terrain treatment

[təˈren ˈtritmənt][teˈrein ˈtri:tmənt]

[医] 运动节食疗法

  • This kind of memorial space terrain will form a large number of landscape cut this article from the hanging plant cover processing method climbing plants covering treatment plant shielding method and memorial wall treatment method summarizes four aspects of Fort cut plant processing method .

    此类纪念空间中 地形会形成大量的景观堡砍,本文从垂吊植物覆盖处理法、攀缘植物覆盖 处理 、植物遮挡法和纪念墙处理法四个方面总结了堡砍植物的处理方法。

  • At the same time deal with the discrete points on the formation of discrete terrain elevation datum treatment of discrete points .

    同时进行离散点的处理,对生成 地形的离散高程数据进行组织,对离散点进行 处理