therapeutic fever

[ˌθɛrəˈpjutɪk ˈfivɚ][ˌθerəˈpju:tɪk ˈfi:və]

[医] 治疗性发热,发热疗法

  • Clinical Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Cooling by Traditional Chinese Medicine Scrape Bath for High Fever Patients

    速冲中药粉擦浴降温对 高热患者的临床 疗效观察

  • Objective To compare therapeutic effects of auricular acupuncture and body acupuncture on hay fever .

    目的:对比耳针与体针治疗 花粉 疗效

  • Therapeutic effect of concentrated blood platelet on serious epidemic hemorrhagic fever

    浓缩血小板治疗重症流行性 出血热 疗效 观察

  • Observation on therapeutic effect of Motrin Suspension and Compound Aminopyrine Injection for treating child high fever in 100 cases

    美林混悬液与复方氨基比林注射液治疗小儿 高热100例 疗效观察

  • Objective : To observe the therapeutic efficacy of combined use of mannitol fu fang da cheng qi decoction and lipid emulsion in treating hemorrhagic fever renal syndrome ( HFRS ) with severe oliguria .

    目的:观察甘露醇、复方大承气汤和脂肪乳联用治疗肾综合征 出血热(HFRS)重度少尿期患者的 疗效

  • Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of blood purification for hemorrhagic fever with renal syndromes ( HFRS ) with acute renal failure .

    结论早期血液净化是 救治肾综合征 出血热急性肾功能衰竭的有效 治疗 手段

  • Comparison of Therapeutic Efficacy of Nimesulide and Ibuprofen on Treatment of Children 's High Fever

    尼美舒利与布洛芬治疗儿童高热的 疗效比较尼斯河畔亚布洛 内茨

  • Observation of Therapeutic Effect of Qingkailing Plus HTI on High Fever Resulting from Large Cerebral Infarction

    清开灵联合颅脑降温仪 治疗大面积脑梗死 高热的效果观察

  • To evaluate the therapeutic effects of cefoperazone on the typhoid fever in children 68 cases of typhoid fever were randomly diveded into two groups in order to compare the effects of cefoperazone and that of amikacin sulfate .

    为评价头孢哌酮 治疗小儿 伤寒 疗效,对68例小儿伤寒病例随机分组对照观察头孢哌酮与丁胺卡那霉素的疗效。

  • The Causes Features and Therapeutic Methods of Dampness - Heat in Post - Craniotomy Fever Patients

    颅脑术后 发热中湿热的成因特点及 治疗

  • Results The intravenous drip of hypothermal liquid showed a significant therapeutic effect on the 60 cases of burn and high fever ( P < 0.05 ) . The effective rate is 100 % .

    结果静脉滴注低温液体对60例烧伤 高热有差异,体温均下降至 38.5℃,滴注前后体温变化有显著性(P<0.05),有效率为100%。

  • Long-term therapeutic effect of portacaval shunt in treatment of advanced schistosomiasis The causes and management of fever after splenectomy with advanced schistosomiasis

    晚期血吸虫病脾静脉-下腔静脉分流术 远期效果晚期血吸虫病脾切除术后 发热原因探讨及处理

  • Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Combined Treatment with Interleukin-2 and Mannitol on 40 Cases of Hemorrhagic Fever with Nephrotic Syndrome

    白介素-2与甘露醇联合 治疗 发热期肾综合征 出血热40例观察

  • Objective To discuss the therapeutic effect of Qingkailing injection which was made from traditional Chinese drugs plus head temperature-decreasing instrument ( HTI ) on high fever resulting from large cerebral infarction .

    目的探讨 清开灵联合颅脑降温仪(HTI)治疗大面积脑梗死(LCI) 高热的效果。

  • Cost-minimization Analysis of 2 Therapeutic Schemes in the Empirical Treatment for Patients with Neutropenia and Fever

    2种 用药方案经验性治疗中性粒细胞缺乏伴 发热的最小成本分析

  • Therapeutic effect of ibuprofen suspension for infants suffering from acute infection accompanied by high fever

    布洛芬混悬液治疗婴幼儿急性感染伴 高热 疗效分析

  • Objective : To observe therapeutic effect of blood-letting at acupoint on high fever of wind-heat type .

    目的:观察针刺放血治疗外感风热型 高热 疗效