testimonial evidence

[ˌtɛstəˈmoniəl ˈɛvɪdəns][ˌtestəˈməʊni:əl ˈevidəns]

[经] 鉴定式证据

  • This article studies the principles of guaranteeing authentic statement speed and humanistic solicitude in adducing proof of juvenile testimonial evidence in the perspective of minor victim and witness .

    以未成年被害人、证人为切入点,研究了未成年人 言词 证据举证中的保障如实陈述原则、迅速原则、人文关怀原则。

  • Testimonial evidence plays a crucial role in the discovery of the truth while cross-examination of the court session has a great significance for identifying the authenticity and falsity of the testimony of witnesses .

    言词 证据的真实与否对于真相的发现有着至关重要的作用,同时法庭审理的质证环节对于证人证言真伪的查明又有很大意义。

  • Regarding the status of testimony it is natural to discuss main factors influencing the testimonial standing in the system of criminal evidence / They are summed up as the purpose value and pattern of lawsuit cultural tradition judicial customs and so on .

    谈到口供的地位,当然 不了要谈到影响 口供在刑事 证据体系中地位的主要因素,笔者概括为诉讼目的、诉讼价值、诉讼模式、文化传统与司法习惯等等。

  • The Testimonial Privileges are parts of the law of Evidence .

    笔者研究的 特权制度正是 证据法中 有关 证人 作证问题的一个环节。

  • The article expatiates on the general of the excluding rule for criminal illegal testimonial evidence in China and points out the problems existing at present .

    本文阐述了我国刑事非法 言词 证据排除的概况,指出了目前存在的问题。

  • Now there exist many problems in the course of reconnaissance preservation of proof and authentication which weaken the testimonial power of fingerprint evidence .

    当前,在现场勘查阶段、证据保全阶段和鉴定阶段存在诸多问题而削弱了手印 证据 证明力。

  • On Speech and Speaker Identification : A Perspective from Forensic Linguistics ; Discourse Analysis on Linguistic Testimonial Evidence & the Interpretation from Perspective on Legal Linguistics

    言词 证据的话语分析&法律语言学视角下的解读

  • Testimonial Status in the Criminal Evidence System

    口供在刑事 证据体系中的地位

  • So we must take measures to make up the three deficiencies in order to secure the testimonial power of fingerprint evidence .

    因此,必须采取措施,填补三阶段的漏洞,保证手印 证据 证明力。