

[化] 噻吩甲酰三氟丙酮

  • The adduct behavior of Eu (ⅲ) 2 thenoyltrifluoroacetone ( HTTA ) complex with neutral organophosphorus extractant s ( S ) i. e.

    研究了Eu(Ⅲ)2 噻吩 丙酮(HTTA)二元萃合物在不同稀释剂中与中性磷萃取剂(S)的加合行为。

  • Study on the ternary complexes of lanthanide ions with pyridine derivatives and Thenoyltrifluoroacetone

    镧系离子与吡啶类 氧化物 噻吩 丙酮三元配合物

  • Studies on higher derivative absorption spectra of the complexes of rare earths ⅱ . determination of neodymium holmium erbium and thulium in mixed rare earths by third derivative spectrophotometry with Thenoyltrifluoroacetone

    稀土络合物的导数吸收光谱研究Ⅱ、 噻吩 丙酮三阶导数分光光度法 直接测定混合稀土中钕、钬、铒、铥

  • Study on the effect of diluents on the synergistic extraction of eu (ⅲ) with 2 Thenoyltrifluoroacetone and neutral organophosphorus extractants
