tension time

[ˈtɛnʃən taɪm][ˈtenʃən taim]

[医] 紧张时间

  • It can not only display the depth speed and tension in real time but also record continuously the three parameters of 100 000 points while logging which can help us analyse the logging process .

    它不仅能 实时显示深度,速度, 张力等参数,而且能够连续对测井过程中的工作 时间、深度、速度、 张力实施100000点记录,便于分析测井过程。

  • The surface materials with low surface tension nonpolar medium and storage time can make the tropism of the polar groups of modifiers from surface to inner of PP matrix and decrease the surface hydrophilicity of PP.

    而低表面能 接触面、非极性介质和延长放置 时间使改性剂部分的极性向内朝本体PP取向,从而降低PP共混物表面润湿性能。

  • Interface tension gradually decreased over time until it reached equilibrium .

    界面 张力时间变化逐渐减小直至达到平衡。

  • The hydrolyzation was studied by measuring surface tension change with time and that of these trisiloxane surfactants were very serious .

    水解性通过测定表面 张力时间的变化来研究,这些三硅氧烷的水解性都比较严重,且随着乙氧基数目的增加反而减弱。

  • Its manufacture procedure and chief parameters such as loom speed warp tension shedding time and so on were discussed providing a guideline for development of this kind of pile blanket .

    给出了同底异面绒毯的工艺流程以及主要工艺参数,如生产中采用的织机车速、上机 张力、开口 时间、进剑 时间等,为开发同底异面绒毯提供了帮助和指导。

  • Sociologists have also found that increasing wealth and increasing education bring a sense of tension about time .

    社会学家也发现,富裕程度和教育程度的提高带来 时间 紧迫感。

  • In the course of vinylon dissolution yarn tension should be adjusted in time concentration of vinylon dissolving in water should be taken attention waste water should be exhausted and new hot water should be input .

    在退维时,应 及时调整纱线的退维 张力,并密切注意水中维纶溶解的浓度, 及时排出废水,输入新的热水。

  • By the drop volume method and the Wilhelmy plate the curve between the dynamic surface tension and the adsorptive time at the water-air interface ( t-t curve ) was obtained experimentally .

    利用滴体积法和吊片法,实验测得了神经酸钠在水空气界面上的动态表面 张力 时间的曲线(γtt曲线)。

  • Ultraviolet radiating time has some influence on tension as radiating time goes tensile strength decreases correspondingly .

    紫外线的照射时间对复合材的 拉伸强度有一定的影响,随着照射 时间的延长,复合材的拉伸性能基本呈减少趋势。

  • Results Compared with the traditional hernia repair procedures Mesh Plug tension free hernioplasty had short operative time rapid recovery less complications and lower recurrent rate .

    结果无 张力疝修补术与传统疝修补术相比,具有手术 时间短,术后恢复快,并发症少,复发率低等优点。

  • Effect of surface tension and gelation time on membrane morphological structure

    表面 张力和凝胶 时间对膜结构的影响

  • Tension control system is a time ? varying parameter system with disturbances it is difficult to obtain desirable dynamic performance by means of series tuning design .

    张力控制系统是参数 变、干扰较多的系统,采用串联校正设计方法很难得到希望的动态性能。

  • It was found that the higher is concentration of the sericin solution the lower is its equilibrated surface tension time effect is reduced at the condition of acid solution and equal electricity point and adsorption rate can be enhanced by Cu 2 + and Ca 2 + .

    实验结果表明,丝胶溶液的浓度越高,其达到平衡表面 张力的时间越短,酸性及等电点条件下 时间效应减小,Cu2+、Ca2+能增加吸附速度。

  • Taking into account the surface tension the time of collapse shortens and collapse point changes collapse pressure shock becomes larger jet on free surface arises ahead .

    在计入表面 张力后,溃灭 时间缩短,溃灭点发生变化,溃灭压力冲击变大;自由液面射流提前发生。

  • Therefore to design a high power locomotives test device to replace the tradition test have very important significance with relieving railway transportation tension contradiction shortening the testing time improving the locomotive turnover efficiency .

