


  • However the theorization of language facts is an exploration and study process which is the cross-mixed and repeated .

    然而,语言事实的 理论 是一个探索与研究更迭交错、反反复复的过程。

  • The quasilinearization method can be further recognized through these theorization and discussion . This will further allow you to customize your security translation .

    从而对拟线性 法有更进一步的认识。这将进一步允许您自定义安全性转换。

  • After stages of theorization and legalization legislation hearings are being practiced and idealized .

    立法听证已经走过了 理论 和法律化阶段,现在正在经历着实践化和理念化。

  • However this aestheticism can not be considered as a mature formalism whose theorization would be the work of Russian formalism New Criticism and structuralism .

    形式主义的 理论 科学 任务是由俄国形式主义、英美新批评及结构主义共同完成的。

  • In the meantime a good teaching evaluating system can be established and make the teaching experience theorization .

    同时建立起良好的教学评价机制,能使教学经验 理论

  • The present paper makes a discussion from the perspective of function and theorization of physical education and puts forward several suggestions of carrying out physical and mental health and development in step in college education reform .

    本文则从体育教育的功能和 理论等方面进行论述,提出了实施身心健康、协调发展的大学体育教育改革的设想。

  • This paper uses below research methods : theorization analysis comparative studies and summarize .

    本文主要采用的研究方法是: 理论分析、比较研究和归纳。

  • Mature and master theorization is in general implied organic and relying on the classical approach rather than explicit dogmatic and lavishing on the scientific one . The scientists have great hopes for rice-based vaccines as a way to protect large populations against mucosal infections .

    成熟和高超的 理论 是隐含的而非明示的,有机的而非教条的,倚重经典方法而非滥用社会科学。科学家非常期望稻米疫苗能作为保护大人口数量的方法。

  • As the theorization of historical inevitability logic will turn to reality in the process of history .

    逻辑作为 理论 的历史必然性,也将在历史进程中 完成向现实性的转化。

  • Around Liberation they were both strongly opposed to mechanism and dogmatism in theorization conceptualism and formulation in production and denominationalism in organization .

    他们在解放前和解放初,反对 理论上的机械论和 教条主义,反对创作上的概念化和公式化,反对组织上的宗派主义。

  • His attitude of negating theorization approaches completely is extreme and unilateral .

    他彻底否定 美学 理论 的方法,是极端和片面的。

  • This article cast back the theorization and systematism course of the science of urban management from viewpoint of academic history ;

    本文从学术史的角度,追溯了城市管理科学的 理论 、体系化进程;

  • He opposed using the approaches of theorization in aesthetic research and advocated description .

    他反对美学研究中 理论 的方法,而提倡描述的方法。

  • From this we may say that the extent of systematization and theorization of its civil rights view are not high .

    由此可以说,其民权观系统化、 理论 程度不高。

  • In the view of science-knowledge the characteristics of knowledge are theorization closing and objectivity .

    科学知识观视野下知识的特征主要是 理论性、封闭性、客观性。

  • Through precise theorization and extensive experimentation Yu-fen Zhao and Pei-sheng Cao proved that the origin and life was N-phosphoryl histidine .

    赵玉芬和曹培生用严密的 理论和大量的实验结果证明:磷酰化氨基酸是生命起源的种子。

  • To acquire the capability in collection analyses verification theorization and integration of data with Processes & Modules .

    具有流程及模式的资料搜集、分析、验证、 推论及整合能力。

  • Different answers to these two questions have led to different developments in linguistic theorization .

    对于这两个问题的不同回答导致了不同的语言学 理论的发展。

  • But there are also many limitations such as lacking in theorization and profundity because of personal competencies and professional knowledge .

    此外, 结语中还阐述了由于个人能力与专业知识所 导致 论文 理论性与深刻性不足的局限之处。

  • Marx had to some extent discussed the problems of aesthetics and ideology in some of his works but did not give a systematic theorization on them .

    在审美与意识形态问题上, 尽管马克思提出了问题,但他并没有进行系统的论述和 表达

  • In fact to be objective translation is actually an activity which stresses practice . However the theorization and systematization of the translation research are really of great help to translation practice .

    其实,客观地说,翻译确实是&件非常注重实践的事情,但是,翻译研究的 理论 和系统化对翻译实践的帮助也是 不可 的。

  • However owing to the unique historical and social conditions at its early spread Christianity has for the most part adopted a form of theorization .

    但由于其传播之初独特的历史条件和社会条件,基督教在很大程度上采取了 理论 的形式。

  • The theoretical framework of foreign social work assessment not only formulates a systematic schema for training and practice but also sets up a path for the theorization of experience .

    国外社会工作评估的理论架构不但为系统培训和实务工作的开展提供了可 遵循的框架,而且为 实务经验的累积和 理论 提供了一个条理 清晰的路径。

  • Although the long history of English use in China the concept has still been an issue which has been provided a foundation by the theorization of World English .

    尽管英语在中国的使用已经有很长一段历史,其概念仍然颇有争议。世界英语的 理论 为中国英语的研究提供了基础。