


  • Purpose : To research the teratogenic effect of recombinant staphylokinase ( r-SAK ) on ICR mice .

    目的:用ICR小鼠研究重组葡激酶(r-SAK)的 致畸作用。

  • Toxic and teratogenic effects of aluminium chloride on chick embryos

    氯化铝对鸡胚的毒性与 致畸效应研究

  • CONCLUSION : Chitosan has no embryonic and teratogenic toxicity when used under 1 000 mg / kg .

    结论:在≤1000mg/kg剂量下,壳聚糖对大鼠无胚胎毒性和 致畸毒性。

  • The teratogenic test of GB was carried out in wistar rats .

    我们用wistar大鼠进行了GB的 畸胎试验。

  • In this paper the teratogenic and embryotoxic effects of selenium yeast on rats were investigated .

    本文研究了硒酵母对大鼠的 致畸 和胚胎毒性。

  • In order to study teratogenic effects of Opuntia milpa alta flower on embryos of SD rats .

    为了了解仙人掌粉对SD大鼠胚胎 致畸作用的影响。

  • Results showed that over intake of aluminum could lead obvious teratogenic and toxic effects on fetal development in mice .

    结果发现,铝的过量摄入对小鼠胚胎发育具有明显的 致畸作用和毒性。

  • Conclusion Ginseng flower bud extract does not possess toxic and teratogenic effect on maternal rats and embryo rats .

    结论人参花蕾提取物对大鼠无母体毒性、胚胎毒性和 致畸作用。

  • Study on Teratogenic Effects of YF-1 Germicide in Mice

    YF-1杀菌剂对小鼠 致畸作用研究

  • In vivo Mutagenic and Teratogenic Studies of Domestic Sarafloxacin

    国产沙拉沙星的体内致突变性和 致畸 研究

  • Methods : The teratogenic medicines were classified according to FDA and analysed through related data .

    方法:通过有关资料对有关的药物进行FDA分类和有关药物 致畸 的分析。

  • Studies on Teratogenic Effects of Aluminum on Intra Uterine Fetal Development in Mice

    铝对小鼠宫内胚胎发育 致畸作用的研究

  • Study of Teratogenic Effects of Aspirin on Embryos of Rats

    阿司匹林 建立大鼠胚胎 畸形模型的研究

  • Methods A traditional teratogenic assay was carried out by setting 3 different dose groups with 0.1 and 1.0g/kg . b.

    方法设0.1、0.3和1.0g/kg体重三剂量组,进行 致畸研究;

  • The teratogenic effect of selenium yeast on rat

    硒酵母对大鼠的 致畸 研究

  • BACKGROUND AND AIM : To study the teratogenic effect of fat emulsion of seal oil in rats .

    背景与目的:探讨海狗油脂肪乳对大鼠 致畸 毒性作用。

  • The significant embryotoxic and teratogenic effects were revealed in the positive control group treated by pentachlorophenol sodium salt .

    给予五氯酚钠的阳性对照组则出现明显的胚胎毒和 致畸作用。

  • Oil pollution has carcinogenic teratogenic and mutagenic potential of gene mutation .

    石油污染物具有致癌、 致畸和致基因突变的潜在性。

  • Chlorophenols are carcinogenic teratogenic mutagenic nonbiodegradable and highly toxic .

    氯酚类化合物多具有致癌、 致畸、致突变以及高毒性、难降解的特点。

  • Objective To determine potential mechanisms by which HCY may exerts its teratogenic effects .

    目的进一步研究同型半胱氨酸(HCY)的 致畸 及作用机制。

  • Purpose : The teratogenic potential of cigarette smoke was evaluated by using the short term biological assay .

    目的:用生物学短期测试方法评价香烟烟雾的 致畸

  • These results suggest that zinc deficiency and excess are teratogenic in rats .

    这提示锌缺乏与过量都可 致畸

  • Objective In this paper the teratogenic potential of fluoride and methylmercury were studied .

    目的研究氟化钠、甲基汞对骨组织的作用,以探讨其 致畸

  • Cloning would join the unsafe drug Thalidomide in the teratogenic hall of infamy .

    克隆将作为 致畸 高手,与不安全药物反应停一样,臭名远扬。

  • Purpose : To detect the neurobehavioral teratogenic effect of methylmercury exposure at early embryonic stage on offspring .

    目的:探讨胚胎早期甲基汞低剂量暴露对大鼠仔代的行为 致畸效应。

  • PAHs are of global environmental concerns because of their mutagenic carcinogenic and teratogenic activities in humans .

    由于他们对人类的诱变致癌、 致畸活性,多环芳烃已成为全球性关注的环境问题。

  • These results indicate damage of selenium and fluoride on VYS nutritional function may be one of their teratogenic mechanisms .

    结果揭示硒、氟对VYS营养功能的损害可能是其 致畸机制之一。

  • Objective To investigate toxicity and teratogenic effect of Microula seed oil on embryo of rat .

    目的探讨微孔草子油对大鼠胚胎毒性和 致畸作用。

  • The teratogenic and carcinogenic effects of lasers

    激光的 致畸和致癌效应