text delay

[tɛkst dɪˈle][tekst diˈlei]

[计] 正文延迟

  • This text adopts the research of the procedure mode to delay process point out the concrete method of precise time calculation for whole delay process .

    通过 延时程序模式的研究,指出精确计算整个延时时间的具体方法。

  • The help message shall be submitted as the high priority text and can be cleared after selecting the short delay display .

    帮助信息应该作为高优先级 文本发送,且可以选择短 延迟显示后清除该信息。

  • To this my position is very firm middle school students should not carry a cell phone there are three main reasons : one text messaging chatting delay academic ;

    对此,我的立场很坚定,中学生不应该带手机,理由主要有三方面:一、 短信闲聊, 贻误学业;

  • The data company VPN carries include not only text but also multimedia such as voice video and so on . which results in the variety of their demands for bandwidth time delay and real time vary .

    由于企业网所承载的数据不仅是 文本,还有语音、视频等多媒体的重要数据,它们对带宽、 延迟、实时性的要求各不相同。