terminal velocity

[ˈtɚmənəl vəˈlɑsɪti][ˈtə:minəl viˈlɔsiti]


  • And if you know the time to go a distance of four centimeters you know the terminal velocity .

    如果你知道下降,4cm所用的时间,就能知道 终端 速度

  • This paper 's mainly calculation involves the calculation of critical fluidization velocity of particle and particle terminal velocity calculations .

    文中计算主要涉及了颗粒临界流化速度和颗粒 终端 速度的计算。

  • Approximate Formulas of Hailstone Drag Coefficients and its Terminal Velocity

    冰雹阻力系数的半经验关系和 速度的近似公式

  • Observational evidence for stellar winds obtained from radio infrared visible UV and X-ray regions are given . And two important parameters terminal velocity and mass loss rate are discussed .

    在观测方面,给出了从射电、红外,可见光、紫外和X射线各波段得到的观测证据,并介绍了星风的两个重要参数、星风的 和质量损失率。

  • As the viscosity ratio κ increases the terminal velocity increases .

    随着粘性比κ的增加,液 速度增大。

  • In this paper a water droplet motion model in thermal insulation countercurrent air flow is built based on the non-spherical particle drag coefficient and the explicit formulation for terminal velocity is derived .

    采用非球形颗粒的阻力系数关联式,建立了水滴在绝热逆流空气中的动力学方程,得出了水滴所受阻力及其 最终沉降 速度的计算方法。

  • Equivalent Target and Terminal Velocity of Fragments in Battle Damage Simulation

    战斗损伤仿真中的等效靶与破片 终点 速度研究

  • And so what are the conditions for terminal velocity ?

    什么条件下可以,达到 终端 速度

  • It is concluded that the equivalent target expression and the method of calculating terminal velocity can efficiently increase the calculating precision and can be used in the battle damage simulation .

    结果表明:建立的等效靶公式和 剩余 速度求解方法显著地提高了计算精度,可以应用于战斗损伤仿真分析中。

  • Regime two is the case when v is much mg = larger than v critical so then mg equals if this is the terminal velocity .

    区域2是指当V比临界,速度大,所以,如果这是 终极 速度

  • I believe they call it uh terminal velocity .

    我想这就是所谓的。自由 落体 速度

  • And that leads to a terminal velocity which you can calculate if you want to using the v-square term but I was not interested in that .

    然后是 终端 速度,可以用V^2项,计算出来,但是我不感兴趣。

  • Fell from high enough to reach terminal velocity .

    从足够 摔死的高度上掉下来。

  • And the terminal velocity is given .

    终端 速度已经给出。

  • Excessively long fall distances are required for drops of raindrop size to attain terminal velocity .

    雨滴为了得到足够的 速度必须下降很长距离。

  • And so you see you are really working here in the regime of1 over * in the regime where the terminal velocity is proportional to the radius squared .

    在区域中确实起作用,在区域中, 终端 速度。,和半径平方成比例,打开灯。

  • Because of the tumbling and the light weight there 's so much air resistance that the penny never really gathers that much speed before it hits its terminal velocity .

    所以当它 下落时,因为翻滚和重量轻,又有这么大空气阻力,就算是达到最大 速度也没有多

  • As well due to the high terminal velocity the aerodynamic drag penalty would be particularly great .

    同时,由于高 终端 速度,气动阻力的刑罚将是特别大。

  • By the time he passed four thousand feet he had reached terminal velocity the wind was a solid beating wall of sound against which he could move no faster .

    他穿越四千英尺的高度时,已经达到 极速,呼啸着的海风就像一堵坚实的墙,拦在前面,使他无法以更快的速度前进。

  • It 's clearly regime one so you see the terminal velocity right there .

    明显是区域1,所以在,这可以看到 终端 速度

  • With analysis of forces on particle and calculation of terminal velocities terminal velocity models are selected and then Pulse jamming settlement theory was discussed .

    在颗粒受力分析及沉降 速计算基础上,首先选取了沉降 速度模型,进而对脉动干扰沉降理论做了初步探讨。

  • C2 You know c1 you know c2 you know the radius of these ball bearings you know the mass of the ball bearings so you can solve for the terminal velocity .

    知道c1和,知道滚珠的半径,知道滚珠的质量,那么就可以,解出 终端 速度

  • Numerical simulations of the influence of the graupel fall terminal velocity on cloud system and precipitation development

    霰粒子 下落 速度对云系及降水发展影响的数值研究

  • Karo So if I compare the quarter-inch ball bearing and I drop it in the Karo syrup then the terminal velocity in the Karo syrup is way below the critical velocity of the Karo syrup .

    英尺的滚珠,放到,糖浆中的 速度,就要比糖浆中的,临界速度低得多,糖浆中1/4英尺。

  • And what I calculated was the terminal velocity as a function of radius of these ball bearings .

    我计算的是 终端 速度,作为这些钢珠的,半径函数。

  • I can calculate what the terminal velocity is a better name would be terminal speed .

    可以计算出 终端 速度,更好的名字是终极速度。

  • However it will of course take longer and the reason why it will take longer is that the terminal velocity the terminal speed is not achieved instantaneously .

    但是,它需要花,更多的时间,原因是, 终端 速度,因为不能,马上达到终端速度。

  • This velocity is often called the terminal velocity .

    这个速度常常称为 收尾 速度

  • If you throw two pennies off the Empire State Building at different speeds air friction causes them to approach the same terminal velocity .

    如果你由帝国大厦顶端以不同速度抛出两个铜板,与空气的摩擦会使它们趋近同一个 终端 速度

  • If you know what m is the mass of an object the radius and you know the values for C1 or C2 of that medium in which you move it then you can calculate what the terminal velocity is .

    如果你知道M是什么,是物体的质量,半径,知道C1值或者,媒介的C2值,然后你,就能算出 终极 速度