

  • Behavioral Teratological Effects of Coffeine on mice

    咖啡因对小鼠的行为 致畸 研究

  • Experiments of bone-marrow polychromophil erythrocyte ( PCE ) micronucleus and chromosome aberration were made with the method of injecting sodium glutamate into peritoneal cavity of rats . Also teratological test was conducted through peritoneal injection in pregnant rats .

    给小鼠腹腔注射谷氨酸钠后,进行骨髓嗜多染红细胞(PCE)微核实验、骨髓细胞染色体检查,以观察谷氨酸钠的毒性作用,同时还进行了 致畸实验。

  • At present creative culture become atrophy consumptive culture teratological develop bad culture malignant inflate especially Cultural creativity present crisis it lead to that cultural desertification is perceptible threaten .

    目前生产型文化萎缩,消费型文化 畸形发育,劣质文化恶性膨胀,特别是文化创造力的危机,使文化沙漠化成为一种可感的威胁。

  • Behavioral teratological and neurochemical changes in rats exposed lead in utero

    宫内铅暴露的行为 畸胎 毒性脑海 神经化学的改变