terminal control

[ˈtɚmənəl kənˈtrol][ˈtə:minəl kənˈtrəul]


  • We also analyzed the business logic to complete the system design of business processes in which include registration and login process terminal terminal to report information flow terminal control processes .

    深入分析业务逻辑,完成了系统业务流程的设计,主要包括终端注册及登录流程、终端上报信息流程、 终端 控制流程等。

  • Firstly a model was proposed based on the management requirements of terminal in the next generation network whose main components include terminal management node and terminal control center .

    基于下一代网络中终端的管理需求,提出了终端管理模型,其核心构成组件包括终端管理节点和 终端 控制中心。

  • Research of Ore - terminal Control System Based on Industrial Ethernet

    基于工业以太网的矿石 码头 控制系统研究

  • A fanned-out circuit . For example from a terminal control unit to one terminal .

    一种成扇状分叉的电路。如从一个 终端 控制单元到另一个终端。

  • The result shows that by using software interrupt mode this system insures the software modularization as well as enhances the universal property of the TCPB ( terminal control processor board ) board and thus saves the interrupt resources .

    分析结果表明:该系统利用软件中断方式既保证了软件的模化特性,又增强了TCPB( 终端 控制板)的通用性,节省了中断资源。

  • The Synthesis of polyoxyethylene p-t-octyl phenol ether the terminal control of reaction the relations among reaction temperature pressure and time and the effect of oxygen content on product appearance were related in this paper .

    本文叙述了聚氧化乙烯对特辛基酚醚的合成、生产 终点 控制、反应时间与温度、压力的关系,以及产品外观与氧含量的关系。

  • Equivalence between generating function method and Riccati transformation method for LQ terminal control

    LQ 终端 控制的生成函数法与Riccati变换法的等价性

  • As a kind of actuator control valve is a very common and essential terminal control component in a control system of process control industry .

    调节阀作为一种执行器,是过程控制工业调节系统中最常见,必不可少的 终端 控制元件。

  • Telematics System Research and Terminal Control Unit Design

    Telematics系统研究与 车载 终端设计

  • Furthermore the cooperation mechanism and interface technology among terminal management nodes terminal control center and other operation support nodes were analyzed .

    同时给出了终端管理节点与 终端 控制中心、终端管理节点之间、 终端管理节点与其他运营支撑节点间的协作机制和接口技术。

  • In this scheme terminal control device employs an agent which is deployed in each server to control all the servers .

    在方案中, 终端 控制器利用部署在服务器上的代理软件对服务器进行集中控制。

  • The stability of a satellite laser communication terminal control system is a critical performance index in the construction and maintenance of a communication link .

    卫星激光通信 终端 控制系统的稳定性是激光通信链路建立与保持过程中的重要性能指标。

  • And tra-1 gene is the terminal control gene for somatic sex determination in C. elegans .

    在秀丽隐杆线虫性别决定信号通路中tra-1基因处于一系列基因调控的 终端,因此它在性别 控制中具有决定性的作用。

  • These sensors are connected to the central computerized controllers and interpreted with Direct Digital Control ( DDC ) control software and a terminal control computer .

    这些传感器都被连接到中央计算机控制的控制器上,并利用直接数字控制(DDC)的控制软件以及 终端 控制计算机进行分析。

  • Study on Marketing Channel Terminal Control and Evaluations of Tobacco Industry

    烟草营销渠道 终端 控制及其效果评价研究

  • The problem of the terminal control of reaction in the preparation of benzaldehyde using benzyl chloride is solved by this method .

    该法解决了由氯化苄生产苯甲醛反应的 终点 控制问题。

  • Running the length of the field he was able to touch the ball down just in time . A fanned-out circuit . For example from a terminal control unit to one terminal .

    他从球场的一端跑到另一端,及时带球到对方球门线后触地得分。一种成扇状分叉的电路。如从一个 终端 控制单元到另一个终端。

  • The system consists of a remote control center wireless routers and intelligent terminal control nodes .

    整个系统由远程控制中心、无线路由器和智能 控制 终端节点组成。

  • Pursuing Clean Production : From Polluted Terminal Control to the Control of the Whole Production Process

    推行清洁生产:从污染的 末端 控制转向生产全过程控制

  • A set of executable programs including those for line handling terminal control buffer management queue control etc.

    一组可执行程序,包括线路管理程序、 终端 控制程序、缓冲器管理程序及排队控制程序等。

  • This system contains terminal acquisition node terminal control node and data collection node .

    本系统包含终端采集节点, 终端 控制节点和数据汇集节点。

  • Control system is made up of central control system terminal control equipment and sensors .

    控制系统由中央控制装置、 终端 控制设备、传感器等组成。

  • This paper introduced briefly the development of VAV system both home and abroad and two VAV system control metheds including the VAV terminal control and VAV air conditioner control .

    本文简要介绍了国内外变风量空调系统的发展,以及变风量 末端 控制和变风量空调机组控制两种变风量系统控制方法。

  • The structure feature of CCTV system and the principle of PC bus interface board camera terminal control board image signal exchange board is introduced . The control function of the Chinese character operation menu is explained in detail .

    介绍了闭路电视系统的组成特点以及PC总线接口板、摄像机 终端 控制板和图像信号转接板的原理并详细说明了中文式操作菜单的控制功能。

  • The designing methods and process of Remote Terminal Control System based on WAP are introduced too .

    然后创建了一个基于WAP的远程 终端 控制系统,并且详细阐述了设计过程与方法;

  • Terminal Control System of a Wideband Net Tester Based on VXI Bus and Its Implementation

    基于VXI总线的宽带测试仪 终端 控制系统研制

  • Research application foreground about terminal control computer build on ARM processer use fowlery control field and achieve the elementary project scheme . 4 .

    研究了以ARM处理器为核心的 终端 控制计算机在禽舍控制领域的使用前景,并做出初步的设计方案。

  • In the first place the hardware of control system of water quality auto-monitoring terminal has been designed and some main drive functions used in the terminal control system have been discussed in details .

    首先,本文进行了水质自动监测终端控制系统硬件设计,给出了现阶段水质自动监测需要用到 终端 控制系统功能的基本驱动函数;

  • The system uses Windows Sockets Application Programming Interface ( WinSock API ) to build a communication and control platform between Client and Server . The main functions of the system are Satellite Terminal Control Voice Calls and Remote Whiteboard .

    系统采用windowsSockets网络编程接口(WinSockAPI),构建了 移动终端与中心主控端之间的通信和控制平台,实现了卫星网络 接入 终端 管控、语音通话、远程电子白板等功能。