the pick of

[ði pɪk ʌv][ðə pik ɔv]


  • He is closely related to Du Fu in carrying the pick of Chinese ancient poems .

    中国古典诗歌 传承上,他与 杜甫有着密切的联系。

  • We had the pick of suits from the shop .

    我们 了店里最好的套装。

  • This Australian wine is the pick of the bunch .

    这种澳大利亚葡萄酒是 最好的葡萄酒。

  • Additional benefits included lower exposure to highly hazardous insecticides especially for the women who pick most of the cotton by hand .

    其他的好处还包括人们接触高危杀虫剂的机会减少了,尤其是那些大部分靠手工 棉花 妇女。

  • I must find the pick guy after I out of the exit .

    顺利出关,得找 我的 那个哥们了。

  • The France midfielder was considered to be the pick of the players born after 1 January 1993 at this World Cup .

    这位法国 中卫被公认为本届杯赛上1993年1月1日以后出生的年轻球员的杰出代表。

  • There were many amusing entries but the pick of the bunchcame from John robinson .

    有许多有趣的参赛作品,但最好 是约翰 罗宾孙的。

  • I got the pick of the litter .

    我连垃圾都得 着。

  • Wells Fargo is the pick of the large US banks with an 11 per cent share price decline .

    富国银行(wells fargo)是 美国大型银行中的精英,股价仅下跌了11%。

  • Would you like to try MaoTai – the best Chinese spirits ? This Australian wine is the pick of the bunch .

    您想尝尝中国最好的酒&茅台酒吗?这种澳大利亚葡萄酒是 最好的葡萄酒。

  • They are all good typists but Maria is the pick of the bunch .

    她们都是打字 好手,但玛丽亚是她们中最好

  • The boys here are the pick of the under-15 cricketers in the country

    这儿的男孩是全国15岁以下板球手中的 佼佼者

  • You two bozos wanna steal the pick of destiny .

    你们两个傻瓜如果要偷宿命 拨片

  • I watched every game of the World Cup and Craig was the pick of the bunch .

    我观看了世界杯的每场比赛, 克雷格 表现最出色的。

  • I was the first to arrive at the inn and got the pick of rooms .

    我第一个到达旅馆,可以 任意 选择房间。

  • Do you know where I can find the pick of destiny ?

    你知道我可以在哪里找到命运 拨片吗?

  • Howard the No.29 pick of the2003 draft has been the key piece : The Mavs are ranked higher defensively No.3 in opponents'scoring ( 92.2 ppg ) than offensively .

    2003年第29顺位新秀Howard就是关键部分:小牛的防守排名限制对手得分排在第3名(场均 92.2分)比进攻还高。

  • I really have a yen for a nice juicy apple . The pears in this basket are the pick of the bunch : sweet juicy and delicious .

    我真想吃一只 味甜多汁的苹果。这篮里的梨是一批中最好的,美味多汁,香甜可口。

  • The pears in this basket are the pick of the bunch : sweet juicy and delicious .

    这篮里的梨是一批中 最好的,美味多汁,香甜可口。

  • The question is whether she is the right pick for the rest of us .

    但现在的问题是,她对于我们其余 人而言是否是正确的 人选

  • The Best Pick of Operating Conditions of Extracting Rutin of Supersonic Method

    超声法提取芦丁操作条件 最佳 选择

  • I think we got the pick of the bunch .

    我认为我们得到了其中 极品

  • Testing method for wet bursting strength of paper and paper board Pick tester : An instrument which measures the pick resistance of paper through the use of inks having known degrees of tack .

    瓦楞纸耐破度的测定法剥纸测试机:用已知粘度的油墨测量纸张表面 纸抗力的仪器。

  • I tried to get the pick of destiny once .

    我曾经想要得到命运 拨片

  • Let 's begin with the first pick of the2004 draft .

    让我们 2004 状元秀开始。

  • Chinese Wushu is the pick of the basket in traditional athletic culture derived and developed from ancient Chinese military craft .

    中华武术是从我国古代军事技艺中衍生并发展起来的一 传统体育 奇葩

  • The winner has first pick of the prizes .

    胜者有 选择奖品的优先权。

  • Jones and Howard were definitely the pick of the bunch .

    琼斯和霍华德两人绝对是 的。

  • Brown 25 is easily the Lakers'biggest enigma . At6-foot-11 pounds the No.1 overall pick of the2001 NBA draft has all the physical tools to be a dominating force .

    布朗,25岁,无疑是湖人最大的迷,拥有6尺 11270磅身材的他, 2001年NBA选秀的状元,当时被认为拥有统治力所具备的任何身体条件。