


  • The experience of the plasty of trachea bronchus and carina in 23 patients Bronchoscopy may be helpful in cases of a mediastinal teratoma with pulmonary involvement of the bronchial trees .

    23例气管、支气管、隆突成形术的体会当纵膈腔 畸胎瘤并肺部之支气管侵犯时,以支气管镜检查可能会有帮助。

  • Carcinogenesis of ovary mucous cystoadenoma with cystic teratoma : case report

    卵巢囊性 畸胎瘤伴黏液性囊腺瘤并部分癌变1例

  • GFAP can probably be an efficient marker to differentiate mature and immature teratoma .

    GFAP可能是成熟与未成熟 畸胎瘤的一种有效的鉴别指标。

  • However a mediastinal teratoma is rarely considered in a patient presenting with hemoptysis . We present the first case of a mediastinal hemangiopericytoma with central calcification .

    当一个病人咳血时,很少会去想到纵膈腔 畸胎瘤。我们在此提出首例观察到中央钙化的原发性纵膈腔血管外皮细胞瘤。

  • The Expression and Significance of ER Ki-67 and Nestin in Pediatric Immature Teratoma Tissure

    ER、Ki-67与Nestin在儿童未成熟 畸胎瘤组织中的表达及临床意义

  • Matured solid teratoma of ovary

    卵巢成熟实 畸胎瘤

  • This is embryonal carcinoma mixed with teratoma .

    这是混有 畸胎瘤的胚胎癌。

  • Diagnosis and Treatment of the Pineal Region Mature Teratoma in Children

    儿童松果体区成熟 畸胎瘤的诊断与治疗

  • Here is a testicular neoplasm that is mostly teratoma but embryonal carcinoma and seminoma were found microscopically .

    主要成分为 畸胎瘤的睾丸肿瘤,但在显微镜下胚胎癌和精原细胞瘤都可找到。

  • Investigating Precaution of Postoperative Copracrasia in Children with Sacrococcygeal Teratoma and Applied Anatomy

    小儿骶尾部 畸胎瘤术后大便失禁的预防及应用解剖探讨

  • Objective To investigate the CT / MRI localization diagnosis value of the pelvic cystic teratoma .

    目的讨论CT和MRI对盆部囊性 畸胎瘤的定位诊断价值。

  • Long-term recurrence after total resection of intracranial mature teratoma : 2 case report and literature review

    颅内成熟 畸胎瘤全切除术后远期再发2例及文献复习

  • Several teratoma strains with different differentiation have been obtained .


  • Clinical Aspect of Mature Ovarian Teratoma : Result of 237 Cases

    卵巢成熟 畸胎瘤237例临床分析

  • Investigation of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Features and Treatment of Sacrococcygeal Teratoma in Children

    小儿骶尾部 畸胎瘤的磁共振特征与治疗

  • Teratoma of the hepatoduodenal ligament diagnosed by CT : report of one case

    CT诊断肝十二指肠韧带 畸胎瘤 1

  • This neoplasm microscopically contained mainly teratoma but areas of embryonal carcinoma were also present .

    另外在显微镜下主要是 畸胎瘤,但也有胚胎癌存在。

  • Spiral CT Diagnosis of Ovarian Teratoma the Accuracy of Evaluation

    螺旋CT诊断卵巢 畸胎瘤的准确性评价

  • We report herein a case of hemoptysis caused by a mediastinal teratoma with pulmonary involvement .

    我们报告一个病例为纵膈腔 畸胎瘤以咳血为 表现。

  • Effect of laparoscopic Surgery on Immunity in Patients with Benign Ovarian Tumor Experiences of laparoscopic removal of ovarian mature teratoma

    腹腔镜卵巢良性肿瘤切除手术对患者免疫功能的影响腹腔镜下卵巢成熟 畸胎瘤剔除手术体会

  • Objective To investigate the diagnosis treatment and prognosis of gastric teratoma in neonate .

    目的探讨新生儿胃 畸胎瘤的诊断、治疗与预后。

  • There are four histological subtypes of nasopharyngeal teratomas – dermoid teratoid true teratoma and epignathic – of which the dermoid subtype comprises the majority .

    畸胎瘤组织学上可分成四个型:皮样囊瘤、胎样瘤、真 畸胎瘤和寄生胎瘤,而以皮样囊瘤占大部份。

  • PCNA had a relatively high expression in immature teratoma but relatively low in mature teratoma .

    PCNA在未成熟 畸胎瘤呈较高表达,在成熟畸胎瘤中较低表达;

  • Since the mediastinal teratoma has no specific symptoms its definite diagnosis is difficult before surgical intervention .

    因为纵膈腔 畸胎 没有特别的征状,所以在外科处置之前要确定诊断是很困难的。

  • Objective : To investigate the principle of diagnosis and treatment of testicular mature teratoma and improve the understanding of the disease .

    目的分析睾丸成熟 畸胎瘤的诊断及治疗原则,提高对此疾病的认识。

  • The first differential diagnosis has to be struma ovarii which is a monodermal ovarian teratoma that is usually cystic .

    第一个鉴别诊断是卵巢甲状腺肿,为卵巢单胚层 畸胎瘤,通常呈囊性。

  • Objective : The current study was designed to analyze the clinical and biological features of ovarian immature teratoma and seek the best treatment method .

    目的:通过分析卵巢未成熟 畸胎瘤的临床特点及生物学行为,找出最佳治疗方案。

  • Objective To analyze the magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) features of sacrococcygeal teratoma in children and explore the diagnostic value of MRI and the critical suggestion for treatment .

    目的分析小儿骶尾部 畸胎瘤MRI特征,探讨其诊断价值及治疗要点。