



  • The essay proposes a tentative study on the social causes of crimes .

    本文对犯罪产生的社会原因进行了 初步的分析研究。

  • The author analyses the proof standard of prosecution in China and also puts forward tentative plan of reforming .

    同时对我国提起公诉证明标准的现状进行了评析,并进一步提出了 若干改革的设想。

  • Finally content of the paper is summed up and a tentative plan for next work is put forward .

    最后,对论文进行了总结,对下一步要进行的工作提出了自己的 设想

  • My first attempts at complaining were rather tentative

    我刚开始投诉时很 犹豫不决

  • Our conduct of the war was tentative .

    我们进行这场战争也只是 试验 性质的。

  • Such theories are still very tentative .

    这种理论仍然是 探索 的。

  • The paper analyses the present condition and problems of the construction of the social security system in Changshu countryside and puts forth overall mentality and a tentative plan for the construction of social security system in Changshu countryside .

    摘要本文分析了常熟市农村社会保障体系建设的现状和问题,提出了常熟市农村社会保障体系建设的总体思路和方案 设想

  • The north 's push to make the zones work coincides with an easing in tensions on the divided peninsula and tentative signs of detente between Pyongyang and washington .

    朝鲜努力使经济特区得以运作,这可以缓解朝鲜半岛的紧张局势,同时也是在 试探 地缓和平壤和华盛顿间的关系。

  • Design a tentative table space .

    设计一个 试验 的表空间。

  • A tentative study is conducted over the dropout issue of Dong Zhangbu Elementary School students and corresponding countermeasures .

    一个东掌布小学的学生和相应的对策辍学问题进行了 初步研究。

  • In consequence there were numerous tentative measures of codification .

    其后果是产生了很多 尝试 的编纂方法。

  • She did not return his tentative smile .

    她并没有对他 怯生生的微笑 作出回应。

  • The tentative treatment schemes were put forward to solve the existing problems in prestressed concrete crane girders .

    分析了预应力混凝土吊车梁存在的问题,并结合实际情况,对其提出了 初步 可行的处理方案。

  • And it makes a tentative research on Tourism English from the dynamically strategic point of view .

    从宏观角度对大学旅游英语教学改革作了 初步探索。

  • Finally the paper roughly prospects several potential research issues and proposes three tentative constructive suggestions .

    最后,本文粗略展望了相关领域潜在的研究方向,并提出了三 有限的建议。

  • The fourth chapter deeply analyzes the strategic tentative idea and measures of developing great Western Guangxi tourism circle .

    第四章对发展大桂西旅游圈的战略 构想及对策研究进行了较为深入的分析。

  • In one fell swoop the bank wiped away the tentative benefits of this policy .

    银行一下子就抹杀了这项政策 暂时带来的好处。

  • Political leaders have reached a tentative agreement to hold a preparatory conference next month

    政治领导人已就下个月举行预备会议达成 初步协定。

  • Finally system info 's construction and the discipline system 's consummation made several spot tentative plans under this understanding to management accounting .

    最后在这一认识下对管理会计理论体系的构建和学科体系的完善提出了几点 设想

  • I have some tentative suggestions .

    我有几点 成熟的想法。

  • We put forward a tentative suggestion at the meeting .

    在会上我们提出了一个 实验 的建议。

  • Make the first outline tentative .

    尝试 的来制作初始的纲要。

  • This essay is a tentative analysis of bio-chemical mechanism and characteristics existing in short-distance run item groups training .

    采用文献资料研究方法,运用运动生物化学基本理论知识,对短距离跑项群中生化机理和特点进行了 探讨分析。

  • Now we have already come a very long way since the first tentative steps of the diplomatic opening in1979 .

    自1979年建交初期双方跨出 试探 的步子以来,我们已经走过了一段很长的路。

  • In this essay I will make a tentative analysis of both views before presenting my own perceptions of history .

    在这篇文章中我会 试探的分析两种观点,然后提出我对历史的看法。

  • This thesis is a tentative study of the novel from the postcolonial perspective with the theory of hybridity .

    本文 尝试以后殖民理论中的文化杂和理论对这篇小说进行解读。

  • We 've drawn up a tentative program for the next two weeks .

    我们制定了一个之后两个星期的 试探 计划。

  • Based on findings of the investigation and analysis tentative strategies and suggestions are presented in the paper .

    并对调查结果进行了分析,提出了 初步的对策与建议。

  • This article is a tentative investigation of the relationship between Heidegger and the Buddhistical thought .

    本文是对海德格尔与佛家思想的关系的一个 尝试 探讨。

  • The system whose debugging had been passed achieved the prospective tentative it was feasible and practical .

    该控制系统通过了调试,实现了预期的 设想,具有可行性和实用性。