test analysis program

[计] 测试分析程序

  • Some viewpoints on test disfigurement analysis responsibility cognizance and loss estimate in appraisal program are proposed .

    对鉴定 过程中所涉及的 检测、缺陷原因 分析、责任认定和损失测算提出了看法。

  • Hardware test platform is the foundation that software realizes has carried out detailed analysis and design therefore in paper and has given partially circuit design drawing as the research of related program has certain guidance meaning and reference value .

    硬件 试验平台是软件实现的基础,因此,文中进行了详细的 分析与设计,并给出了部分电路设计图,对相关 课题的研究具有一定的指导意义和参考价值。

  • In this paper Test and CFD simulation was used to analysis and optimize the air distribution of transfer window and concluded the program to meet the bio-security .

    本文在传递窗内夹层四周位置设置格栅, 通过 实验和CFD模拟对传递窗进行气流组织 分析和优化,并得出了满足生物安全的传递窗 方案

  • Road test on four different geological conditions different traffic loads comparative analysis of the actual use come in different construction and vehicle load conditions the need to take a combination of overlay program type .

    通过对四条 试验道路不同地质条件,不同交通流量荷载作用下的实际使用效果对比 分析,得出了在不同环境及车辆荷载条件下,需要采取的加铺组合 方案类型。

  • For test 3000-bus and 1256-bus power system is used and through numerical simulation the proposed algorithm has been compared with the other transient stability analysis program .

    利用3000节点和 1256节点 案例,对该算法进行了对比仿真和 测试

  • On the basis of the test the analysis is conducted to the slabs section temperature field by the finite element analysis program ANSYS . The analysis result is consistent with the test result .

    试验基础上,本文采用大型有限元分析 程序ANSYS进行了板截面温度场的 分析,并与试验结果进行了对照,两者的结果有较好的一致性。

  • The Model of Well Test Analysis for Two-region Composite Reservoir and Study on Analysis Program

    双重介质复杂油藏试井模型及试井解释 软件复合油藏抽汲井 测试 资料数值试井分析

  • The improved genetic algorithm was adopted in the automatic test data generation model such as static analysis program instrumentation as an auxiliary according to the selected target paths the test data of covering them is calculated .

    采用改进遗传算法设计的 测试数据自动生成模型,以静态 分析程序插桩等方法为辅助,根据选定的目标路径计算得到覆盖该路径的测试数据。

  • The test results and analysis for spherical high pressure titanium alloy vessels with surface crack under program load spectra

    钛合金高压气瓶表面裂纹 程序载荷谱 试验的结果和 分析

  • In this paper test results and simple analysis of spherical pressure titanium alloy vessels with fatigue surface crack under program load spectra are presented .

    本文介绍两个带有疲劳表面裂纹的钛合金高压气瓶在 程序载荷谱下的 试验结果,并对它作了简单的 分析

  • On based of the test and analysis this paper proposes a detailed planning and design program for2G / 3G / WLAN network .

    在所做 测试分析的基础上提出了详细的2G、3G、WLAN网络的规划设计 方案

  • Brief introduction of the implementation of the actual vehicle test detailed analysis realization of the detection method in Lab VIEW environment obtain by two different acceleration program block diagrams .

    简要介绍了实车 试验的实施,详细 分析了该检测方法在LabView环境下的实现,得到了两种不同加速度下的 程序框图。

  • The test of the field model of the dug well foundation of bridge on the scale of 1 ∶ 2 and a mechanical analysis on the foundation soil with three dimensional finite element program is presented in this paper .

    本文介绍了1∶2比例尺的桥梁挖井基础现场模型 试验以及采用有限元计算 程序对基础-土体进行的空间力学 分析

  • Furthermore the numerical test is conducted by using a rock failure process analysis computer program ( RFPA ) to simulate specimen 's cracks expansion process as load applying .

    另外,应用 RFPA 程序对试件在载荷作用下裂纹形成、扩展过程进行了数值 试验

  • Based on A 1 / 3 scale model test of typical structure an analytical method by computer is presented through comparative calculation and analysis . A computer program is also worked out .

    通过对比计算 分析,结合同类型结构13比例模型 试验及课题研究,提出了相应的计算机分析方法,并编制出电算 程序

  • In addition to providing test results and data interpretation Microtek offers specialized client services such as failure analysis and test program development .

    除了能为客户提供 测试结果及报告,麦可罗泰克实验室同时也为客户提供专业技术服务,如失效 分析及建立新测试 项目等。

  • The model of slit type cracking test for finite element analysis is established by HYPERMESH the composite function of welding heating source and induction heating source is defined by FORTRAN program .

    在有限元分析过程中,以斜Y坡口冷裂纹拘束 试验分析对象,利用HYPERMESH建立了有限元 分析模型,采用FORTRAN语言 编程 实现了电弧热源和感应加热热源的复合作用。

  • Test the displacement of head-pin of Shore hardness tester by using the capacitive gate transducer implement data collection and transfers by means of the serial communication and realize the data analysis and process by applications of Matlab and serial communication genius program .

    以容栅传感器为主实现邵氏硬度计弹簧测头的位移 检测,采用串口通信方式实现了数据的传输和采集,用Matlab和串口精灵 程序实现数据的 分析和计算。

  • In addition to using VC + + development platform to test computer program design designed the software system structure completed the test preparation data acquisition motion control test data analysis and processing and display program design .

    另外还利用VC++开发平台进行试验台上位机程序设计,设计了测控系统软件的结构,完成了试验准备、数据采集、运动控制、 试验数据 分析处理以及显示等 程序的设计。

  • Objective To write a computer program for test quality analysis analyze the real test items of the course examinations in the program and discuss its results .

    目的编写及应用计算机 考试质量 分析 程序

  • By test and analysis the direct reasons leading to failures are the defaults in designing coiler mandrel diameter change and controlling hydraulic system program but not the system parts themselves .

    通过 测试 分析,排除了液压系统元件本身的问题,认为卷筒变径设计缺陷和液压系统 程序控制缺陷是故障产生的直接原因。