terminal port

[ˈtɚmənəl pɔrt][ˈtə:minəl pɔ:t]


  • Through the test of SIP protocol based on all kinds of Sniffer software the private net is presented in this paper . Through the test on SIP terminal port to port the standardization and the security on the SIP terminal are detected .

    笔者就是在传统地、利用各种Sniffer软件测试SIP协议流程的基础上,提出了建立私网,实现对SIP 终端 到端的测试,检测SIP终端的协议规范性和安全性。

  • The construction methods for the berths of No. 3 and No. 4 Jinzhou Port and the Chemical industry terminal of Qinhuangdao Port are introduced and the construction experience are sum up and analyzed in the paper .

    介绍锦州港3、4泊位和 秦皇岛化工 码头的施工方法,并对施工经验进行了分析总结。

  • This paper briefly introduces the proposal and construction of foundation treatment for rare-beam of container crane at Container Terminal Yantai Port ( Phase Three Project ) .

    本文简要介绍了烟台 三期工程集装箱 码头装卸桥后轨道梁基础处理方案的比选、优化,施工要点与实施效果。

  • Client is the executor of core functions of Tian Yu Information Warder . It will manage the users following the strategies distributed by management center . The client will mainly realize two functions : terminal hardware port control and network resource access control .

    客户端是天喻防水墙核心功能的执行者,根据管理中心下发的策略对用户进行管理,客户端主要实现了两部份的功能, 终端硬件 端口的控制和网络资源访问的控制。

  • The valves controlling the flow of gas from the main terminal in Port Said on the Mediterranean coast were shut down to dampen the flames and people living nearby were forced to leave their homes .

    在地中海海岸的 塞得港,控制着来自主 终端的燃气输送的阀门已关闭以降低火势,而住在附近的居民被迫离开自己的家。

  • Since it was constructed in 2000 the container handling capacity is increasing fast . It is one of the main container terminal of NINGBO port group .

    自2000年组建以来,该公司集装箱吞吐量增长很快,已成为宁波 集装箱生产的主要 码头公司之一。

  • Regulation Project of the Yangtze Estuary Navigation and the Construction of Container Terminal at Shanghai Port

    长江口深水航道治理工程和上海 集装箱 码头建设

  • The Design of Sampling System for Handling Ships of Coal Terminal Qinhuangdao Port

    秦皇岛 码头装船采制样系统设计

  • This paper introduces the application of the high pressure jet grouting pile in the seepage control and treatment of the diaphragm wall of the dumper shed at Nanjiang coal terminal of Tianjin Port .

    本文介绍了高压旋喷桩在天津 南疆煤 码头翻车机房施工中地连墙防渗处理中的应用。

  • Treatments of Key Technical Problem for Beilun Hill Multi-purpose Terminal of Ningbo Port

    宁波 北仑山多用途 码头关键技术问题的处理

  • Improvement of Winter Spray Water System for the Coal Terminal of Qinhuangdao Port

    秦皇岛 码头冬季喷洒水系统技术改造

  • At last we can achieve to control and operate terminal auxiliary port and external equipment .

    最终实现对 终端和外部设备的控制与操作。

  • A Research of the Developmental Strategy of Coke Terminal in Tianjin Port

    天津 焦炭 码头发展战略研究

  • Function Development of the Coal Terminal Huanghua Port

    黄骅 码头功能的拓展

  • Application of PLC at Coke Terminal of Tianjin Port

    PLC在天津 南疆焦炭 码头公司的应用

  • Research on belt conveyor 's controlling system in coal terminal of Wuhu Port

    芜湖 煤炭 码头皮带机控制系统研究

  • Based on the process and characteristics of loading-unloading for the coke terminal of Tianjin Port this paper analyzes the main foundations of the auto-loading technology system .

    在分析了天津 焦炭 码头装卸工艺流程、特点的基础上,对焦炭 码头的自动化装船工艺系统的主要功能进行了分析,最后阐述了该系统的实际应用效果。

  • Research and application of wastewater ′ s environmental treatment in ore terminal port

    矿石 码头 港区生产废水环保处理的研究与应用

  • Installation Technology Flow & Quality Control of Bucket Stacker-Reclaimer System for Phase One Coal Terminal Huanghua Port

    黄骅 一期煤 码头斗轮堆取料机系统安装工艺及质量控制

  • Today the pace of economic globalization is accelerating With the increasingly fierce competition in the international shipping industry Terminal port operators in the industry competition has become increasingly intensified Tianjin Port inevitably faced with the pressures and challenges never seen before .

    当今,经济全球化的步伐日益加快,随着国际航运业的竞争日益激烈, 码头 港口经营行业的竞争日趋加剧,天津港无可避免地面临着从未有过的压力和挑战。

  • Design of the 200 DWT Specialized Ore Terminal of Qingdao Port

    青岛 20万吨级矿石专用 码头设计简介

  • Construction Design of Nanjiang Coke Terminal Tianjin Port

    天津 南疆焦炭泊位工程 码头结构设计

  • The design for the round diaphragm wall of car dumper shed of the fourth Stage Project of Coal Terminal Qinhuangdao Port is introduced in the paper and the calculation method as well as the existing problems of the round diaphragm wall are discussed in it .

    介绍秦皇岛 码头四期工程(简称秦煤四期)翻车机房圆形地下连续墙(简称地连墙)的设计,并论述圆形地连墙的计算方法和存在的问题。

  • Anti-corrosive Schemes and Key Points of Quality Control for Steel Pipe Piles of Iron Ore Terminal of Zhanjiang Port

    湛江 铁矿石 码头钢管桩防腐方案及质量控制要点

  • After amplified and pretreated the signal is transmitted to main part of terminal by serial port .

    信号经过放大和初步的处理后由串行通讯 接口传输到 终端的主机。

  • The Application of the Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Formwork in the Phase 4 Waterborne Terminal of Longtan Port District of Nanjing Port

    玻璃钢模板在南京港龙潭 港区四期水工 码头Ⅱ标段中的应用

  • Shanghai should be built into International Shipping Hub first of all should build international container deepwater terminal port .

    上海要建成国际航运中心,核心是建成国际集装箱深水 枢纽

  • Application of Controlled Blasting Techniques in the Specialized Ore Terminal of Dalian Port

    控制爆破技术在大连 矿石专用 码头中的应用