test bed


  • The paper describes the basic principle and composition of the test bed using microcomputers to monitor the performances of pneumatic rock drills .

    介绍了气动凿岩机微机监控运行 试验 的基本原理及结构组成。

  • A small vehicle with wireless control and image grabbing capabilities is used as a test bed .

    实验中我们利用一可无线遥控且撷取影像的迷你自动车作为 研究 平台

  • This process also helps the quality assurance team by creating a stable test bed to ensure an application state that will allow quality assurance teams to create automated test scripts easier .

    该流程还可以帮助质量保证团队,它建立了一个稳定的 测试 ,以确保应用程序处于让供质量保证团队更容易创建自动化测试脚本的状态。

  • Design of CAN bus network used in a test bed is discussed .

    围绕应用于某 试验 的CAN总线通信系统设计展开讨论。

  • The system has been actually tested on our aero-engine test bed and appraised by the Aero-Industry Ministry .

    本系统在发动机试车 上进行了 试验,并通过了航空工业部部级鉴定。

  • Sampling and Control System of a Test Bed for Simulating Engine Dynamic Performance

    发动机动态性能模拟 试验 的采样与控制系统

  • The study was according to the single parameter on the axial threshing and separating unit test bed and concave clearance had an effect on its work performance was analyzed .

    通过在轴流脱粒与分离装置 试验 进行单因素试验,分析了凹板间隙对谷物联合收割机作业性能的影响。

  • Apache Pluto is a small and easily usable portal test bed for JSR168-compliance testing .

    ApachePluto是用于 JSR168兼容性测试的易于使用的小型门户 测试环境。

  • Please make everything straight before the upcoming test starts up especially the test bed .

    在即将进行的测试开始前,请把一切工作准备就绪,尤其是 测试 平台

  • In turn cognitive science research can use the robot as a test bed to study human perception communication and other faculties .

    反过来,认知科学研究也能利用机器人,做为研究人类感知、通与其他官能的 测试 温床

  • Meanwhile MII and IBM are working on the project 's next phase : the buoys will be a beta test bed for distributed platforms capable of performing analytics and intelligently responding to changes .

    同时,MII和IBM正在着手完成项目的下一个阶段: 浮标将作为支持执行分析并可智能应对变化的分布式平台的beta 测试地。

  • On an engine test bed two selected exhaust purifiers with DOC type experienced comparison emission tests ; the results validated the sizable effects of the outer purifier means .

    在发动机 试验 ,选择了两种DOC型尾气净化器,进行了排放比对试验,验证了机外净化的效果。

  • Like the777 you use the prototype program as a test bed for design ideas .

    与波音777一样,您使用原型程序作为设计思路的 试验

  • It works through providing the hydraulic power source by test bed .

    通过 试验 提供液压动力源实现操作。

  • The Design and Optimization of the Comprehensive Performance Mini-UAV Test Bed

    小型无人机综合性能 测试 的设计与优化

  • The paper dissertates the dynamics model of mixed inertia simulation test bed about braking test .

    文章论述了车辆制动器综合性能测试中的混合惯量模拟 试验 的动力学模型。

  • Research of the Test Bed for the Comprehensive Performance of Disc Brake 's Brake Cylinder Based on PLC

    基于PLC的盘式制动器制动泵总成综合性能 试验 的研制

  • Design of Elevator Group Control Simulation Test Bed Based on PC-PLC

    基于 PC-PLC的电梯群控系统仿真 平台的设计

  • Study of data treat on test bed of automotive vacuum booster

    汽车真空助力器 试验 采集数据处理规范的研究

  • We have conducted extensive running on a test bed to optimise the gearbox design and ensure that we can be confident of meeting the levels of reliability required .

    我们已在 测试 完成了全面的测试,以优化变速箱的设计,并确保我们能够达到可靠性要求的水平。

  • The modeling and control problem how to use diesel-hydraulic dynamometer test bed to simulate main engine matching with propeller is studied theoretically in this paper .

    从理论上,对在采用柴油机水力测功的 试验 进行机桨配合模拟的建模与控制问题进行了深入研究。

  • Simulate Research about Hydraulic System of Hydraulic Roof Supports Test Bed

    液压支架 试验 液压系统的仿真研究

  • An accurate virtual model and simulation would complement tissue-based in vitro studies by providing a consistent test bed with minimal variability and by reducing cost .

    精确的虚拟模型和仿真将通过提供因个体差异最小而一致的 测试 平台和降低成本而弥补基于组织的体外试验的不足。

  • Display Control System of Short Arm Centrifuge Test Bed

    人体短臂离心机 实验 的显示控制系统

  • In addition its pluggable architecture provides an interesting test bed for writing invaluable application-specific detectors .

    此外,它的可插入结构提供了编写有价值的、特定于应用程序的检测器的、有意思的 测试 框架

  • The testing result of the double closed loop and electric enclosed test bed of transmission shows that the efficiency and reliability of the system satisfies the requirement of design .

    对研制的双闭环、封闭传动 试验 的测试表明,该系统的工作效率和可靠性满足设计要求。

  • Research on the Design Method of Mixed Inertia Simulation Test Bed

    混合惯量模拟 试验 设计方法的研究

  • In the same initial conditions and controlling algorithm experimental verification is performed on the self-developed test bed .

    在相同的初始条件和控制方法下,在自行 研制的实验 装置 进行了验证性 实验

  • Design and realization of test bed for ventilation mode based on active servo lung

    基于主动模拟肺通气模式 试验 平台的设计与实现

  • Reliability Analysis of Loading Fly Wheel on Inertia Test Bed for Brake

    制动器惯性 试验 加载飞轮的可靠性分析