thermal accumulator

[ˈθɚməl əˈkjumjəˌletɚ][ˈθə:məl əˈkju:mjuleitə]

[机] 蓄热器

  • Performance of Thermal Accumulator within Closed Space in Regulating Temperature and Relative Humidity of Indoor Air

    封闭空间 蓄热 对室内空气温湿度调节性能

  • Described the role of thermal accumulator in load adjustment of boiler and waste heat utilization of Industrial Furnace etc and its working principle and design ideas .

    阐述了 蓄热 在锅炉负荷调节和工业窑炉等余热综合利用项目中的作用,以及其工作原理和设计思路。