


  • A new form of weighted Voronoi diagrams named Projective Weighted Voronoi Diagram ( PWVD ) is introduced . Thus the interspace produced by tessellation can be used in GIS spatial competition analysis model .

    提出加权Voronoi图的一种新形式&投影加权 Voronoi图,由此形成平面剖分中的空隙(竞争三角形)可用于GIS空间竞争分析模型。

  • The coordination number derived from the Voronoi tessellation method of Si centered clusters is smaller .

    通过 Voronoi 切割法得到的团簇中,Si为中心的团簇配位数较小。

  • Currently how to deal with these coverage holes is an unsolved problem in the coverage control of wireless sensor networks based on the Voronoi tessellation .

    在已有基于 Voronoi 划分的覆盖控制中,如何处理这些覆盖空洞,是目前还没有解决的问题。

  • The applications of Voronoi diagram and its dual - Delaunay tessellation in the numerical

    Voronoi图和它的偶图Delaunay 镶嵌在数值分析中的应用

  • The author summarize the application of Delaunay tessellation in GIS .

    本文就 三维 Delaunay剖分 及其在GIS中的应用作了阐述。

  • An Improved Centralized Voronoi Tessellation Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network Coverage Problem

    基于改进的 Voronoi 划分的集中式算法的无线传感器网络覆盖问题研究

  • A New Algorithm for Tetrahedron Tessellation and Reconstruction of Layered Model

    一种新的分层模型 四面体重构算法

  • As part of research on patterns in architecture tessellation is an important tool to analyze understand and develop patterns and to be connected with architectural design .

    作为图案研究的一部分, 镶嵌是分析、理解和发展图案并将其应用到建筑设计中的重要工具。

  • Surface Tessellation for Surface Quality Analysis

    面向曲面品质分析的曲面 离散 技术

  • A GPU tessellation based local terrain Mosaic algorithm is proposed The earthquake scene needs to be updated timely to show the latest situation of the disaster situation therefore it should be able to dynamically load local high-precision terrain data .

    提出了基于 GPU 实时 网格 细分的局部地形镶嵌算法 三维灾情场景需要通过及时更新来展现灾区现场的最新状况,因此必须具备动态加载局部高精度地形数据的能力。

  • The main idea of algorithm is that triangulation of trimmed surface is regarded as a problem of constrained Delaunay tessellation and modes are linked into triangular meshes in an effective parametric domain .

    算法的核心思想是将裁剪曲面三角剖分视为约束 分问题,从而 使得三角形的细分 操作 拓展为有效域内插入散乱节点的三角剖分问题。

  • Filling up space completely with almost no gaps in between is called tessellation .

    填补了几乎完全没有空间之间的差距,被称为 镶嵌

  • In natural element method ( NEM ) the trial and test function are constructed with the natural neighbor interpolation ( NNT ) method . The interpolation is constructed with respect to the Voronoi tessellation of the scattered nodes in the problem domain .

    自然单元法采用自然相邻点插值方法在全域构造近似函数和试函数,该方法基于整个求解域内离散节点的 Voronoi 结构

  • Then new nodes are inserted automatically according to the error distribution information acquired which just involves in the local adjustment of the Delaunay Tessellation .

    然后根据误差分布信息自动加密节点进行 Delaunay 结构的局部调整,从而实现了 自适应 分析

  • A set of surface tessellation algorithm facing to surface quality detection with high quality and high efficiency is put forward .

    提出了一套高质量、高效率的面向曲面品质分析的曲面 离散技术。

  • An Tessellation Algorithm for Parametric Surface Based on Coding

    一种基于编码的参数曲面 离散算法

  • In this paper a centralized Voronoi tessellation ( CVT ) based approximate algorithm is proposed to construct a near optimal cover set of active sensors required to cover the target region completely .

    设计了一种基于目标区域Voronoi 划分的集中式近似算法( centralizedVoronoitessellation,简称CVT),用于计算完全覆盖目标区域所需要的近似最小节点集。

  • The integration of the weak form is performed in the Delaunay triangles which is the dual diagram of the Voronoi tessellation when the Galerkin method is used to form the discrete system equation .

    采用标准Galerkin法形成系统的平衡控制方程时,对弱形式的积分是在 Voronoi图的对偶图Delaunay三角形内进行的;

  • Design and implementation of chain enterprise logistics distribution system based on voronoi tessellation

    Voronoi 分割 模式下连锁企业物流配送系统的设计与实现

  • For GPU with tessellation unit and general one we give a concrete realization of the algorithm .

    对于具有 细化单元的GPU与普通GPU,都给出了该算法的具体实现过程。

  • This approach will generate a middle tessellation based on the initial mesh removing the old vertices from the middle tessellation and we can get a curvature-based regular mesh .

    该方法通过在原始网格的基础上构造一个中间 网格,再删除老顶点,可以构造一个根据曲率指导的规则网格。

  • The micro-structure of low density open-cell foams can be modeled by Voronoi tessellation . By using this random geometric model the modulus of low density open-cell foams is calculated .

    利用 Voronoi随机几何模型来描述低密度开孔泡沫材料的内部微结构,并用有限元方法计算了低密度开孔泡沫材料的弹性模量。

  • Algorithm of Voronoi Tessellation Based Data Compression over Sensor Networks

    传感器网络基于 Voronoi 网格的数据压缩算法

  • Applications of tessellation in contemporary architectural surface design

    镶嵌 几何在当代建筑表皮设计中的应用

  • To meet the demand for both geometric and engineering fidelity of the simplification a new simplification method which simplifies data directly form dense scattered data points on the basis of fuzzy clustering without intermediate tessellation is presented .

    为满足模型简化的几何与工程信息 保真性要求,提出一种基于模糊聚类分析 原理、直接从海量散乱点简化的方法。

  • A semi adaptive tessellation algorithm of trimmed surface is presented .

    提出了一种trimmed曲面的半自适应 离散算法。

  • The main goal in the future is to bring forward quality standards of triangle / tetrahedron that meet the need of velocity interpolation and improve the quality of triangle / tetrahedron in tessellation .

    提出适用于速度插值的三角形/四面体质量标准并提高 三角形/四面体质量是今后需要努力的 方向

  • Surface quality analysis is the indispensable step in car body development process . Accurate surface quality analysis needs high quality surface tessellation . A new tessellation technique of trimmed surface for the surface quality analysis was presented .

    曲面品质分析是车身开发过程中必不可少的一步,准确的曲面品质分析需要高质量的曲面 离散 网格,提出了一种新的面向曲面品质分析的裁剪参数 曲面离散技术。

  • The tessellation scheme is employed for parallel filling the impedance matrix and parallel conjugate gradient method is used to solve the matrix equation .

    论文 首先给出了与并行共轭梯度法求解矩阵方程 对应 量法矩阵的 棋盘 划分 方式然后详细地讨论了并行共轭梯度算法求解矩量法矩阵方程的并行实现。