test diet


  • The test group was provided with weighed individual diabetic food and the control group went on diet dominated by themselves .

    实验组食用糖尿病称重、个体化膳食,对照组自己控制 饮食

  • Control group was fed basal diet with 0.01 % zinc bacitracin and test groups were fed basal diet supplemented with 0.5 % 1 % and 2 % Chinese herbal additive respectively .

    对照组在基础日粮基础上添加0.01%杆菌肽锌, 试验组在基础 上分别添加0.5%、1%、2%中草药添加剂,预 期7d,正 期60d。

  • Toxic test of high selenium diet to local chicken

    高硒 对本种三黄雏鸡的毒性 试验

  • By the use of the method of acute toxicity test the diet and activity situation were observed .

    通过急性毒性 实验,观察小鼠 饮食、活动情况,有无死亡现象。

  • Test on Adding Different Rates of Peanut Vine Powder to Hog Diet

    育肥猪 饲粮中添加花生秧粉 试验

  • Saline Load Test for Diet Instruction in Patients with Essential Hypertension

    盐负荷 试验对高血压病人 饮食的指导意义

  • Before the test he makes sure to get plenty of carbohydrates in his diet so that his leg muscles and liver are loaded with glycogen .

    测试前他刻意在 饮食中摄取大量的碳水化合物以确保他的肌肉和肝脏中储存足够的肝醣。

  • 30 cases with gastroduodenal diseases and 30 cases with hepatic cirrhosis examined with gastroscope Hp fast urea enzyme test and 14C respiratory test . The age diet and habit of the chosen patients were recorded .

    对30例胃十二指肠疾病患者和30例肝硬化患者进行胃镜检查、Hp快速尿素酶试验、14C呼吸 试验同时记录年龄、 饮食 结构、习惯;

  • Test based on whether or not to add nutrients to the test is divided into two groups : the control group and the test group in the boar diet .

    试验根据在公猪 中是否添加营养物和日期把试验分为二个组即:对照组和 试验组。

  • 70 % of the test diets was reference diet in weight and 30 % of the test ingredient .

    试验饲料以70% 基础 饲料和30%的待测饲料原料组成。

  • Group B and C were the test groups fed on basal diet with 250 mg / kg and 500 mg / kg curcumin to study the effects of curcumin on immune function and anti-oxidation activity of broilers .

    B、C组分别在每 1kg基础 中添加姜黄素250和500mg,以研究其对肉鸡免疫功能和抗氧化能力的影响。

  • Test indicate for best result at the 60 mg / kg of vitamin E level in diet .

    试验表明, 中的维生素E水平为60mg/kg时效果最佳。

  • Finishing pigs were fed control diet ( basic diet ) and test diet ( basic diet + 0.04 % phytogenic feed additive ) respectively .

    育肥猪分别饲喂对照组日粮(基础日粮)和 试验 (基础日粮+0.04%植物提取物)。

  • Test the Adaptability of Rearing Silkworm Hybrids with Low Cost Artificial Diet

    桑蚕低成本人工 饲料蚕品种的适应性 试验

  • A test of mice found that an omega-3-rich diet had no impact on cognitive function .

    一项针对老鼠的 实验却表明,富含omega-3的 食物对认知能力的提升并没有什么帮助。

  • Six rabbits per test group were used to do digestion trial . Nutrient digestibility was determined in rabbit diet with total fecal collection method .

    从每个 处理选6只兔进行消化试验,采用全粪收集法测定了不同处理组的 营养成分消化率。

  • In animal test the two kinds of diet have the same feeding effects when they are fed to growing and reproductive mice .

    膨化料比干 硬、不易破碎,浪费少。用膨化料饲喂生长、繁殖实验小鼠,也获得了同干烤鼠料相同的 饲喂效果。

  • The control groups were fed to the basic diet . The antibiotics groups were fed to the basic diet with 0.05 % sulfuric acid neomycin . The test groups were fed to the basic diet with 0.1 % Bacillus subtilis additive .

    对照空白组饲喂基础日粮,抗生素组饲喂基础日粮加0.05%的硫酸新霉素制剂, 试验组饲喂基础 加0.1%的枯草芽孢杆菌制剂。

  • The results showed that the weight gain specific growth rate feed efficiency and protein efficiency ratio of fish fed a test diet with ( 41.05 % ) crude protein on dry basis were significantly higher ( P < 0.05 ) than those of the rest groups .

    结果显示:蛋白质水平为41.05%的 试验 的鱼体增重、特定生长率、饲料效率和蛋白质效率等指标均显著高于其它试验组(P<0.05);

  • Vitamins also perform the function of lowering the diet coefficient . As vitamins amou-nts increase within the test range the diet coefficient decreases . The lowest can reach down to 2.48 .

    维生素还有降低饵料系数的作用,在 试验范围内,随着维生素的增加, 饵料系数也降低,最低可达2.48。

  • During 0 ~ 3 week birds in test group ⅰ and ⅱ were fed basal diet supplemented with 0.1 % crude alfalfa glycosides respectively .

    0~3周龄阶段,Ⅰ、Ⅱ组均饲喂基础 +0.1%苜蓿总甙;

  • Test on effects of stylo hay meal as diet on meat-type rabbits

    柱花草粉 饲养肉兔的效果 试验

  • Elizabeth Kolbert in a recent New Yorker road test of the diet also pointed out that a meat-heavy diet has dire environmental implications .

    伊丽莎白·科尔伯特(ElizabethKolbert)最近在《纽约客》杂志对这种 饮食法进行的实际检测中也指出,偏重肉食的饮食法对环境有极坏的影响。

  • The test results show that in the test no matter what the hog cote condition 、 mash or pellet feed are with the V E dose in diet increasing the sucking pig daily gain 、 feed utilization ratio increase significantly ( P < 0.01 ) .

    试验结果表明,不管 猪舍条件优劣,无论 饲料形状,随着维生素E添加量的增加,乳猪日增重,饲料利用率显著(P<0.01)提高。

  • Cloze Test Vitamins are organic compounds necessary in small amounts in the diet for the normal growth and maintenance of life of animals including man .

    维生素是有机化合物, 饮食中必须含有少量部分以维持动物(包括人)的生存和生长。

  • They also will test several anti-inflammation interventions designed to overcome the negative effects of a high-fat diet on inflammation .

    他们也将 使用不同抗炎方法,以消除高脂肪 饮食对炎症的负影响。

  • The effect of test stress on mental health consist in anxiety depression paranoid ideation obsessive-compulsive photic anxiety sleep and diet .

    考试应激对高中生心理的影响主要表现在焦虑、抑郁、偏执、强迫、恐怖、睡眠和 饮食方面。

  • In the second test 48 health purebred Yorkshire piglets weaned at 35 d age were randomly divided into four groups by weight and cote fed with the diet added with 3.5 % 4.5 % 5.5 % and 6.5 % ALP respectively .

    选用48头35日龄断奶纯种 大约克健康仔猪,按体重、窝别随机分为4组,分别 饲喂3.5%、4.5%、5.5%、6.5%苜蓿叶粉添加日粮。

  • Test showed that water content in fresh diet with huge differences lead water content in fecal a little different .

    研究表明: 鲜重中水分的巨大差别,导致了其粪便含水量的不同。