terms of credit


  • To record a transaction in a journal in terms of debit and credit is referred to as making a journal entry or journalizing .

    借项和 贷项在日记帐中记录一笔业务叫做日记帐分录或记日记帐。

  • Thus the bank 's obligation is defined by the terms of the credit alone and the sale contract is irrelevant .

    因此,银行的义务仅受 信用 条款约束,而与买卖合同无关。

  • We hereby engage with you that drafts and all documents drawn under and in strict conformity with the terms of this credit will be honoured on due presentation .

    根据原 信用 开具地汇票和单据,完全符合原 信用 条款并及时提交,原 银行 保证向贵方履行付款责任。

  • Provided you fulfil the terms of the credit we will accept and pay at maturity the draft presented to us under this credit and if required provide discounting facilities at current rates .

    在你公司履行 信用 条款 条件下,我行将承兑并于期满时支付信用证项下提示的汇票,如需要,可安利率进行贴现。

  • Complying presentation means a presentation that is in accordance with the terms and conditions of the credit the applicable provisions of these rules and international standard banking practice .

    相符 交单指与 信用 条款、本惯例的相关适用条款以及国际标准银行实物一致的交单。

  • Systems discussed in this article a case of Kaifeng city commercial bank credit management policy for the business of prototype and applicable to all commercial banks in terms of credit management products .

    本文所论述的系统,是以开封市商业银行的信贷管理政策为业务原型,并适用于全国各商业银行的 信贷管理产品。

  • If documents presented do not comply with the terms and conditions of this credit a discrepancy fee of USD80.00 will be deducted from proceeds to the beneficiary .

    如果寄来的单据和 信用 所要求的不符,受益人将会被扣除80美圆的不符点费。

  • In terms of credit reporting we should improve the system of personal credit system and credit rating .

    征信 方面,应当完善个人信用体系和信用评级制度。

  • In terms of the domestic credit mainly credit card and two forms of quasi-credit card which is not allowed without prior consumer deposits circumstances but allows a lower limit of the overdraft .

    国内 信用 而言,主要有贷记卡和准贷记卡两种形式,后者不允许在没有事先存款的情况下进行消费,但是允许有较低额度的透支。

  • Our terms of payment are30-day credit period not60-day credit . It 's customary .

    外贸英语培训&我们的 付款条件是30天 信用期,而非60天信用期,这是惯例。

  • Irrevocable letter of credit : form of letter of credit whereby the issuing bank gives an undertaking to the beneficiary that payment will be made provided that the beneficiary complies with the terms of the credit .

    不可撤销的信用证:一种信用证形式,表明发证银行对受益人承担的一种义务,即只要受益人遵守 信用 条款,银行就予付款。

  • Although Anhui credit market is rather small in terms of balance credit growth amount of credit increase and per capita credit level it has huge potential of development .

    余额、增量、增幅、人均 信贷水平等不同 维度 ,安徽信贷市场规模较小,但是面临巨大的发展空间。

  • He points to annual general meetings a board of directors and a partnership with Bank of America that has brought new skills in terms of managing credit cards and other forms of wealth management .

    他谈到了年度股东大会、董事会,以及与美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA)之间的合作伙伴关系。与美国银行的战略合作为建行带来了 信用卡管理及其它财富管理 业务 方面的新技能。

  • Under this condition these leasing firms enjoy no advantage compared to commercial banks in terms of credit rates . meanwhile they have disadvantages in customizing the equipment demands of lessees .

    在这种条件下,与商业银行相比,租赁公司享受不到 信贷利率的优势。同时,在满足承租人的设备需求 方面它们又处于劣势。

  • The results show that : the number of rural SMEs will provide customers with much more amount and more favorable terms of trade credit as a means to enhance their own competitiveness in the market place .

    研究结果表明:农村中小企业将向客户提供商业 信用作为增强自身竞争力的一种手段,以在市场上占有一席之地。客户市场势力越强, 农村中小企业提供的 商业 信用越多, 信用 条款也越优厚。

  • Unless transhipment is prohibited by the terms of the Credit Banks will accept a Bill of lading which indicates that the goods will be transhipped provided that the entire ocean carriage is covered by one and the same Bill of lading .

    除非 信用 禁止转运,否则只要同一提单包括了海运全程运输,银行将接受注明货物将转运的提单。

  • This paper does a game analysis about the reason in terms of the credit default and proposes a three-dimensional credit mechanism to drive farmers to repay .

    诚信缺失的 角度对产生这种现象的原因进行了博弈分析,并建立了迫使农户还贷的“三维”诚信机制。

  • The Bank is bound to make payment against documents which are conformable to the terms of the credit .

    只要受益人提供的单据符合 信用 条款,开 行必须履行付款业务。

  • An irrevocable Credit constitutes a definite undertaking of the issuing bank provided that the stipulated documents are presented to the nominated bank or to the issuing bank and that the terms and conditions of the credit are complied with .

    对不可撤销的信用证 而言,在信用 规定的单据全部提交指定银行或开证行,并且这些 单据又符合 信用 条款的规定时,便构成开证行的确定承诺。

  • It starts by figuring out the existing protection procedures in the Law on the Protection of Consumers Right the legal system about Finance and the Terms and Conditions of Credit Card .

    首先指出《消费者权益保护法》、金融法律制度以及 信用章程中存在的对消费者的既有保护措施。

  • Partners also have a say in the terms of the credit agreements .

    合伙人对 信用协议中的 条款有话事权。

  • You must double check everything to make sure that the documents meet the terms of the letter of credit .

    你还要复核所有票据,确保文件和 信用 条款一致。

  • It is vital to take various measures to improve Chinese network sales especially overwhelm those restrictive factors including backward infrastructure and auxiliary facilities in terms of security credit and concept etc.

    基础和配套设施相对 落后、安全性、 信用问题、观念问题是制约我国网络销售发展的因素,必须采取多项措施促进我国网络销售的发展。

  • Compliance of the stipulated documents on their face with the terms and conditions of the Credit shall be determined by international standard Banking practice as reflected in these Articles .

    本惯例所体现的国际标准银行实务是确定 信用证所规定的单据表面与 信用 条款相符的 依据

  • We hereby engage with drawers and / or bona fide holder that drafts drawn and negotiated on presentation and that drafts accepted within the terms of this credit will be duly honoured at maturity .

    兹对出票人及/或善意持票人保证,凡按本 信用 开具及议付的汇票一经提交即予承兑;凡依本 条款承兑之汇票,到期即予照付。

  • Drafts drawn and negotiated in conformity with the terms of this credit will be honoured on presentation .

    提示符合于本 信用 规定 条款所开立并进行议付的汇票即予兑现。

  • A claiming bank shall not be required to supply a reimbursing bank with a certificate of compliance with the terms and conditions of the credit .

    不应要求索偿行向偿付行提供证实单据与 信用条款及条件相符的证明。