the same as

[ði sem æz][ðə seim æz]


  • A : Tt 's the same as I had expected .

    我预料 一样

  • I mean it 's a relationship the same as a marriage is a relationship

    我的意思是它是一种人际关系,就 如同婚姻也是一种人际关系 一样

  • At 62 years old her voice sounded just the same as it did when she was 21 .

    她62岁了,但嗓音还 21岁时 一模一样

  • The landscape is just the same as before .

    风景 依然

  • The cause of each is the same as it is with SAX .

    的原因与SAX中 相同

  • There are so many chain stores around that the shops in one town are often exactly the same as the shops in another .

    到处都是连锁店,所以各个城镇的商店常常完全 一样

  • The two brothers look and speak the same as each other .

    这两兄弟长得一模一样,说起话来 一模一样

  • My stand on this is just the same as it was four years ago .

    我对此事的立场 4年前的 无异

  • The process for the design and development of composite applications is the same as any other application development process .

    设计和开发复合应用程序的过程 其他应用程序开发过程是 一样

  • Modelling yourself on someone you admire is not the same as aping all they say or do .

    以偶像 榜样并不是说要模仿他们的 一言一行

  • I want to go home having won a game of football the same as you leave the ground and you want to go away with your team having won

    你希望离开赛场的时候自己的球队取得了胜利, 同样我也想赢了一场球赛再回家。

  • Battery charging systems remain basically the same as those in use half a century ago .

    电池充电系统 半个世纪前基本上没什么 区别

  • On the server the subscription and event handling are the same as for system-defined events .

    在服务器上,订阅和事件处理对系统定义的事件是 一样的。

  • I had to remind myself that being confident is not the same as being perfect !

    我得提醒自己表现得自信 表现得完美并不是 回事

  • Our job today is the same as before .

    今天的活儿跟 往常 一样

  • The tune is basically the same as the old one but considerably jazzed up .

    调子基本还是老 调子,但已在很大程度上转变 爵士乐风格。

  • The result is the same as the sg_map tool reports .

    结果和sgmap工具报告 一样

  • You select a destination in a selector the same as your would for a rule group .

    您在选择器中选择的目标 为规则组中选择 相同

  • Driving a boat is not the same as driving a car

    驾船 开车不是 回事

  • The essential technique for using pseudo is the same as that used for fakeroot in its default use case .

    pseudo使用的基本技术 在默认用例中fakeroot使用 技术 相同

  • His wind-breaker is the same as yours .

    他的风衣和你 一样

  • 缒 is the same as 锤 .

    “缒” “锤”。

  • The arguments are-mattcolor and-frame instead of-bordercolor and-border but the rest is the same as with the border command .

    用参数-mattcolor和-frame替换了-bordercolor和-border,不过其余部分与border命令 相同

  • Can I have the same as that ?

    我想要 那个 一样的。

  • Integers and most integer operations are the same as in other languages .

    整数和大多数整数操作与其他语言 相同

  • It 's the same as killing one 's own father .


  • They began to want their father to be the same as other daddies

    他们开始希望他们的父亲能 别人的老爸 一样

  • The weather of this year is not the same as that of the past years .

    今年的气候同往年不 一样