test procedure


  • Note : supply pressure gauge reading will decrease when performing this test procedure .

    注意:当进行 检测 程序时,供应压力表读数将会减少。

  • Periodically this environment is refreshed using a formal build deploy and test procedure thereby removing any inconsistency and testing the full build and install procedures .

    可定期地使用正式构建、部署和 测试 程序来更新系统,以去除其中任何不一致的地方并测试完整的构建和安装程序。

  • The test procedure consists of two main components : The first test sequence is dedicated to the computer 's main processor .

    测试 程序包括两个主要组成部分:第一个测试序列是专门为计算机的主要处理器。

  • Test procedure for single phase induction motor

    GB/T9651-1988单相异步电动机 试验 方法

  • So here 's my unit test procedure .

    所以这就是我的单元 测试 流程

  • Describe any unusual test procedure and discuss the development of experimental equipment with illustrations if possible .

    描述任何不寻常的 测试 程序和讨论发展的实验设备,如果可能的话插图。

  • Possible faults displayed during the test procedure .

    测试 过程中可能会显示的故障。

  • The overall intent is not to provide test procedure manual .

    总的意图不是提供 测试 过程细则。

  • You need to re-examine your test procedure and identify the differences between those two tests .

    您需要重新检查 测试 过程,并识别那两次测试之间的差异。

  • Controllability and stability test procedure for automobiles & Returnability test

    汽车操纵稳定性 试验 方法转向回正性能试验

  • The test procedure will include plans schedules procedures log sheets acceptance forms test sheet test item and fault correction procedures on tests of each equipment and entire system .

    试验 程序将包括关于每一台设备和整个系统试验的计划、进度、程序、登记表、验收表、试验表、试验项目和故障排除程序。

  • These tolerances comprise the combined accuracy of the measuring instruments the measurement techniques used and all over sources of error in the test procedure .

    上述公差包括了测量仪表、测量技术及 试验 过程中其它所有误差。

  • Acceptance Test Procedure and Guarantee programmed automatic circuit tester

    验收 考核 程序和保证程序自动电路试验装置

  • Seller or its designated service provider shall conduct the acceptance tests in accordance with said test procedure .

    卖方和其指定的服务供应商应根据前述 测试 程序进行验收测试。

  • The MTP routing verification test procedure ( MRTV ) operation verifies and maintains the routing information and routing databases .

    路由验证 测试 过程(MRTV)操作的MTP会验证并维护路由信息和路由数据库。

  • Computer program configuration item test procedure

    计算机程序结构项 测试 过程

  • As measured by the1975 federal test procedure administered by the environmental protection agency of the United States of america .

    有关标准按照美国环境保护局所实施的1975年联邦 测试 程序量度。

  • Realize the automation test and repeat the test procedure ;

    实现测试自动化, 测试 过程可复现;

  • This paper describes specific fuel setting method and test procedure for airplane fuel system icing flight test which is verified in icing test technology research of an airplane fuel system .

    本文结合某型飞机燃油系统结冰试验技术攻关工作,研究飞机燃油系统结冰飞行试验的燃油配水方法和 试验 程序

  • Are the Supplier 's quality control systems adequately documented ? ( e.g. Quality manual written inspection / test procedure etc. )?

    供应商的质量控制系统是否形成了完善的文件体系?(例如:质量手册,书面检验/ 测试 程序等)

  • Inspection and test of construction procedure pre-inspection and pre-acceptance before delivery shall be controlled in accordance with product inspection and test procedure .

    施工过程的检验和试验,交付前的预验收按《产品检验和 试验 程序》进行控制。

  • Development of any new colorimetric method should involve such a test procedure .

    任何新的比色法的改进应该包括这样一种 试验 程序

  • Pilot production of Mg-Al hydrotalcite was investigated and pilot test procedure was obtained .

    对镁铝水滑石的生产进行了中试研究,获取了中 生产的 工艺条件。

  • Acceptance testing of the System shall be in accordance with Seller 's Acceptance Test Procedure .

    系统的验收测试应依照卖方的验收 测试 程序进行。

  • The test procedure and control measures to realize the above two test aims are put forward . Secondly based on the test results the influences of water contents on strength are analyzed .

    其次,根据 试验结果分析含水量对非饱和土强度的影响,建立非饱和土的实用强度公式。

  • Click the button on the form to call the test procedure .

    单击窗体上的按钮以调用 测试 过程

  • A certificate shall be provided from an approved testing laboratory indicating that the specific wall and entrance assembly consisting of frame-door-panel-sill has been tested in accordance with the latest version of bs5656 or equivalent test procedure as approved in the wall system to be used .

    应提供经认可的实验室的证书,表明指定的墙体和入口装配,包括即将投入使用的墙体系统机架-轿门-板-基石,经测试满足最新版bs5656或已认可的其他相当 测试 流程的要求。

  • Acceptance Test Procedure and Guarantee

    验收 考核 程序和保证

  • Detail in the expected results is less problematic than in the test procedure but too much detail can focus the tester 's attention too much on checking against the script he 's following .

    详细的预期结果比详细的 测试 过程问题要少,但是过多的细节可能是测试员的注意力过多集中于检查他所依照的脚本。