theoretical yield

[ˌθiəˈrɛtɪkəl jild][ˌθiəˈretikəl ji:ld]


  • Results : The yield of F ( ab ′) 2 was 54 % about 80 % of the maximal theoretical yield .

    结果:(1)片段F(ab′)2的产率为54%,为最大 理论 产率的80%。

  • Theoretical study of the molecular super-excited states : assignment and theoretical relative intensities of the photofragment yield spectra for F ~ - from F_2 ion-pair production

    分子超激发态的理论 研究:F2分子离子对解离 效率谱的标识及强度

  • The theoretical basis for yield prediction of rubber trees at the nursery stage is suggested as follows : ( 1 ) The leaf blade is an organ for photosynthesis .

    产量苗期预测方法的 理论依据是:(1)叶片是胶树进行光合作用的器官。

  • A new model and new theoretical system of yield and failure of materials under the complex stress state

    复杂应力状态下材料 屈服和破坏的一个新模型及其系列 理论

  • As the role between the sands is so complex the theoretical analysis of the Bingham yield stress has not been so perfect and the analyzed calculation was much multitudinous .

    宾汉极限切应力是描述非牛顿体流变 特性的一个重要参数,由于流体中泥沙颗粒之间作用的复杂性,使得 宾汉极限切应力的 理论分析还不完善,其解析计算也较繁琐。

  • The seeds of Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim is a food protein resource and a woody oil plant which is riched in lipid although its theoretical yield is 20 percent more than the pericarp it was still discarded and landfilled or burned .

    花椒籽是一种含油量丰富的木本油料和食物蛋白质资源,其 理论 产量高出花椒果皮20%,但却因长期未得到合理利用而被废弃填埋或者焚烧。

  • The theoretical rice yield is defined by their product . However sometimes there are considerable discrepancies between theoretical and observed yields .

    三者相乘得到的值定义为 理论 产量,但理论 产量和实际产量有时相差甚远。

  • With the coordination of the three elements the theoretical maximum yield could be obtained .

    产量三要素协调时, 产量才能达到 理论上的最大值。

  • Supposed a constant maintenance mechanism the maintenance coefficients P / O and the theoretical yield were estimated .

    并根据一定维持机理求得了维持系数、P/O及 理论 等。

  • Theoretical yield than controls of enhanced 0.99 % 3.58 % .

    理论 产量比对照的增加幅度为0.99%-3.58%。

  • B-spline Method Constructing Theoretical Treasury Yield Curves Theory with Practice

    B-样条法构造 国债 利率期限结构理论及其实证分析

  • Esterification conversion of epoxy group was about 48.56 % on the whole as same as theoretical yield by FT-IR spectroscopy and calculation .

    经红外光谱测试和计算,环氧基转化率约为 48.56%,与 理论值基本一致。

  • Such hydrolysate treated by neutralization with Ca ( OH ) 2 and absorption with diatomite for detoxification was used for fermentation to ethanol by Candida krusei YZ-1 . The yield was 0.42 g / g ( ethanol / glucose ) up to 84 % of the theoretical yield .

    水解后含葡萄糖的热解液经Ca(OH)2中和、硅藻土吸附处理,能被CandidakruseiYZ-1发酵为乙醇,产率为0.42g/g(乙醇/葡萄糖),达 理论 产率的84%。

  • Dividing the actual flow by the theoretical value calculated above will yield a value which taken as a percent indicates volumetric efficiency .

    实际流量除以 理论流量 得出一个数值,以百分比计,表示的即是容积效率。

  • Different theoretical backgrounds yield two different positions regarding banking ownership and credit allocation efficiency .

    由于 理论背景不同,对银行产权与信贷配置效率的关系出现了 截然相反的两种观点。

  • The test reached a high level of theoretical yield of 94.3 % .

    49.44ml/100g淀粉,可达到 理论 收率的94.3%的极高水平。

  • The experimental results indicated that the specific retention volume method through gas chromatography was easy to be used to evaluate non aqueous solvents for recovery of maleic anhydride and the difference between theoretical yield and the industrial yield of maleic anhydride was only 0.58 % .

    实验结果表明,气相色谱比保留体积法评选顺丁烯二酸酐非水回收溶剂简便易行,与已知工业化数据仅相差 0.58%

  • The study indicates that the effect of summer corn water saving and yield increasing is obvious evident which is theoretical base of crop high yield under the water saving condition .

    研究结果表明:秸秆覆盖条件下夏玉米节水和增产效果明显,并为节水条件下的作物 高产提供了 理论根据。

  • Many hydrologists have carried out lots of researches and theoretical discussions on enlarging well yield of single-well in shallow and thin aquifers along the river by using techniques of radial well with big diameter .

    在傍河浅埋薄层含水层地区,利用大口辐射井工艺增大单井出 水量,许多水文地质工作者进行了大量的 理论探讨与工作实践。

  • Under these conditions 9.43 % ( v / v ) ethanol were produced which was 91.0 % of the glucose theoretical yield .

    在此发酵条件下可从161%的糖液中得到943%(v/v)的酒精,达到葡萄糖 理论 转化 的910%。

  • All these could provide theoretical basis to study high yield spring maize by high efficient technical ways and its multi cropping systems

    为开发春玉米 高产高效技术途径及其 提高多熟制生产效益提供 理论依据

  • The infinite dilution activity coefficient γ ∞ was measured by specific retention volume method through gas chromatography and the theoretical yield was calculated by using the least square regression method .

    通过气相色谱比保留体积法测定了顺丁烯二酸酐在有机溶剂中的无限稀释活度系数γ∞,采用最小二乘法回归得顺丁烯二酸酐的 理论 收率

  • In this study comprehensive nutritional value the theoretical yield carrying capacity nutritional carrying capacity of 18 kinds of the main types of native grassland herbage were researched in Xinghai and Tongde county Hainan Prefecture of the Origin of Three Rivers .

    本论文对三江源区兴海、 同德两县十八种主要草地类型天然牧草综合营养价值、 产量载畜量、营养载畜量进行了系统研究。

  • In this way all the substrates could be converted into a single product isomer with a100 % theoretical yield .

    动态拆分技术在 理论上可以获得 产率100%的光学纯的单一对映异构体。

  • Theoretical calculation of quantum yield for exponential-doping GaAs photocathodes

    指数掺杂GaAs光电阴极量子 效率 理论计算

  • For ASP-1 and ASP-2 catalysts the yield of dioxane can be over 90 % of theoretical yield with 2 and 2 . 5g cat . per mole diethylene glycol . 4 . Result determination standard ;

    ASP-1和ASP-2催化剂用量为2-2.5g(以每摩尔一缩乙二醇计),在180&200℃反应2小时,1二氧六环的产率达 理论 产率的90%。

  • A review on theoretical models and development of yield analysis in crop production system

    论作物生产系统 产量分析的 理论模式及其发展

  • Based on the fundamental theoretics of material science mechanics thermodynamics and physics the theoretical formulas for yield stress and elongation of materials have been derived in this paper that they are difficult problems in material science and metal forging technology .

    本文根据材料学、力学、热力学以及物理学的基本知识,推导出了材料和压力加工等学科领域中的两个重要难题,即材资的 屈服应力和延伸率的 理论解析式。

  • The ' hydantoinase method ' can be used for the production of D-amino acid with 100 % theoretical yield .

    利用海因酶法生产D-氨基酸 理论上可以达到100%的 纯度

  • The study provide the theoretical base for high yield facility cultivation of Golden sun apricot .

    为金太阳杏 高产设施栽培提供 理论依据。