
[ˈtaɪˌʌp][taɪ ʌp]



  • The deal is expected to result in similar tie-ups between big media companies and telecommunications operators .

    这笔交易可能促成大型传媒公司和电信运营商结成类似的 联营关系。

  • It is also contemplating a tie-up with Renault and Nissan .

    公司还 期望与雷诺-日产 盟友

  • Midwest and Murchison which have held tie-up talks before hope to develop a new iron ore hub in Western Australia 's midwest region .

    此前,中西部公司和Murchison曾进行 合作谈判,希望在西澳的中西部地区开发一个新的铁矿石枢纽。

  • The deal is part of the expanding tie-up between the Korean and Japanese partners .

    上述协议是这两家日韩 企业间不断扩大的 合作关系的一部分。

  • In September 2005 Citigroup also forged a tie-up with China Unionpay a national bank-card association which gave Citibank cardholders access to its partner 's vast ATM network on the mainland .

    2005年9月,花旗集团还与全国银行卡组织中国银联(China UnionPay)建立了联系,使花旗银行的持卡人能够使用中国银联遍布内地的自动柜员机网络。

  • The Swiss group said the tie-up would help expand its presence in China .

    瑞士宝盛表示, 中国 银行 达成 合作将有助于其拓展中国市场。

  • Five years ago RBS acquired a 5 per cent stake in Bank of China as part of a strategic tie-up that spawned joint ventures in credit cards and wealth management .

    5年前,苏格兰皇家银行收购了中国银行(BankofCHina)5%的股份,作为战略 联盟的一部分。这一 联盟带来了双方合资的信用卡和财富管理业务。

  • The tie-up is driven by Japan 's Softbank Corp.

    这次 合作 牵线 是日本软银集团。

  • The key cause of the more muscular Chinese stance towards India is the US-Indian tie-up unveiled in 2005 .

    中国对印度采取更为强硬的立场,关键原因是美国和印度在2005年宣布 建立 联盟 关系

  • Yes but I still don 't get the tie-up with the meat .

    是的,可我不明白这 肉有什么 关系

  • When Rakuten set up an online shopping mall in China with Baidu the tie-up seemed a clear formula for success .

    当乐天(rakuten)和百度联手,在中国成立在线商城时,这一 合作看上去似乎是天作之合,成功指日可待。

  • But the tie-up with the retailers marks a strategic shift .

    但是, 其它零售商联合标志着一个战略转变。

  • Neither company would confirm a tie-up but rumors to that effect have been gathering steam online all week .

    两家公司都没有确认 这笔 交易,但 过去整整一周,网上有关这一消息的传闻却甚嚣尘上。

  • However for now it is still flying three cargo planes in a tie-up with us logistics company FedEx .

    不过,目前该公司与美国物流公司联邦快递( fedex开展 业务的3架货机仍在飞行。

  • Our Hub and Spoke IT distribution model offers prompt deliveries thus minimizing capital tie-up by way of inventories .

    我们的网络中心和语音IT分配模式提供迅速地运输,从而使存货量 达到 捆绑资金最小化。

  • The heavy snowstorm caused a tie-up of traffic .

    大风雪造成了交通的 暂时 停顿

  • Although the company had hoped that its 2005 tie-up with Alibaba would help it get its feet on the ground in the world 's largest internet market by users the opposite has happened .

    虽然该公司曾希望,2005年 阿里巴巴 建立 联盟 关系,将有助于自己在全球用户最多的互联网市场落脚,但实际发生的情况恰好相反。

  • So how worried should Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton be by comments from a presumably well-connected official that their proposed tie-up has strong monopolistic flavours ?

    那么,对于一名想必人脉颇广的中国官员有关两拓拟议中的 结盟带有明显的垄断色彩的评论,力拓(RioTinto)和必和必拓(BHPBilliton)应该担心到何种程度呢?

  • The tie-up will direct English searches from Baidu to Microsoft 's Bing which will deliver the results back to Baidu 's Web pages .

    它们 连结会将英文搜索从百度发送到微软的“必应”,“必应”再将搜索结果发送回百度的网页。

  • Analysts have speculated that cash-strapped MGM Mirage which has a Macao joint venture with Pansy Ho Stanley Ho 's daughter could be forced to sell its 50 per cent stake in the tie-up most likely to its partner .

    米高梅幻影与何鸿燊之女何超琼( PansyHo)建立了一家澳门合资企业。分析师猜测,现金紧张的米高梅幻影可能将被迫出售所持合资企业中50%的股权,最大的可能性是卖给其合资伙伴。

  • Admittedly there could be extra synergies from a tighter tie-up with the Italian airline medium-term .

    不可否认,从中期 来看,与意大利航空形成更 紧密 联合会有额外的协同效益。

  • Rio / BHP Billiton was the tie-up most shareholders always wanted .

    与必和必拓(bhpbilliton) 结盟,向来是多数力拓股东最希望看到的。

  • Yahoo turned over control of its China operations to its partner Alibaba Group in 2005 as part of a corporate tie-up .

    作为企业 结盟的一部分,雅虎曾在2005年将自己中国业务的控制权移交给其合作伙伴阿里巴巴集团。

  • The state-orchestrated tie-up will see China Eastern dominate the Shanghai aviation hub .

    这场由政府安排的 联姻,将使东航在上海航空枢纽占据主导地位。

  • In2001 the EU blocked a proposed tie-up between GE and Honeywell for fear that the merged firm might use bundled discounts to squeeze rival suppliers .

    2001年,欧盟否决了通用电气(GE)和霍尼韦尔( Honeywell)的并购 ,就是担心 两家企业并购后有可能采取捆绑式折扣排挤竞争厂商。

  • That may make it easier for BofA to reap the strategic benefits of its messy tie-up with Merrill Lynch .

    这可能让美国银行更容易收获该行与美林(merrill lynch合并所带来的战略好处。

  • The potential tie-up would help the combined European telecom manufacturer to face the growing number of Chinese rivals which have used their lower manufacturing costs and strength in their home market to become global telecom giants in their own right .

    两家 公司潜在的 结盟,将有助于合并后的欧洲电信设备生产商面对越来越多的中国竞争对手。它们利用较低的生产成本和国内市场的力量,凭借自身的能力成为了全球电信巨头。