


  • Between the theatrics there were also some amazingly covetable draped gowns in sugarplum white and peach .


  • The paper attempts to shed light on the director 's coordination and participation in the four important parts namely playwriting performance theatrics and music so as to embody the new connotation of director centralism in the creation of traditional opera of New Era .

    本文主要阐述导演对编剧、表演、 舞美、音乐四个主要部门的协调与参与,来体现导演中心制在新时期戏曲创作过程中的新内涵。

  • But for all the theatrics and cases launched by the KACC none of the major investigations over the past year have amounted to any significant convictions .

    然而,对于肯尼亚反腐败委员会所有这些作秀般的 表演以及查出的案件来说,过去一年所有的重大调查中没有一个导致对任何官员的定罪。

  • The NBA gained popularity decades ago because of the dazzling plays at the rim when players aggressively attacked the rim and finished with high-wire theatrics .

    几十年来,NBA靠的是眼花缭乱的进攻吸引了越来越多的观众,观众 喜欢的是球员积极进攻并在高空完成精彩 表演

  • So your publisher actually condones these theatrics ?

    你的出版商不在意你的这些 夸张 演出

  • Political theatrics aside the modern presidency is an enormously taxing position and we have to be realistic about how much reading a president can accomplish in August or any other month .

    撇开政治 做秀不谈,现代的总统职位是个非常累人的职位,对于总统在8月以及其他月份能读完多少书,我们必须现实一些。

  • Indeed the clothes while sometimes shrouded by the high-tech runway theatrics were ultimately strangely practical especially the easy-to-wear dresses and blousons .

    确实,这次展示的服装,尽管有时候笼罩在高科技的舞台 效果中,却奇怪地实用到了极点,特别是那些成衣 裙装和上衣。

  • Certainly amateur theatrics had helped his legal career .

    业余的 戏剧 表演 艺术确实有助于他的法律职业。

  • If the theatrics are supposed to scare me .

    如果 是想吓吓我的话。

  • I 'm sorry about the theatrics but we had no choice .

    我很抱歉, 可也 无选择。

  • Though she writes her own material she is as focused on visual theatrics fashion and global appeal as she is on the music .

    尽管她也自己写歌写 ,但是当她 表演 时候,在视觉 效果、流行时尚以及全球范围内的吸引力方面,她仍然是焦点。

  • Italian theatrics aside the vote today and its outcome are really just one of the many sideshows in the long-running European sovereign debt crisis .

    撇开意大利 大戏不谈,周二的投票及其结果只是旷日持久的欧洲主权债务危机众多插曲中的一个。

  • Brecht 's theory of alienation effect consists not only in its theatrics but also in its politics .

    布莱希特陌生化理论除了包含 戏剧本身的 层面 之外,还有其政治的 层面

  • If the theatrics of the past half year were merely a warm-up they have not been without cost .

    就算过去半年中 形势 戏剧性 演变是一个 序曲,它们也并不是没有代价的。

  • The show has received positive critical appreciation with critics complimenting her vocal clarity and fashion sense as well as her ability to pull off theatrics like a professional artist .

    目前该巡回演唱会好评 如潮,评论大都赞美她的声音美妙,服装充满时尚感以及她 过人 表演能力, 甚至一个 著名的专业 戏剧评论家都给予了高度赞赏。

  • Despite these dark theatrics she 's become a darling of mainstream radio by drawing from Madonna 's playbook with thumping dance beats a shape-shifting image and a playful obsession with celebrity .

    这些黑色 戏剧化的表现手段并没有妨碍她通过借鉴麦当娜的成功秘笈,包括跳跃的舞曲节奏、多变的形像和假意痴迷名人的态度而成为主流电台的宠儿。

  • ' She 's very vaudevillian 'says an admiring Alice Cooper the rocker whose history of stage theatrics includes simulated decapitations .

    “她非常会玩花样,”对Gaga赞赏有加的摇滚歌手艾利斯•库柏表示。库柏曾在舞台上 表演“斩首”。

  • You ready for a little bit of theatrics ?

    你准备好 演出 了吗?