
[ˈtɛnsɚ, -ˌsɔr][ˈtensə(r)]


  • Structure tensor was used as diffusion coefficient which can implement different diffusion processes in different regions .

    将结构 张量作为各向异性扩散方程的扩散系数,实现在不同区域有不同的扩散方式。

  • The invariant tensor under projective transformations of semi-symmetric metric-recurrent connections is obtained .

    给出了半对称度量循环联络在射影变换下的不变 张量

  • Research and Application on a Data Reduction Method Based on Tensor Field

    一种基于 张量场的数据约简方法及应用研究

  • The polarization tensor is calculated with the random phase approximation in the framework of finite temperature field theory .

    在有限温度场论下,首先用无规相近似方法计算出极化 张量

  • This means that constitutive equations must be framed in tensor language .

    这意味着建立本构方程必须采用 张量符号。

  • The electromagnetic force of the machine was numerically investigated via virtual work method and Maxwell stress tensor method .

    计算中选用虚位移法和麦克斯韦应力 张量法两种方法。

  • A physical quantity that is transformed in this manner is a second-order tensor .

    能够以此种方式变换的物理量叫做二 张量

  • The Energy-Momentum Tensor of Gravitational Waves of the Double Polarized States and Electromagnetic Fields in Gravitational Waves ;

    双极化态引力波及其波场中的电磁波的能量动量 张量电场和磁场合并为电磁场张景。

  • Research of Regularization Methods for Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Tensor Field

    心脏磁共振扩散 张量场正则化方法研究

  • The G1 continuity conditions between tensor product B-spline surfaces with single interior knots are studied .

    研究了内部单节点 张量积B样条曲面间G1连续的条件。

  • A nodal analysis method for calculating inertial tensor of rotors is described in this paper .

    文中对梯形单元法作了改进,提出了一种计算转子惯性 张量的多边形节点分析法。

  • A formula to solve the equivalent global damage tensor by summing up the damage tensors of individual joint sets is derived based on the energy principle .

    根据能量原理,推导出了一个求解等效总体损伤 张量的公式,适用于多个损伤张量求和。

  • The diagonal inertia tensor of mass relative to the center of mass .

    相对于重心的质量的惯性 张量对角线。

  • An anisotropic tensor and the rotational hardening law are introduced to reflect the evolution of anisotropy .

    并引入各向异性 张量及旋转硬化法则描述其各向异性及演化特征。

  • The contraction may be applied to products of components which have tensor character .

    缩并可以用于具有 张量性质的分量之积。

  • Conservation of Mass . Conservation of Momentum . Stress Tensor .

    质量守恒,动量守恒,应力 张量

  • Research and application of image de-noising based on tensor field


  • The quantities ba β are the covariant components of a plane tensor called the curvature tensor of the surface .

    baβ是“平面 张量”的协变分量,叫做该曲面的曲率张量。

  • Application of Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging and Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Brain Tumor Diagnosis and Evaluation

    磁共振扩散加权和扩散 张量成像在脑肿瘤诊断和评价中的作用

  • The authors introduce the method of seismic moment tensor inversion using long period body wave and its actual significance in this paper .

    介绍了地震矩张量的性质和用长周期体波反演地震矩 张量的方法。

  • We derive the relations between physical and tensor components .

    我们推导物理分量和 张量分量之间的关系式。

  • Brain Tissue Conductivity Reconstruction Based on Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging : A Simulation Study

    基于扩散 张量成像技术的大脑组织核磁共振电导率重构的仿真研究

  • Next we set some other properties of the body : mass and the inertia tensor .

    下一步我们设置物体的一些其它属性:质量和惯性 张量

  • The anterolateral approach utilizes the interval between the tensor fascia and the gluteus medius .

    利用了 筋膜张肌和臀中肌之间的间隙。

  • In this paper the irreducible tensor basis method in group representation theory is studied further .

    本文对群表示论中的不可约 张量基方法作了进一步的研究。

  • The electric and magnetic fields have been amalgamated into electromagnetic field tensor .

    电场和磁场合并为电磁场 张量

  • By simple tensor techniques a large amount of simultaneous equations are solved successfully .

    采用 张量法,成功解决了大规模方程组的求解问题。

  • This new structure tensor has been successfully applied in noise removal .

    给出了新的结构 张量在去噪领域的应用。

  • A method based on stationary wavelet transform using tensor for infrared image denoising was proposed .

    提出了一种基于 张量的平稳小波变换红外图像去噪方法。

  • The Application of Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Aphasia Studies

    弥散 张量成像在失语症研究中的应用