    为此,建造进行大功率机车牵引负荷试验的机车试验装置,用于代替机车线路试运行,无论从缓解铁路运输 紧张矛盾,还是缩短试运 时间、提高机车运用周转率来说,都具有十分重要意义。

  • The interaction between polyvinylpyrrolidone ( PVP ) and zwitterionic surfactant tetradecylbetaine ( C14BE ) has been investigated by means of surface tension and time resolved fluorescence measurements .

    通过表面 张力和胶束聚集数的测定,研究了聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)与两性表面活性剂十四烷基甜菜碱(C(14)BE)之间的相互作用。

  • The wind tension control system is a time change nonlinear system . This paper presents several mathematical models of nonlinear control discusses the hardware and software structures . The practice proves the validity of this scheme .

    卷绕 张力控制系统 为时变非线性系统,本文提出了进行非线性控制的几种数学模型,叙述了实施该控制策略的硬件及软件结构.实践证明了这种控制方案的可行性。

  • Because wires can only sustain tension real time calculation of wire tension is necessary .

    由于绳只能承受 拉力,因此机构的运动控制必须 实时计算各绳的拉力。

  • The soil nailing tension increases with time ;

    土钉 拉力时间延续有增大的趋势;

  • Standing on the platform and Guo Jingjing of over-excited I feel like in the same mood-elevating tension is excited at the same time tensions have deformation action .

    站在跳台上,兴奋过度的郭晶晶感觉好像在腾云驾雾一样,兴奋的 同时 紧张,紧张得动作变形。

  • With the different film diameter the material tension changes every time during laminating machine film unwinding process .

    贴膜机台放卷材料 时候,随着直径不同, 施加于材料的 张力 每时每刻都是变化着的。

  • Andrea Goldstein a Sino-Africa researcher with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development said low-cost Chinese exports to Africa could develop into a key source of tension over time .

    经济合作与发展组织(OECD)中非关系专家安德里亚•戈尔德施泰因(AndreaGoldstein)表示,随着 时间的推移,中国向非洲的低成本出口将成为 造成 紧张 局面的一个关键因素。

  • The new tension equation considered time delay is proved to be quite satisfactory and the measured value is in agreement with the simulated one .

    考虑 时间滞后的 张力动态模型通过数学仿真证明,模型预报与试验结果一致。

  • The state of tension which at one time existed between the US and Russia was called the Cold War .

    “美俄之间 一度存在的 紧张状态称为”“冷战”“。”

  • In the form of low-concentration and concentration of alkaline water interfacial tension will be reduced to ultra-low interface tension and maintain a long time .

    可以在较低的总表活剂浓度和碱浓度下将油水界面张力降低到超低 ,并维持相当长的 时间

  • METHODS : Resting tension developed tension diastolic time force - frequency relationship were measured during isolated papillary muscle perfusion .

    方法:应用离体乳头肌灌流的方法观测KB-R7943对正常大鼠及高血压心肌肥厚大鼠乳头肌静息张力、主动 张力、心肌舒张 时间、张力&频率关系的影响;

  • Influence factors of the Production technology of PBT fiber such as temperature and speed of spinning condition of quenching take-uP tension time of balance temperature and ratio of drawing twisting overfeed ratio and texturing temperature are studied under conventional spinning speeds .

    本文研究了在常规纺速下,纺丝速度、纺丝温度、冷却成形、卷绕 张力、平衡 时间拉伸温度、拉伸倍数、捻度、超喂率、变形温度等对PBT生产工艺的影响。

  • Model testing research on the variation of tension force of anchor cable with time in reinforcement of soft rocks

    软岩加固中锚索 吨位随 时间变化规律的模型试验研究

  • Experimental results proved that the principle of the design schemes on the basis of fuzzy control is right with small tension deviation short response time and thus well meets the requirements of the the system .

    实验结果证明所设计的基于模糊控制理论的精密 张力控制系统原理正确、 张力波动小且响应 ,满足了系统所要求的性能指标。

  • But when he basic tension was below the resting tension the frequency of the autorhythmicity decreased significantly until it disappears . Though increased the basic tension at that time the autorhythmicity does not appear again .

    但当基础张力降至静息张力以下时,自律性频率明显降低,直至消失。 此时再回升 张力,自律性频率也不能回复。