The Yard


  • At Ieast you kept them in the yard this time .

    至少这次你把他们留在了 院子

  • He and Hannah had been scuffling in the yard outside his house .

    他和汉娜一直在他房外 院子 扭打。

  • They play under trees in the yard and by the pool .

    他们在树下玩耍,在 院子 玩耍和在池塘旁玩耍。

  • Can you help me into the yard ? my football has been kicked into it .

    你能帮助我进 院子吗?我的球被踢了进去。

  • The fence kept the dog in the yard .

    栅栏把狗圈在了 院子

  • The gate admits to the yard .

    这门通向 院子

  • After raining I always hose the yard out .

    雨后,我总是用软管 院子冲干净。

  • He cleared all the stones from the yard .

    他把 院子 所有的石块都清除了。

  • They were still doing wild acrobatics in the yard turning somersaults and cartwheels .

    他们还在 院子 一通杂耍,翻着跟头,玩着侧手翻。

  • Can I go play in the yard ?

    我可以到 院子去玩吗?

  • He walked out to the yard again .

    他又一次走到他的 场地 了。

  • The yard is full of weeds but the house itself is in good condition .

    院子 杂草丛生,但房子本身完好无损。

  • The yard held a few straggly bushes .

    庭院 有几处蔓生的灌木丛。

  • The dog got out of the yard through a hole in the fence .

    那条狗 院子篱笆的一个窟窿里钻了出去。

  • The grass in the yard was waist high

    院子 的草有齐腰高。

  • At the very back of the yard several feet from Lenny was a wooden shack

    院子 最后面离伦尼几英尺远的地方有一个小木屋。

  • Slinkingly he built a fence around the yard to keep them out .

    偷偷地,他 院子 四周围上了围栏防止他们出来。

  • I saw him standing in the yard .

    我看到他站在 院子

  • Mother told Tom to sweep away the dead leaves in the yard but he tried to beg off .

    妈妈要汤姆打扫 庭院 的落叶,可他却极力请求别叫他干这件事。

  • I nodded and swung the gate open to let him in the yard .

    我点点头,把门打开让他进了 院子

  • The yard needs to be done out thoroughly .


  • Don 't throw the slops in the yard .

    别把脏水泼 院子

  • The yard is fenced in .


  • I can handle the yard .

    我会 院子 弄好

  • The van bumped and heaved out of the yard .

    旅行汽车颠簸了一下,冲出了 院子

  • He was frog-marched through the kitchen and out into the yard

    他被扭住双臂强推着走过厨房,来到 院子

  • I weed the yard .


  • The moon cast a bright light over the yard

    明亮的月光洒在 院子

  • There is a mass of stones in the yard .

    院子 堆放着一大堆石头。