


  • Study on the aging of stator insulation of large generators using thermoanalysis

    大型发电机主绝缘老化的 分析研究

  • The thermoanalysis results combined with carborundum brick performance tests will do much help to determine boiler starting mode heating rate and temperature reduction conditions in order to guarantee the safety of fireproof brick wall and even the boiler .

    上述结合碳化硅砖性能测定的 工程 分析结果对 实际确定 增压锅炉启动方式、升温速率和降温模式,以保证耐火砖墙乃至锅炉的安全有 重要 参考 价值

  • Distinction for different places of origin tea by thermoanalysis

    不同产地茶叶的 分析鉴别

  • The curves of thermoanalysis ( D. T. A. and T.G. )

    分析曲线( D.T.A.和T.G.)

  • The study of the stability is conducted of the zero oxygen equilibrium composition system of organics ( such as silicone oil triethyl phosphate wood powder and cane sugar ) and ammonium nitrate by the DSC thermoanalysis and the detonator susceptibility determination method .

    以DSC 分析和雷管感度测定方法研究了硅油、磷酸三乙酯、木粉、蔗糖等有机物与硝酸铵按照零氧平衡组成体系的稳定性。

  • Static and dynamic mechanical performances were measured by Instron - 6022 tensile equipment and DMTA V dynamic thermoanalysis equipment .

    利用静态 拉伸实验和动态力学 分析对样品的力学性能进行了测试。

  • Study on fire-retardation mechanism of fire retardant FRW by thermoanalysis

    分析法研究木材阻燃剂 FRW的阻燃机理

  • Synthesis and Thermoanalysis of Poly ( arylimine ) with Novel Structure

    新型结构聚芳亚胺的合成与 性能 分析

  • Study of the Reducibility of NiCo 2O 4 Spinel Catalyst by Thermoanalysis

    分析 研究 NiCo2O4尖晶石型催化剂的还原特性

  • Thermoanalysis Study on the Complex of Bis 1 - ( 2-Thienyl ) - 4 Butanedione-1 w_1320 Copper (ⅱ) and its Adducts with Some Solvent Molecules

    二1-(2-噻吩基)-4三氟丁二酮-1w_1343合铜(Ⅱ)及其某些溶剂加合物的 分析研究

  • Thermoanalysis for dried ginger powder

    干姜粉末的 分析 研究

  • Element analysis infrared absorption thermoanalysis and crystal structure of POM : TNP were determined .

    晶体进行元素分析和 分析;测定了晶体的红外光谱和晶体结构;

  • The permselectivity change was caused by the structure of crosslinking agent and was confirmed by the thermoanalysis of crosslinked membrane .

    交联膜的 分析结果进一步证实了交联 结构对选择分离性能的影响。

  • Synthesis and Thermoanalysis of Comb-Polystyrene Epoxy-Ether Polyurethane

    梳型聚苯乙烯环氧醚聚氨酯合成与 分析

  • Thermoanalysis and studies on the visco-elastic properties of conductive polyaniline

    导电聚苯胺的 分析及粘弹性能研究

  • Study on the thermoanalysis of polymeric matrixes frictional materials

    摩阻材料聚合物基体的 分析研究

  • Study on Thermostability of Nuclear Fuel by Thermoanalysis Method

    核燃料热 行为 分析研究

  • The main research includes the thermoanalysis and calculation of evaporator respectively adopting the separated region model and the node model and the parametric drawing of the evaporator by using Visual Lisp .

    针对 不同的研究 目的,分别采用分段模型与节点模型对蒸发器进行了 热力 分析与计算,并使用VISUALLISP对蒸发器进行参数化绘图。

  • Thermoanalysis of Thrust Magnetic Bearing with Solid Magnet

    实心磁铁推力磁轴承 分析

  • Application of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor in Anti-Explosion Robot Based on Thermoanalysis

    基于 分析的永磁直流电动机在排爆机器人上的 极限应用

  • Study on the Precursor Composition of CuO-ZnO-CrO_X-Al_2O_3 Catalyst and Decomposition Behavior by Thermoanalysis Method

    CuO-ZnO-CrO X-Al2O3催化剂前驱体组成及分解的 分析研究

  • The Process of Gardenia Pigment Extraction and its Thermoanalysis

    栀子黄色素的提取工艺及 分析

  • Studies on the Joined Device of Microreactor-Gas Chromatography-Differential Thermoanalysis and the Kinetics of Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethanol to Acetaldehyde over Silver Catalysts

    微反-色谱 -DTA联合装置及乙醇催化氧化脱氢反应动力学的研究