


  • Stromatolite morphologies and their terrigenous sediment association indicate depositional basin tectonic setting .

    叠层石的形态和它们与 陆源沉积的关系反映了沉积盆地的构造背景。

  • Its Outangdi Formation of the Upper Carboniferous system occurs as mixed deposits of terrigenous clastics and carbonate .

    藕塘底组属于上石炭统,是一套 陆源碎屑岩与碳酸盐岩组成的混合沉积岩。

  • Cenozoic Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution in the Middle Part of Northern Continental Shelf-Slope Region South China Sea What does the terrigenous sediment consist of ?

    南海中北部陆架-陆坡区新生代构造-沉积演化 陆源沉积物是由什么组成的?

  • On the nomenclature of matrix in the terrigenous clastic sedimentary rock

    关于杂基在 陆源碎屑沉积岩中的命名问题

  • These Devonian volcano sedimentary basins are occupied dominantly by the volcanic rocks in association with terrigenous and intrabasinal sediments .

    前人主要集中研究 陆源 碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩条件的层序发育特点,而较少涉猎海相火山沉积盆地的层序地层探讨。

  • Mixed terrigenous gravels and carbonate intraclast sediment ;

    陆源 碎屑砾石与碳酸盐颗粒混合沉积;

  • The gold was mainly taken from the Archaeozoic submarine volcanic eruption products and partly from terrigenous weathered alluvial deposits .

    金主要来自太古代海底火山的喷发产物,部分来自 陆源风化冲积物。

  • But terrigenous sequence of type ⅱ lacks LST .

    而Ⅱ型 陆相层序缺失LST。

  • The mineral analysis shows that there are four mineral assemblages of terrigenous minerals mixed minerals authigenic ferromanganese minerals and intermediate-basic volcanogenic minerals and the mineral constituents and content differences reflect the changes of the material sources and the sedimentary environments ;

    碎屑矿物分析得出 陆源矿物、混合矿物、自生铁锰矿物和中基性火山矿物四种矿物组合区,矿物组成和含量差异反映了物源和沉积环境的变化;

  • Burial of terrigenous organic carbon on continental shelves plays an important role in the global carbon cycle .

    河口和陆架 陆源有机碳在全球碳循环中起着重要作用,研究其所 比例 分布具有重要意义。

  • Application of sedimentary geochemistry of terrigenous clastic rock to basin analysis


  • Mixed deposits which is composed of terrigenous fragment and carbonate of marine facies develops extensively in the Lower Cambrian Balang Formation at Yangjiaping Shimen Hunan Province .

    湖南石门杨家坪下寒武统杷榔组三段发育 陆源 碎屑与海相碳酸盐的混合沉积。

  • Sedimentary environment and the abundance of terrigenous substance and organic matter affects the concentrations of Na and Mn differently .

    沉积环境、 陆源 碎屑以及有机质的含量不同程度地影响Na、Mn分布。

  • OC was mainly terrigenous input and ON was mainly terrigenous input in surface sediments but marine autogenic in the lower layer of sediment cores .

    其中,有机碳主要 陆源输入为主,而有机氮在沉积物表层主要以陆源输入为主,在沉积物下层则主要来源于海洋自生。

  • Carbonate cycle at ODP Site 1143 was influenced by both dissolution and terrigenous dilution .

    因此推断ODP1143站的碳酸盐旋回受深海溶解作用和 陆源 物质稀释作用的共同影响。

  • The coals are mainly from terrigenous with abundant aquatic organisms input .

    高等 植物 输入 为主,同时也有水生生物输入。

  • There is a close relation between the terrigenous clastic rock and the plate tectonics .


  • Terrigenous Mineral Constrains on the Grain-Size Distribution and Geochemical Composition of Sediments in the Inner Shelf of the East China Sea

    东海内陆架 陆源 物质矿物组成对粒度和地球化学成分的制约 化学 物质残滓及 污染物

  • It is dominated by the terrigenous clastic sediment of low maturity and poor sorting ;

    以成熟度低、分选差的 陆源碎屑沉积为主;

  • Variations of Terrigenous Material Discharges in the South Okinawa Trough and Its Relation to the East Asian Summer Monsoon since the Last Millennium

    冲绳海槽千年来 陆源物质 输入 历史与东亚季风变迁

  • The distribution of REE in carbonates and terrigenous rocks are synthetically studied and the main control factors on REE distribution and evolution are discussed .

    通过对 鲁西 沉积岩稀土元素含量特征的总结和 多元 统计分析,研究了鲁西碳酸盐岩、 陆源岩中稀土元素的分布规律,探讨了其演化及控制因素。

  • Holocene terrigenous input changes in the northern Okinawa Trough and their paleoclimatic implications

    全新世冲绳海槽北部 陆源输入物变化及其古气候意义

  • The study on the outer configuration of terrigenous sequence in Biyang fault depression includes sequence classification and boundary identification .

    泌阳断陷 陆相层序外部构型研究包括层序级别的厘定与划分以及界面的类型及其识别标志。

  • The mixing accumulation of fringing reef carbonates and terrigenous clastics is important feature of the coral fringing .

    珊瑚岸礁最重要特征是礁源碳酸盐和 陆源碎屑的混合沉积作用。

  • Mesozoic Neozoic terrigenous sequence of Biyang fault depression in Nanxiang Basin is treated as a case to study influential factors of terrigenous sequence formation and development .

    以南襄盆地泌阳断陷中新生代 陆相层序为例,探讨了控制断陷湖盆陆相层序形成和发育的影响因素。

  • Bohai Sea sediment environment is changing by over-influx of terrigenous sediment and over-exploitation in Bohai Sea surrounding areas .


  • Terrigenous gravel and carbonate intraclasts scattering in carbonate matrix .

    陆源 碎屑砾石和碳酸盐颗粒散布于碳酸盐基质之中。

  • The terrigenous coarse-grained clastic deposits in the study area provide favorable condition for the concentration of uranium and especially the main channels and distributary channels on the fan delta and alluvial fan are the most favorable sites for uranium concentration .


  • Analysis of Grain-size Populations With Environmentally Sensitive Components in Aeolian Deposits and Their Implications Terrigenous Mineral Constrains on the Grain-Size Distribution and Geochemical Composition of Sediments in the Inner Shelf of the East China Sea

    风成沉积物环境敏感粒度指标的提取及意义东海内陆架 陆源 物质矿物组成对粒度和地球化学成分的制约