thermal field

[ˈθɚməl fild][ˈθə:məl fi:ld]


  • The principle of dynamic matrix control ( DMC ) was studied and the application of DMC algorithm on the temperature control system for thermal field of single crystal growth fumace was given too .

    研究了动态矩阵控制(DMC)算法在单晶炉 温度控制系统中的应用。

  • Numerical Simulation of Thermal Field of Roadbed under Cement Concrete Pavement in Permafrost Region

    多年冻土区水泥混凝土路面下冻土路基 温度 数值分析

  • Calculate Thermal Field and Analyze Structural Field for Binary Cooling Turbine Blades

    双工质冷却涡轮叶片 温度 计算与强度分析

  • Transient Thermal Field Simulation Method of Relay Contacts Breaking Process

    继电器触点分断过程瞬态 仿真方法

  • Numerical Simulation of Thermal Field in Grain Store Based on Monitoring Data

    基于监测数据的粮仓 温度 数值仿真

  • Traditionally the multi-field couplings in rock masses designate the coupled processes among stress field seepage field thermal field and chemical field .

    岩体多场耦合通常指岩体应力场、渗流场、 温度 及化学场之间的相互影响和相互作用。

  • Marc . are used to analyze the thermal field and simulate the temperature field of the mold .

    Marc对温压模具进行 分析,模拟了模具的温度场状况。

  • Calculation on Magnetic Field and Thermal Field of Permanent Magnet Motor with High Power Density

    高功率密度永磁电机磁场与 温度 计算

  • The ablated volume and the thermal field distribution in swine vertebral body created by multi-polar radiofrequency ablation : an experiment in vitro

    离体猪椎体多极射频消融范围及 分布

  • The flow field and thermal field of three kinds of fluid systems are characterized .

    论述了三类流体系统的流场和 温度 基本特征。

  • Landsat TM-Based Factor Analysis of Urban Thermal Field in Macau

    基于LANDSATTM的澳门城市 影响因素分析

  • Eddy current brake Permanent magnet Water-cooled Thermal field ;

    涡流制动;永久磁铁;水冷; 温度

  • Temperature Control Strategy Based on Thermal Field of Non-complete Closure

    基于非完全封闭 的温度控制策略研究

  • Numerical simulation and experiment of thermal field in mould heating systerm of rubber injecting machine

    橡胶注射机模具加热系统 温度 数值模拟与实验研究

  • Flexspline Stress Analysis Considering Thermal Field Effect by FEM

    考虑 温度 影响的柔轮应力有限元分析

  • Influence of Contact Resistance on Stator Thermal Field of Asynchronous Motor

    接触热阻对异步电动机定子 温度 影响分析

  • Numerical Analysis on the Coupling of Thermal Field and Stress Field in the Shield Tunnel Segment under Fire

    火灾下盾构隧道管片衬砌 热力耦合数值分析

  • Electromagnetic Field and Thermal Field Coupling Analysis of Brushless DC Motor

    动态电磁环境模拟器无刷直流电动机电磁场- 耦合分析

  • Research on the Model of 3D Nonlinear Transient Thermal Field of Asphalt Pavement

    沥青路面结构非线性瞬态三维 温度 模型研究

  • Evolution of Entanglement for Two Atoms Interacting with a Thermal Field

    单模 中两原子的纠缠演化动力学

  • A thermal field model of a solenoid magnet is built in this paper .

    建立了螺管电磁铁的 温度 模型。

  • Effect of arc power on thermal field characteristics of laser + gmaw-p hybrid welding

    电弧功率对Laser+GMAW-P复合热源焊 特征的影响

  • Study of stator thermal field for large permanent magnet synchronous wind power generator

    大型永磁同步风力发电机定子 温度 研究

  • The effect of thermal property on the stress distribution in solar panel in thermal field is studied analytically .

    文章利用解析法研究了 材料热膨胀 系数温度 中太阳电池板最大应力的影响。

  • Secondly thermal field distribution of the new type of mould in work process is analyzed .

    其次,分析了成型模具在工作过程中的 分布情况。

  • It was suggested to consider the effect of natural wind on thermal field under embankment with block stones layer .

    因此,对于 温度 的计算,建议考虑块石路基中风的强迫对流作用。

  • This method can effectively reduce the cost of the transformer design and thus can be used in the analysis of electromagnetic and thermal field distribution .

    该方法可有效减少变压器的设计成本,也可以对已运行的设备进行电磁场和 分布的分析。

  • A Remote Sensing Image-Based Study of the Environmental Effects of Urban Thermal Field in Chongqing

    基于遥感影像的重庆市城市 环境效应研究

  • Analysis of Thermal Field and Research on Simulation Techniques of the Airborne Chassises

    机载电子设备机箱的 分析与仿真技术研究