terms of peace

[法] 媾和条件

  • However he says Israel and the Palestinians must both stick to the terms of the roadmap to peace .

    但是他又说,以色列和巴勒斯坦必须都遵守“路线图”的规划迈向 和平

  • It is possible for the two civilizations to communicate with learn from and co-exit with each other in terms of eco-environment world peace and global ethics so as to contribute to new world order of co-existence with difference in times of globalization .

    两者应该而且能够在生态环境、世界 和平、全球伦理等 领域,进行对话,相互借鉴,取长补短,共存共荣,为全球化形势下构建美美与共,和而不同的人类文明新秩序做出应有的贡献。

  • Conflicts between the New and Old World Orders Viewed in Terms of the Shantung Issue at Paris Peace Negotiation

    巴黎 会上的山东问题看世界新旧秩序的冲突

  • The victorious country dictated the terms of peace to the defeated country .

    战胜国向战败国提出 和谈 条件

  • In terms of their outer features Nanjing mm may be seen as less pretty than Shanghai 's but they carry a type of gracefulness that is from their inner peace .

    比起上海女人,南京美眉算不上 天生丽质,但却自有一种从容与优雅;

  • The conference drew up the terms of the peace treaty .

    大会草拟了 和平条约的 条款

  • To some degree ECOMOG in Liberia and Sierra Leone has achieved some success in terms of maintaining peace and security in West Africa .

    西共体组建维和部队干预利比里亚和塞拉利昂内战,在维护西非地区的 和平与安全 方面取得了一定成功。

  • In terms of theory based on the theory of community peace and the theory of international system transformation which are two important theories of constructivism the treatise analyzes the relation among security community international system and collective identity .

    理论 方面,本文以建构主义的共同体 和平论和国际体系转换理论为依托,分析了安全共同体、国际体系以及集体认同三者的关系。

  • So China has been a beneficiary of the current international system in terms of both peace and development .

    无论 和平还是发展,中国都是现行国际体系的受益者。

  • Part II elaborates upon the philosophical foundation of the course in terms of the diversities of world culture and peace development cooperation and communication global scope of music and the understanding and respect for the diversities of music culture .

    其次,从世界文化的多样性与 和平·发展·合作·感情交流、音乐的全球视野和理解·尊重多元音乐文化等 方面,论述《世界民族音乐》课程的哲学基础。

  • In terms of the former he had saved lives of the ogedei clan and as a result the peace and the development of economy politics in middle Asia had been maintained for half a century .

    从前者 来说,他挽救了濒临灭亡的窝阔台家族和汗国的命运,也使中亚的经济和政治得以维持半个世纪的 和平与发展。

  • What are the terms of the peace treaty ?

    和约 条款是什么?

  • Under the terms of the embittered partners ' peace agreement Mr Zong agreed to pay Danone 300m ( $ 450m ) for its controlling 51 per cent stake in their joint venture operations .

    根据心怀怨愤的合作双方达成的 和解协议 条款,宗庆后同意向达能支付3亿欧元(合4.5亿美元),购买达能在双方合资企业51%的控股股份。

  • There have been several days of unrest since the Syrian government said it would accept the terms of an Arab League peace plan and pull its troops out of residential areas .

    自叙利亚政府宣称接受阿拉伯联盟提出的 和平建议,将部队撤出居民区以来,叙利亚连续多日 动荡不安

  • Is there a special role that China can play in terms of promoting an immediate cease-fire and a greater peace in the region ?

    那么在维护该地区 安全稳定 方面中方能否发挥特殊作用?