


  • The solution of the case of Cross-border bankruptcy concerns many laws of different countries and regions as the Cross-border bankruptcy has the characteristics of internationalism and aboriginality . There are two different systems about it and one is universalism and the other is territorialism .

    跨国界破产的国际性以及本土性等特性 决定了该 案件的解决需要 借助不同国家和地区的破产法律制度,在该问题 历来就有两种不同的 观点 地域主义和普遍主义。

  • All the researches have active signification to enrich the creation of the theory of territorialism .

    整个研究对丰富 领域 的理论 创作有积极的意义。

  • Section two of this thesis discusses two basic theories concerned with extraterritorial jurisdiction of cross-border insolvency namely the principles of Territorialism Bankruptcy and Universalism of Bankruptcy .

    论文的第二部分阐述了有关跨国破产域外效力的两种基本理论,即 地域主义和普遍主义。

  • Territoriality of intellectual property doesn t amount to rigorous territorialism .

    知识产权地域性不等同于严格 属地 主义

  • Dueling this time Guizhou mational area started and has gradually completed in the overall to transform from the feudal lord to feudal territorialism .

    这一时期,贵州民族地区开始并在总体上逐步完成了由封建领主 向封建 地主 社会 转型

  • Nevertheless network is virtual without territorialism .

    而网络是虚拟的,无 地域 可言