the species

[ði ˈspiʃiz][ðə ˈspi:ʃi:z]


  • The annual plants dominated the species and soil seed density during sand dune succession process .

    土壤种子库 物种 组成和种子密度均以一年生植物为主。

  • With the increase of N addition both the species richness and the diversity decreased .

    随着氮素水平的增加,群落中 物种丰富度减小, 物种多样性降低;

  • This forgetting seems to serve that survival of the individual and the species .

    因此,遗忘看起来有助于个体和 物种的生存。

  • Study and protection of the species resources in this region are related to the environment safety and the stability of sustain development of economy in it .

    科学价值、环境意义都十分重要,尤其是对该区域 物种资源的研究与保护,关系到区域环境安全与经济可持续发展的稳定。

  • The species differ in their behavior and coloration .

    不同 鱼种 行为和颜色各不相同。

  • The complex and varied conditions of blasting and explosives with the species has its specific purpose .

    工程爆破的条件复杂多样,不同 品种炸药都有它特定的用途。

  • The procedure of exporting germplasm should therefore be specific to the species .

    出口种质的程序因此也应当详细精确地 分门别类

  • The species whereto this name might be better applied .

    那个 物种,这个名字也许用得更恰当。

  • Methods The species of mosquito collected from different areas of the region were identified .

    方法借鉴 有关 类调查资料,结合本地区地理概况进行综合分析。

  • Objective To understand the species diversity of ectoparasites on Niviventer confucianus in the surrounding areas of Erhai Lake .

    目的调查云南省洱海周边地带社鼠体表寄生虫 多样性。

  • Methods To investigate the species and density of rodents in different habitats in Guangzhou city .

    方法对各种环境现场调查 进行分析及数量统计。

  • Among the species whose names have been'sold'in this way are orchids frogs and insects from Bolivia Madagascar and the Philippines .

    其中以这种方式“售卖”名字 物种有玻利维亚、马达加斯加和菲律宾的兰花、青蛙和昆虫。

  • Objective : in order to provide scientific basis for the species systematics and quality evaluation of Chinese drug tougucao the comparative studies on antiinflammatory and analgesic effects were carried out .

    目的:对5 透骨草进行抗炎、镇痛作用的比较研究,为 品种整理和品质评价提供科学的方法和依据。

  • Meanwhile the species areal-types of Guangdong Gymnospermae were divided into 20 subtypes in this paper .

    同时 论文还将广东 裸子植物 的分布区类型划分为20个亚型。

  • The species composition and characteristics of mangrove flora in the world were reviewed and discussed .

    探讨了世界红树林植物区系 种类组成及其特点。

  • The real threat to the species is loss of habitat as towns spread into the countryside .

    物种 主要威胁在于随着城镇向乡村扩展而使栖息地日益减少。

  • A key to the species and Chinese and Latin descriptions of the new species are provided .

    中列有 上述 种类的分种 检索 新种的中文和拉丁文描述。

  • Article 9 The state shall give special protection to the species of wildlife which are rare or near extinction .

    第九条国家对珍贵、濒危的野生 动物实行重点保护。

  • We identify the species at risk diagnose what 's wrong but then we don 't treat them .

    我们确定了处于危机状态 物种,分析了问题之所在,但是没有去处理。

  • The floristic composition and the species diversity of Cyclobalanopsis glauca forest in Gutian Mountain Nature Reserve of Zhejiang province were analyzed .

    分析了浙江古田山自然保护区青冈林的植物区系组成和 群落 物种多样性。

  • The species diversity decreases from shrub tree to herb layer .

    灌木层一乔木层一草本层 物种多样性依次递减。

  • The variety of the species is necessary for the balance of ecological system .


  • Winter brings 2 Steller 's sea-eagles to the coast of Hokkaido-almost a third of the species ' population .

    冬天,2000只虎头海雕来到北海道海岸,这个数字占了 物种总数量的三分之一。

  • Objective To understand the species distribution of ectoparasitic chigger communities on small mammals in Yunnan province .

    目的了解云南省小型哺乳动物寄生恙螨种类和 数量分布情况。

  • The species diversity of weeds community of vegetable ecosystem is high in Xiangtan suburb fallow during winter season .

    对湘潭市郊菜地生态系统冬季期间杂草植物群落 物种多样性进行了初步研究。

  • Objective To analyze the species diversity and faunal composition of Calyptratae in Emeishan area of Sichuan province .

    目的从种数和区系成分等角度分析四川省峨眉山地区有瓣蝇类 物种多样性。

  • The species distribution and occurrence of common diseases of improved variety Australian bovine were investigated and analyzed .

    良种澳牛发生的常见病 种类、分布及发生率进行了调查与分析。

  • The species is fast becoming a rarity .

    这种 物种变得越来越稀有了。

  • Local and regional processes control species richness of plant communities : the species pool hypothesis

    局域和区域过程共同控制着群落的物种多样性: 库假说

  • The zoo provides classes of service by tailoring habitats to the species of animal they are to contain .

    动物园通过按将要包含 动物 种类来定制栖息场所,从而提供分类服务。