


  • On Interest of Action The Mean Length of the Minimal Terminable Unit and the Meaning to the English Writing for the Students in our Country

    最小 终止单位平均长度及其对我国学生英文写作的意义

  • None of the directors has an unexpired contract with the Group which is not terminable by the Group within one year without payment of compensation ( other than statutory compensation ) .

    本集团并无与各董事 订立于一年内 毋须补偿(法定补偿除外)而终止之未届满合约。

  • The contract was terminable by either party .

    任何一方都 可以 终止合同。

  • The Black Death was one of the important factors which had caused the serfdom and the manor system declining in medieval England . After the Wen Jing reform the knout replaced the corporal punishment and penal servitude changed from dateless to terminable .


  • A life terminable w_392 annuity

    终身 定期w_397年金

  • Finally the service constructed by the way which was posed before was turned out to be correct and terminable through the analysis of an example .

    最后通过实例分析,说明该建模方法可以 保证 组合的服务是正确且 终止的。

  • After the Wen Jing reform the knout replaced the corporal punishment and penal servitude changed from dateless to terminable .

    文景改革以后,笞刑取代肉刑,劳役由无期变为 期。

  • The concept of T-unit ( the minimal terminable unit ) is first introduced and then applied to test the students ' writing ability .

    第二章介绍最小 终止单位的概念并运用它来检测不同年级和同一年级不同班级学生的句法成熟性。