wireless telegraph

[ˈwaɪrlɪs ˈtɛlɪˌɡræf][ˈwaɪəlɪs ˈtelɪˌgræf]

[电] 无线电报

  • Research on the Development of Wireless Communication from Telegraph to Mobile Phone in the Perspective of Sociology of Technology

    无线 电报到移动通信的技术社会学研究

  • A European body has ruled that mobile phones and computers with wireless Internet connections pose a risk to human health and should be banned from schools the Daily Telegraph reports .

    英国每日 电讯 报道,某欧洲机构认定手机及可 无线上网的电脑对人体健康有危害,表示应禁止将其带进学校。

  • At present only music was coming out of it but there was a possibility that at any moment there might be a special bulletin from the Ministry of Peace . When Marconi invented his wireless telegraph he never imagined broadcast radio .

    目前只有音乐,但很可能随时会广播和平部的特别公报。当马可尼发明 无线 电报的时候,他从未想到以后会出现无线电广播。

  • Guglielmo Marconi of Italy invents wireless telegraph .

    意大利人古格列尔莫.马可尼发明 无线 电报