

[法] 扩张领土,区域化,地区化

  • Territorialization and internationalization : new strategy of industry development after China 's WTO access

    地域 与国际化的 双向 互动&入世后的产业发展新战略

  • Shandong province has traffic location and industry advantages but now the logistics industrial layout shows obviously the characteristics of territorialization and departmentalization .

    山东省有 得天独厚的交通、区位和产业优势,但是目前物流产业布局呈现出的是明显的 区域 和部门化的特征。

  • Drawing on the review the author pointed out : ( 1 ) The emergence of concept ethnicity was related to the worldwide territorialization and institutionalization of nation and nationality and to the decline of the race and tribe as Orientalist concepts .

    通过 追溯和考察,得出的 认识是:(1)族群这个概念的兴起是与民族的 普遍 疆域制度化,种族、部落等东方学概念的衰退 相连 的。

  • The article maintains that the Spring-Autumn mythology is not a previously given and complete system but a historical accumulated result with the maturity of the narrative art at the same time it has obvious characters such as fragment historical transformation territorialization .

    文章认为,春秋神话并不是一个预先给定的、完整 划一的系统,而是伴随着叙事艺术的成熟、呈动态性状 发展的历史累积的结果,具有明显的片断 、历史化和 地域 等特征。

  • However to the diverse ethnic minorities that inhabited in this region the national territorialization of their native lands effectively constituted a process of internal cultural colonization .

    不过,西北地区国族 疆域 的过程, 同时 也是一个内部殖民的过程。