terms of price

[经] 价格条件

  • There is a strict ceiling in terms of price but buyers have very high demands with regard to speed memory and the graphics card said Mr Tang .

    汤捷表示:买家设定了严格的 价格上限,但同时又对运行速度、存储空间和显卡有很高的要求。

  • Introducing the credit risk and term structure of interest rate into the existing binomial-tree pricing model a binomial-tree pricing model is set up in terms of stock price and interest rate as two target variables or factors .

    摘要将信用风险、利率期限结构引入到二叉树定价模型中,建立 股价和利率为标的变量的二叉树定价模型。

  • The homemade rust inhibitor and silicon powder are more advantageous than the similar products abroad in terms of the price and the effect of their combined application in practice .

    国产的阻锈剂及硅粉不仅 经济,而且其联合应用效果 优于国外同类产品。

  • While valuation of the market is reasonable both in terms of the price to earnings ratio and the yield gap relative to the US10-year Treasury the risks to earnings are on the downside .

    尽管无论是 市盈率还是从与美国10年期国债的收益率差来看,市场的估值是合理的,但收益下降的风险正在积聚。

  • In terms of price it has the market price advantage than the commercial housing has ; in housing design and construction standards it is of appropriate characteristics but without harming the quality of its construction .

    价格 ,它比市场上的同类商品房有价格上的优惠;在住房设计及其建筑标准上,具有适用的特点,但是又不损害其建筑质量。

  • Risk is assessed in terms of price volatility most commonly measured as standard deviation .

    风险是 按照 价格波动性来评估的,通常以标准差来衡量。

  • Amazon also makes for a stark contrast with apple in terms of price .

    此外,亚马逊在 价格 也与苹果形成了鲜明对比。

  • To analyze the interrelation of PTA PX and PET in terms of price and profit fluctuation .

    对PTA、PX、PET联动的 价格 关系,毛利水平变动趋势进行了分析。

  • The article mainly discusses the real estate marketing strategy in terms of the price strategy advertisement strategy and sales strategy in the entire real estate marketing .

    文章主要 房地产市场营销 价格策略、广告策略、销售策略等环节 论述房地产全程营销中的市场营销策略。

  • In terms of price can provide low-cost electronic coupons and increased product variety .

    价格 方面,可以提供电子优惠券和增加低价产品品种。

  • They are attempting to knock us down in terms of price .

    他们试图在 价格 方面打倒我们。

  • E-Japan Strategy originated in2000 has made a remarkable progress for the5-year socioeconomic program which has led broadband access in Japan became No.1 in the World in terms of price and speed .

    肇始于2000年的E-日本策略为五年社会经济计画带来卓越的进展, 价格和速度 而言,它使得日本的宽频接取成为世界第一。

  • In terms of price strategy the first thing we need to do is regulating price competition since it will cause potential danger to circulation industry .

    价格策略 方面,我们首先要做的就是规范价格竞争因为过度竞争会给流通业造成潜在危害。

  • The author describes application of the micro PLC in process control of bloom cutting with shearing machine and its advantages in terms of price space occupation system configuration programming method service and operation .

    介绍了微型PLC在坯料剪断机剪切过程控制方面的应用及其在 价格、体积、系统构成、编程方式、运行维护和使用 方面的优势。

  • It can try being competitive with small digital cameras but here it loses battle in terms of price and size .

    它可以尝试提高自己的竞争力与小数码相机,但在这里,就会失去战斗在 价格和大小。

  • Behind this prosperous market Coca-Cola Pepsi and other international brands engaged in fierce competition with our local beverage brands in terms of price packaging promotions and so on .

    在这繁荣的市场背后,可口可乐、百事可乐等国际化品牌与我国本土品牌在 价格、包装、促销手段等 方面展开了激烈的竞争。

  • At the same time the typology would address various positioning strategies that might further differentiate products in terms of price points or other factors .

    同时分类还应加上不同的区位策略,这个策略可能进一步 按照 价格指向或其它因素区分产品。

  • These resorts like Magaluf and Arenal remain unbeatable in terms of price .

    像马加拉夫和阿雷纳尔这样的度假胜地,在 价格 方面仍具有绝对的优势。

  • In terms of price your company demanded more than the others did .

    价格 而言,贵公司的 价钱 还是比别的公司的要高些。

  • In order to seek the competitive advantages in terms of price to enlarge expert China has taken the measures of subsidy and anti-subsidy in the international trade over many years .

    我国在长期的国际贸易中,为了扩大出口并寻求相应的 价格竞争优势使用了补贴与反补贴。

  • In terms of liquidation price the freight rate and environment are different between co-financed and state-owned lines .

    在清算关系 ,国铁与合资铁路的 运价政策和环境也并不一致。

  • Marketing strategies of information products differ from general industrial products in terms of product price place and promotion strategies .

    所以必须对信息产品进行 定义和分类,才能在此基础上分析信息产品有别于一般工业品的营销策略,它 包括产品策略、 价格策略、渠道策略和促销策略。

  • The business is ripe for disruption both in terms of price and quality he said .

    他说,从 价格和质量两方面 而言,颠覆这个行业的时机都已经成熟。

  • The advantages and disadvantages of Shaanxi apple production were analyzed in terms of price .

    运用要素 价格分析了陕西苹果产业相对于甘肃和宁夏两省(区)的优势和劣势。

  • Long distance rail cargo splits the difference between airplane and boat delivery in terms of price and speed .

    长距离铁路运输与空运和海运的区别在于 成本和速度。

  • In terms of price there 's no comparison .

    价格 方面无法相比。