thermal incinerator

[ˈθɚməl ɪnˈsɪnəˌretɚ][ˈθə:məl ɪnˈsɪnəˌreɪtə]


  • A new idea of applying HTAC to MSW incinerator is brought to light in this paper and detailed analysis has also been made on the thermal characteristics of HTAC application in MSW incinerator .

    文章提出了将高温空气燃烧技术应用在城市垃圾 焚烧 上的新方法,并对该技术进行了相应的 热工分析。

  • Greater unit capacity flexible operation installation of two CLAUS units one SCOT unit one tail gas thermal incinerator and one tail gas catalytic incinerator .

    装置规模大,操作灵活,设两套克劳斯硫回收,一套斯科特尾气处理,一套尾气 焚烧和一套尾气催化焚烧装置。

  • Thermal Calculation Method on Incineration of Organic Liquid Waste and Influence Aspects on Auxiliary Fuel Consumed in Fluidized Bed Incinerator Analysis of the Blocking up of Waste-hent Boiler Tubes of Wastewater Incinerator and Countermeasures

    有机废液 流化床 焚烧 热力计算及辅助燃料耗量的影响因素丙烯腈废水焚烧炉余热锅炉积灰分析及处理方法