




  • He said it was wrong to single out any section of society for Aids testing

    他说把社会中的任何一部分人抽选出来做艾滋病 检查都是不对的。

  • Examples are blood testing debeaking vaccinating inseminating sexing weighing and moving birds from one location to another .

    这些例子有血 、断喙、免疫接种、授精、性别鉴定、称重以及转运鸡群。

  • There are also protocols on the testing of nuclear weapons .

    也有关于核武器 试验的协议。

  • Psychometric testing is simply a way of measuring people 's individual talents and capabilities .

    心理 测试只是一种测量个体才智和能力的方式。

  • He was forced to entrust an assistant with the important task of testing and demonstrating aircraft to prospective customers

    他不得不将向潜在客户 测试和展示飞行器的重任交托给一名助手。

  • There was a suspicion that this runner attempted to avoid the procedures for dope testing

    这名赛跑选手涉嫌有意逃避兴奋剂 检验

  • Agronomic testing of the selections begins in line tests established from the seedling nurseries usually single row3-6 ft long .

    选系的农艺 测定从在苗圃建立的品系测验开始,一般单株得长3&6英尺。

  • Applications in fracture mechanics lead directly to applications to the nondestructive testing of structures .

    断裂力学的应用,将直接引出无损 检验技术的应用。

  • There was a time when each teacher spent an hour one day a week testing pupils in every subject

    曾经,每个老师每周都有一天花上一小时对学生的每门功课进行 测试

  • She may be testing her mother to see how much she can take before she throws her out .

    她可能在 试探她妈妈,看她能忍耐到什么程度才会把她撵出家门。

  • The testing and approval of new drugs will be speeded up .

    新药品的 检测和审批速度将会加快。

  • It has provided reference to the reduction of working voltage for cells of the same type through analysis and summarizing on the process of testing cell 's voltage reduction .

    通过对 试验槽降低电压的过程进行分析总结,为同类型槽降低工作电压提供了一定的借鉴。

  • The case for testing now is ironclad .

    正在接受 检验的这一论据牢不可破。

  • The Irvine group and their collaborators are testing whether lasers do the job better .

    欧文研究小组和他们的合作伙伴正在 测试激光是否会更为有效。

  • They must do the appropriate safety testing or face recalls financial penalties and litigation .

    他们必须做恰当的安全性 测试或面对召回,经济处罚和法律诉讼。

  • Testing patients without their consent would constitute a professional and legal offence

    未经患者同意而对其进行 检查被视为违反职业操守并触犯法律。

  • Testing needs to be done to determine the long-term effects on humans

    需要进行 检测以确定其对人的长期影响。

  • Animal rights groups want the release of all captive animals used for cosmetics testing .

    动物权益组织希望释放所有被囚于樊笼的用于化妆品 试验的动物。

  • The Partial Test-Ban Treaty bans nuclear testing in the atmosphere .

    《部分禁止核 试验条约》禁止在大气层中进行核 试验

  • Testing showed her to be very short-sighted .


  • The most testing time is undoubtedly in the early months of your return to work


  • The papers in maths and English are very testing .

    数学试卷和英语 试卷

  • Has it been passed to quality assurance ( QA ) for testing ?

    已经通过了质量保证(QA) 检测了吗?

  • The open cities will be testing grounds for our external policies .

    使开放城市成为 对外政策的窗口。

  • The National Collegiate Athletic Association introduced drug testing in the mid-1980s .

    美国大学体育联合会在20世纪80年代中期开始实行药物 检测

  • The competitors will be subject to random drug testing .

    参赛者将要接受随机 药检

  • He was thrown out of the Olympic team after testing positive for drugs

    他在 药检呈阳性后被奥林匹克运动队除名。

  • The House voted to impose a one-year moratorium on nuclear testing .

    众议院投票表决将核 试验暂停一年。

  • He was stripped of his Olympic title after testing positive for anabolic steroids .

    在促蛋白合成类固醇 检测呈阳性后,他被取消了奥林匹克冠军头衔。

  • Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth .

    实践是 检验真理的唯一标准。