the United States


  • He had lived illegally in the United States for five years after his visitor 's visa expired .

    在访问签证到期后,他又在 美国非法居住了5年。

  • I started by asking how many day-care centers were located in the United States

    我一开始先问了问 美国有多少所日托中心。

  • A number of the United States ' allies had urged him not to take a hasty decision .


  • The United States does not have a nobility .


  • The state of Liberia was formed a century and a half ago by freed slaves from the United States .

    150年前,从 美国获得了自由归来 奴隶建立了利比里亚。

  • He asked for immediate help from the United States to dismantle the warheads .

    他请求 美国立即提供援助,拆除这批弹头。

  • This has forced the United States to seriously reconsider its position

    这迫使 美国重新认真考虑自己的立场。

  • Spain ceded the Philippines to the United States .

    西班牙将菲律宾 群岛割让给 美国

  • The President of the United States is the executive head of the government .


  • Britain was allied with the United States many times in history .

    历史上英国曾多次与 美国结盟。

  • It has also asked Britain and the United States to intercede .

    它也请了英国与 美国进行斡旋。

  • The United States could claim to be both a military and an economic superpower .


  • The Auto Pact yoked Ontario into the United States economy

    《汽车协定》强行将安大略纳入 美国的经济体系中。

  • The United States and Israel clashed over demands for a UN investigation into the killings .


  • The United States has always been China 's third major trade partner .


  • The example of the United States illustrates this point


  • An enlarged Latin group would be in a stronger position to negotiate en bloc with the United States

    壮大的拉丁国家群体抱团和 美国谈判将处于更加强势的位置。

  • The Federal Republic must loosen its ties with the United States

    联邦共和国必须疏远其与 美国的关系。

  • I set off for a new adventure in the United States on the first day of the new year .

    新年第一天,我在 美国开始了一次新的冒险。

  • He called on the United States to play a more effective role in bringing peace to the region

    他呼吁 美国在实现该地区的和平方面发挥更加富有成效的作用。

  • The United States has withdrawn the remaining staff from its embassy


  • First-generation Americans view the United States as a land of golden opportunity

    第一代美国人认为 美国是一个充满了机遇的国度。

  • The United States has refused him a visa


  • I regret that the United States has added its voice to such protests

    我很遗憾 美国也加入了这一抗议的行列。

  • In yesterday 's games Switzerland beat the United States two-one

    在昨天的比赛中,瑞士以2比1击败 美国

  • Ever since World War the United States has been Japan 's principal trade partner .

    二次世界大战以来, 美国一直是日本的主要贸易伙伴。

  • I never agreed to spy against the United States .

    我从来没有答应去当间谍刺探 美国的情报。