网,从而为网络中的广播和路由等操作提供一个有效的通信基础。

  • You should disconnect the wireless set before you make adjustments inside it . Plug the in-vehicle temperature sensor wire harness connector into the instrument panel wire harness .

    你应先拔掉 无线电 插头,再做内部调整。插车内温度感知器线束接头进仪表板线束接头。

  • Wireless Communication Test Set probably appears internal and external signal loss in the production process which sent the pre-market instrument calibration so that can satisfy the customers ' requirements .

    由于 终端综合测试 在生产过程中,会出现内部和外部的信号损失,所以在发放市场前,要对仪器进行校准,使其符合指标,满足用户需求。

  • Therefore it is essential for finishing the design arrangement and optimization administration to learn the characteristic of the wireless wave and to set up a right wireless propagation model to be applicable various circumstances .

    因此,了解 无线电波的传播特性并针对各种环境 建立合适的电波传播模型,对于完成一个无线通信系统的规划、布设和优化管理是必不可少的前提。

  • The article introduces the basic concept and characteristic of Bluetooth and discusses the method of making use of Bluetooth mobile phone and wireless connection of computer to set up more of the temporary ticket office .

    本文介绍蓝牙(Bluetooth)技术的基本概念和一些技术特征,讨论了利用蓝牙手机和电脑的蓝牙 无线连接功能实现 增设临时售票网点。

  • Research on Using the Wireless Network to Set up Agricultural Virtual Reality Technology

    采用 无线建立农业虚拟现实技术的研究

  • The high-performance digital IF system is a key component in the TD-LTE wireless test set it mainly completes IF signal processing in transmit and receive link .

    高性能数字中频系统是 TD-LTE综测 中的关键组件之一,主要作用是完成中频信号的收发处理。

  • Besides this he used part of an old army wireless set and some bits of wood .

    除此之外,他还利用了一部分旧的军用 无线电 发报机的一部分零件和一些木片。

  • Press the button on the bottom of the wireless mouse now to set the mouse / receiver transmission codes .

    无线鼠标底部的按钮即可 设置鼠标/接收器传输代码。

  • Using ultrasonic radio positioning technology the wireless sensor networks is set up to realize the localization . It possesses such advantages as simple structure easy realization and not requiring clock synchronization .

    该系统采用超声波和无线电相结合的定位技术 组建 无线传感器网络来实现定位,系统结构简单,实现容易,无需时钟同步。

  • Wireless adapters were set as the same properties as the routers at the terminal mobile equipments .

    在用户终端设置 无线适配器, 设置为与路由器相同的SSID、频道和加密属性。

  • The on-the-spot noxious gas monitoring instrument focuses on the software and hardware design of gathering parameters and temperature of industrial field setting parameters storing data and manipulating wireless modem to set up wireless link .

    现场有害气体环境监测仪软硬件设计包括工业参数采集、温度采集、参数设置、数据存储及操作 无线 传输模块 建立无线链路。