the latter

[ði ˈlætɚ][ðə ˈlætə]


  • This article focuses on the latter : the technical requirements .

    这篇文章集中讨论 后者:技术需求。

  • The latter half of her life was really too sad .

    她的 半生实在太可悲了。

  • They chose the latter .

    他们选择了 后者

  • The latter is the default for this application .


  • The windows would probably have been crafted in the latter part of the Middle Ages

    这些窗户很可能是中世纪 后期精心制作的。

  • The latter shows how compression and transmission .


  • If you compare ruby and diamond the latter is more valuable .

    若你比较红宝石和钻石, 后者更珍贵。

  • Prevents egress of the latter through the unsealed portion .

    阻止 后者通过未接合部分出来。

  • He is getting into the latter years of his career

    他正步入职业生涯 半程

  • If the family home and joint pension rights are of equal value the wife may choose the former and the husband the latter .

    如果家庭住房和共同养老金具有同样的价值,妻子可能会选前者,而丈夫会选 后者

  • He held a brush in his hand and with all his airy superiority gone he brushed potter 's new clothes as the latter slowly turned this way and that way .

    他手里拿着一把刷子,原先那傲慢的神气全不见了;他替波特刷身上的新衣,波特 缓缓地、时左时右地转动着身子。

  • I had assumed that I knew enough about the latter but clearly I was wrong .

    我原以为我对 费用了解的很多,但是很显然我错了。

  • The former is generally presumed to be a more modern method than the latter .

    前者模型通常会被认为比 后者的方法更加现代。

  • This example will illustrate a point about the latter .

    这个例子将解释关于 后者的一个问题。

  • He tracked down his cousin and uncle . The latter was sick .

    他追查到了堂弟和叔叔的下落,发现叔叔 这时正在病中。

  • The exercises can be fun and a good warm-up for the latter part of the programme

    这些练习很有趣,而且为 课程 后面的部分做了很好的铺垫。

  • The latter option is used in our example .

    我们的示例中使用了 选项。

  • They keep horses and cattle the former for riding the latter for food .

    他们养马和牛,前者供骑乘, 后者供食用。

  • The latter had for decades acted largely as a stooge for the party leaders .


  • This is an important qualification since the latter also affect standards of living properly measured .

    这是个重要的限定条件,因为 公共服务也影响生活水平&前提是给予恰当的衡量。

  • The latter half of his life was spent in obscurity and loneliness .

    他在默默无闻中孤独地度过了 半生。

  • Logically I know the answer to be the latter .

    逻辑上,我知道答案是 后者

  • I would unhesitatingly choose the latter option

    我会毫不犹豫地选择 后者

  • The latter part of the debate concentrated on abortion .


  • He compared the achievements of the British and the French during 1916 and concluded that the latter were better all around .

    他比较了 1916年英国人和法国人的成就,结论是法国人在各方面都做得更好。

  • I approve of the latter .

    我同意 后者

  • Robert went up to the boss and asked for a rise but the latter just laughed in his face .

    罗伯特跑到老板那儿要求增加工资,但 老板当面嘲弄了他一番。

  • The essays that Parsons completed in the latter part of his life are of a piece with his earlier work .

    帕森斯 半生完成的文章和他的早期著作一脉相承。

  • In the latter we are using a Latin derivative which has exactly the same meaning .
