test range

[化] 检验范围

  • The pretreatment of coagulation can effectively reduce the membrane fouling the higher coagulant dosage used the better membrane permeability reached within the test range .

    混凝预处理能够很好地控制膜污染,在 研究 范围 ,混凝剂投加量越高,对膜污染控制作用越好。

  • The test system not only has wide test range high speed and stableness also it has compact structure and is easy to tear down and transport .

    该系统不仅 测试 范围 广、测量工况快速稳定,而且结构紧凑、易于拆卸和搬运。

  • To decide whether the effective ranging of IR photodetection equipments is up to standard is now a striking problem in the test-range testing because the standard conditions are hard to be established in a test range and any real target can be hardly used under test .

    判定红外光电设备作用距离是否合格是目前 靶场试验中突出的问题,因为考核现场很难造就标准环境(规定环境)和使用真实目标。

  • A Large Screen CCD Camera Applied to Test Range Photoelectric Theodolites field apparatus for ground photogrammmetry

    大面阵CCD相机在 靶场测量经纬仪中的应用设计地面摄影测量现场设备

  • It was established that the missile had landed on a test range in Australia .

    经证实,那枚导弹已经落在澳大利亚的 试验 区域

  • In the test range homogenizing speed and time water bath temperature and holding time and the centrifuge time all had small effect to the results .

    测定 范围 ,均质速度、均质时间、水浴加热时间、加热温度和离心时间对测定结果的影响都很小。

  • Analysis and Design of Test Track in Test Range


  • In order to promote Galileo application in China China is cooperating with Europe to establish the China Galileo Test Range ( CGTR ) which is served for development and demonstration of Galileo receiver and application systems .

    中国是第一个加入Galileo计划的非欧盟国家,为推动Galileo系统在中国的应用,中欧双方共同合作,在中国建立一个旨在服务于Galileo系统用户接收机和应用系统开发、演示的平台 &CGTR

  • Antenna test techniques have been revolutionized by advances in basic test range hardware .

    随着 测试 场内基本硬件的发展,天线测试技术发生了变革。

  • The beginning Modbus register address in a register test range .

    一个寄存器 测试 范围中的起始Modbus寄存器地址。

  • Basing on the analysis of the effect of polymer flooding this paper introduces the experience and performance of enlarging the test range improving reservoir management improving the benefit and optimizing the engineering program of the polymer flooding in Daqing Oil Field .

    在总结分析聚合物驱效果的基础上,对大庆油田聚合物驱拓宽 试验 范围、加强油藏管理、坚持效益原则、优化工程方案等几个方面的主要成熟经验和做法进行了系统的介绍。

  • Research on the Synthetic Terrestrial Environment for Ground-to-air Missile Test Range Simulation

    支持地空导弹 试验 靶场仿真的综合陆地环境研究

  • To develop a set of remote target carrier that has moving target features of tank and armored vehicle has important meaning for weapon development and qualification test of ground test range .

    研制一套具有坦克、装甲车辆等地面运动目标特性的遥控靶车,对武器装备研制和 靶场鉴定试验有重要意义。

  • This system takes conformance test as its core while giving attention to the expansibility of the test tool . The test range covers the configuration parameter test of IEC 60870-5-103 protocol and function test .

    该系统以一致性测试为核心,兼顾通信测试工具扩展性, 测试 范围涵盖IEC60870-5-103协议配置参数测试和功能测试。

  • A circumstance of incomplete data measurement in test range experimentation is discussed under which only the single station optical azimuth and elevation angle data are available . Combining with the telemetry height information we get the position and velocity parameters of the target .

    针对 靶场试验中只有单站光学测角数据的不完全测量情况,讨论了如何结合遥测高程信息,得到目标的位置和速度参数。

  • The papers put forward a measure method of outside trajectory in weapon test range .

    本文提出了一种武器 试验 靶场外弹道测量方法。

  • The purpose of the reform is to improve the tester maximum speed increasing the test range .

    压气机试验器改造的目的是提高试验器最高转速,增大 试验 范围

  • Uniform design method is based on uniform distribution of all test points in the whole test range .

    均匀设计是基于试验点在整个 试验 范围 均匀散布的一种试验设计方法。

  • Application Prospect of Intelligent Test Technique in Test Range Instrumentation Equipment

    智能检测技术在 靶场测控设备中的应用及前景

  • Processing Method of Telemetry Data for Air Defense Missile Test Range

    防空导弹 试验 靶场遥测数据处理方法探讨

  • Scientific error analysis for the test data is critical to improve the R & D product evaluation quality of the test range .

    对试验数据进行科学合理的误差分析是提高 靶场科研鉴定 试验质量的一项重要内容。

  • This study of development of temperature and humidity calibration instrument in test chamber has the performance as : Temperature : test range ( - 20 ℃ ~ 100 ℃) uncertainty 0 . 1 ℃;

    已实现的试验箱温湿度校准装置技术指标为:温度: 测量 范围(-20℃~100℃),不确定度0.1℃;

  • A new method is presented in this paper for determination of RAM test range in a dynamic memory management system .

    本文提出了一种动态存储器管理系统中存储器 测试 区域的确定方法,解决了程控交换机系统中存储器可 区域的确定问题。

  • The results show that there is critical particle size in the test range .

    结果表明,在所 研究的粒 范围 ,存在一个沉降速度最小的临界粒度。

  • According to requirement of flight test of the air to ship missile selecting existing measurement and control stations of test range one flight theoretics trajectory has been designed .

    根据某型空舰导弹飞行试验要求,选用 靶场已有的 测控站点,采用双站交会与 站定位数据处理方法相结合,设计了一条 射程为Xkm的飞行理论弹道。

  • Rates of potassium had little effect on the nutrients uptake within test range . Potassium application could increase protein and crude fat content of shelled peanut 17.7 % and 10.74 % respectively .

    施钾使花生籽粒蛋白质和粗脂肪含量分别提高了17.7%和 10.74%

  • Removal effects of microorganisms are little affected by the variation of UV intensity within the test range and MBR effluent turbidity in a narrow range less than 3 NTU .

    研究 光强 范围内UV强度的变化和MBR出水浊度在小范围(3NTU)的波动,对微生物的灭活率没有影响。

  • Transient Plane Source ( TPS ) is one of the thermophysical properties measurement methods confirming the test range accuracy and parameters is the precondition of its application and evaluation .

    瞬态平面热源法作为一种非稳态热物理性能测试技术,其 测量 范围、测量准确度和 试验参数的确定是正确评价和应用这种 测试技术的前提条件。

  • Under the test range the thermal cracking reducing even disappears by increasing preheat time and preheat temperature and some coals ' thermal stability value is great than 95 % after treatment .

    实验 范围 ,随着预处理时间增加和预处理温度提高,热爆煤的热爆性大大降低甚至消失,有的热稳定性值达到95%以上。